
Why does "hanging sheep's head and selling duck meat" show off the food festival?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, When melamine milk, Sudan salted eggs, formalin jellyfish skin, clenbuterol, black cotton and so on have just converged, other food counterfeiting has followed-fake mutton has taken over the baton of food fraud and is rampant in the market. According to people in the industry,

When melamine milk, Sudan salted eggs, formalin jellyfish skin, clenbuterol, black cotton and so on have just converged, other food counterfeiting has followed-fake mutton has taken over the baton of food fraud and is rampant in the market.

According to reports from industry insiders, a reporter from Yangcheng Evening News recently found that in some frozen products wholesale markets and "food festivals," some meat sold under the sign of "sheep" had nothing to do with sheep, but quite a portion of it was duck meat.

In the past, people often used the term "selling dog meat with a sheep's head" to describe incorrect goods, inconsistencies and cunning deceit. But this statement is out of date, because today's dog meat is more expensive than mutton, and if you still sell dog meat with a sheep's head, the seller will lose money.

However, profiteers will not rigidly adhere to the saying that what kind of meat to sell with a sheep's head is determined by the price of the market. Nowadays, duck is cheaper than mutton, so it begins to "hang sheep's head to sell duck".

According to a source familiar with the mutton market, duck costs only 4 yuan per jin, which is equivalent to 1/7 of mutton. The huge price difference profit attracts some meat sellers to start the business of replacing sheep with ducks. Many "lamb kebabs" and "lamb chops" are mostly substitutes for impersonating sheep names.

These fake mutton are not only sold in roadside stalls and street shops, but also openly hawked at various "food festivals". With their fake and cheap products, they drive away the real mutton with high prices, turning the "food festival" into a "fake festival".

According to reports, more than 2000 large and small food festivals are held in various parts of Guangdong every year, and a stall will have to pay a fee of several thousand yuan to enter the market. The admission fee for the more famous ones is as high as 10,000 yuan. 20% of the income of 30% of the income of the food festival will be handed over to the organizers of the food festival. Holding a food festival can often earn about one million yuan. If you can collect money on the ground like this, the organizer just collects the money, so how can you have the intention to tell whether it is true or false? Since many "food festivals" are sponsored or administered by the government, it is even more inconvenient for regulators to check fake food festivals.

But even if someone investigates, some bosses suspected of fraud can act as if nothing had happened. A boss who runs "lamb chop roast" argues brazenly that "lamb chop roast" does not necessarily have sheep, it is just a name, just like "hot dog" without a dog, "pipa leg" without a pipa, and "old lady cake" without a "wife".

According to this logic, any name can not live up to its name: ribs rice can be without ribs, woolen sweaters without wool, and gold necklaces without real gold. When hotel merchants sell these things to this "lamb chop roast", they can remove the previous attributes.

Of course, in the eyes of profiteers, there is no need for any logic except to make money. But now counterfeiters are not afraid of counterfeiters, which is beyond our normal logic-they should have run away like mice and cats, but they are not afraid. why on earth?

It is said that today's mice are really not afraid of cats, because some cats have been fattened by their owners, or have established friendly relations with mice, or there are so many mice that they have long been numb to them. Cats no longer have the incentive to catch mice.

At present, fake "rats" have taken a fancy to the opportunity of "cat-and-mouse win-win" brought about by gourmet energy conservation, and there are so many big and bad holidays that regulators have no time to pay attention to "little mice" before they dare to sell fake mutton in this way. and even swagger into the official food festival.

High profits and low risks have always been the gospel of profiteers. Encouraged by this "gospel", Guangzhou, a city named "Sheep City", is expected to see few real sheep at the food festival.

Although duck meat does not contain toxins like chemical additives such as melamine and Sudan, fraud is a credit toxin; chemical toxins poison some people, while credit toxins poison the credit system of society as a whole.

When the credit system completely collapses, profiteers replace real sheep with live ducks today and may replace mutton with dead duck meat tomorrow. At this point, each of us may become a "scapegoat" for weak regulation.