
A few small ways the leaves of Tongqian grass are as big as lotus leaves.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The leaves are adorable, and the leaves are like round copper coins, implying that money is rolling in. Many friends like to keep a pot at home or in the office and put it in any container, which can be cultivated in water or soil.

The leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia are cute, and the leaves are like round copper coins, implying that money is rolling in. Many friends like to keep a pot at home or in the office and put it in any container. It can be cultivated in water or soil, and it is a versatile potted plant.

Copper money grass is easy to raise, as long as there is enough light and moisture, you can easily raise the pot, why do you always raise it to death?

When it is first bought, it is usually cultivated in the flowerpot soil, which is very hard yellow soil, which is not easy to water through and easy to dry after being watered through. therefore, it is not possible to use this kind of yellow soil to raise copper grass, if you do not change the pot, after a month, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of slow growth of leaves, or even dried leaves.

So when we buy it back, we have to change the basin in time, using loose and breathable soil, peat soil and garden soil, and river sand can be mixed and used.

When changing the basin, it is best to soak the yellow soil to reduce the damage to the root system. If the leaf does not grow well, you can shave its head and leave only the root system. Spread the root system on the loose soil and cover it with a layer of soil. Do not be too deep, water thoroughly, put it in a place of astigmatism, small buds will emerge in a week, and will grow very exuberantly in a month later.

In the growing period of Rabdosia angustifolia, thin fertilizer and water are applied twice a month, organic fertilizer based on nitrogen fertilizer or a few compound fertilizers, thin fertilizer is applied frequently, only when it grows is exuberant.

Be sure to keep enough light. There can be no shortage of water.

It can also be raised by half-water and half-soil or hydroponic culture. Some flower friends put copper grass into a large vat and often pour a little thin fat water. The leaves are as big as lotus leaves and burst the vat.