
The existing land system is the advantage of China's future development.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I also discussed this issue during a meeting with Mr. Wen in Wuhan two days ago. Mr. Wen is really a good man and very tolerant, so it doesn't matter if you have different views during the discussion. Many problems are viewed from different angles, and its conclusions are completely different. My knot.

I also discussed this issue during a meeting with Mr. Wen in Wuhan two days ago. Mr. Wen is really a good man and very tolerant, so it doesn't matter if you have different views during the discussion. Many problems are viewed from different angles, and its conclusions are completely different. My conclusion and teacher Wen's conclusion are basically the opposite.

As Mr. Wen said just now, the main reason for the current problems in China is that our reform does not meet the definition of market economy and urbanization. How to define urbanization? What is the definition of market economy? Although there are international standards, China's development is the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the purpose of our development is to achieve a hundred years of national wealth and a strong people. Teacher Wen also said that now we have not tried a lot of development, which is really a little strange. Over the past 30 years, China has created achievements in economic development that have attracted worldwide attention and realized China's dream of becoming rich and powerful for a century. I believe members will not doubt that after double-digit growth over the past 30 years, we have all relied on systems that do not exist in the world, lack of common sense and must be changed, including the land system. This is very tangled, but this entanglement is not put forward by the teacher Wen, but is very entangled in today's academic and ideological circles and even policy circles, including the general media. On the one hand, our economy has developed rapidly and created miracles. On the other hand, our miracles are created in the context of very wrong, lack of common sense, and do not meet the definition, so this is very strange.

So this involves the way we look at the problem, and there are two angles from which we have achieved these achievements. First, the reason for these achievements is that over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, we have constantly improved wrong and inappropriate systems and systems, and we have changed the old systems to achieve good ones, so as to achieve good development. But from another point of view, the reason why China is able to create world miracles and maintain unprecedented double-digit growth for 30 years, then we can create miracles. Miracles can not be solved only by universal values, general rules, and breaking away from the adjustment of time and space. This shows that there are some differences between our system and others, and this constitutes China's unique development model and a system that creates miracles in the world.

In my opinion, it is the current system that is different from other countries in the world, perhaps the lack of common sense system mentioned by teacher Wen, including the construction land system and the land system, which makes China's construction work miracles. In terms of land in China, one is the new democratic regime, and the other is socialist transformation. These two articles formed the unique system of eliminating private ownership of land and private owners of land in China today. This is very different from the mainstream capitalist countries and other ordinary countries, it is the heritage of socialism. Does such a legacy play a positive or negative role today? This requires a specific analysis.

Since the land system has created miracles and there are no obvious disadvantages at present, we should not act rashly and change the land system simply because it does not conform to the common sense of textbooks.

China now has a mode of thinking, that is, everything in China is backward, wrong, and needs to be reformed, but it has created miracles. There are two ways to say it is wrong, one is the left side and the other is the right side, all of which means that we have an ideal and error-free method. I think time is very complicated, there is right, there is wrong, there is complexity. No matter whether we look at the problem on the left or right, the existing concepts should be changed. But a conservative person often goes back to time and finds that the longer the time, the less self-confidence. Therefore, it is more meaningful for us to understand time and on this basis to see which part of the system is good and which part is bad. I personally think that the existing land system is not only an advantage for China's future development, but also an example of whether it can enter an advanced country in the future. When I look at reality, I have emotions and criticisms, whether from the left or from the right. But the longer it takes, the more we find that we simplify complex problems when we look at them. Since 2009, I have written four books in a row, all related to the logic of land. The fifth book related to it, who is the Peasant, will soon be published. which farmer are you talking about? Which countryside? The situation is very complicated. If we do not look at it in practice, we will certainly find the dislocation of the concept. I survey farmers every day in a research center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and I have an understanding of the complexity of the countryside. So let's talk about the rationality of our current land system, including the farmland system and the construction land system.

The current farmland system in China is based on household contract, which emphasizes that the collective has the ownership of the land and farmers have the right to contract and manage the land. Such a farmland system is mainly manifested in three aspects:

First, the current farmland system has formed a very common labor production mode of half-work and half-farmers in China. For example, in China's rural areas today, 70% of peasant families have a division of labor. Older parents farm at home, younger children work in cities, and a peasant family has agricultural income and working income. The elderly in rural areas have income, employment, interpersonal relationships, meaning of life, independent economy and places to entertain themselves, so the cost of living in rural areas is very low. For a peasant family, if there are two incomes and only relatively small expenses, his quality of life is higher and the reproduction of labor force is relatively smooth. At the same time, the key reason why China can become the factory of the world and create the miracle of China's development is to produce a large number of high-quality labor on the basis of replacing the division of labor. This cheap labor does not have to be cheap. But today, there is no reason for China to succeed for no reason. This is the result of half-ploughing and half-working of our farmland system, which is very important.

Second, the current land system provides the possibility for farmers who fail to enter the city to return to their hometown. In China's current economic development zone, farmers want to live a decent life in cities, regardless of body or soul need sense of security. Young people have the advantage of employment and income when they go to the city. They have no problem going to the city, but can they bring their parents and brothers to the city? Can I take my children to the city? Parents can not bring in, brothers do not need to bring, some children in order to enjoy good educational resources brought into the city, the unit is older, no employment advantage, children also grow up, children's income can only support his children's children, you are old, your income in the city is very tight, the relationship is very tense, all the tension has been transferred to the elderly, the elderly can not create wealth for their children, die so early How can you live up to your children if you don't die? Therefore, we allow the peasants to go back, as long as they go back to the countryside, three mu of land is not important, but for the peasants who want to find a life-saving straw, it is very important to go back. Because he can combine his body with the land, there is no problem of food and clothing, and in the land production in the village, he can form social relations and obtain income and economic value.

Third, farmers who fail to enter the city can return home, which enables China to cope with the economic crisis. The world economic crisis occurred in 2008, the whole world is very nervous, China is also very nervous, in the world's 21 million unemployed people, do not have any income, government relief, these people will form social harm. But at the end of 2008, some farmers returned to the countryside and said that we could just take a break and go back to the countryside to have a rest after so many years of drifting in the city. Will there be an economic crisis in the future? China is bound to emerge. We hope to change from a middle-income country to a developed country. In more than 100 years, South Korea, which has a population of more than 40 million, has changed from a low-income country to a developed country. Why should China become a developed country? It is not clear whether China will eventually become a developed country. At this time, people who enter the city must be able to go back. If not, there will be not only slums, but also political and social instability in turn.

When I was in rural Guangxi, the peasants said that now the government should give us money as well as rights and interests. He said that only by fighting for greater collective rights could their small-scale farmers solve the problems of public services and co-production. The rights and interests he wants are not individual rights and interests, but the convenience of production. They want land to be a kind of grain and grow grain on a small scale. How can they get rich by relying on one mu of land divided into three parts? They want to shed tears, sweat and blood in agricultural production, and they need the ability to intervene collectively.

Let's talk about the problem of construction land, which is also very important. China's land system is the consequence of two revolutions, the first is a new stage of the capital class, and the other is socialist transformation. The legal order of the land system formed by the two revolutions is Article 43 of the Land Management Law, and any unit or individual must use state-owned land for construction. The meaning of the Land Management Law is that in the course of economic development and urban expansion, the state monopolizes the market of urban construction land, because the economic income of land attached to a specific location of economic development and urban expansion is returned to the public, which has nothing to do with peasant land. Our land, which has gone through two revolutions, is not privately owned but publicly owned.

Therefore, in our current land system, the value-added income from construction land transactions is transferred to land finance, and we use this part of the money for urban infrastructure construction, so as to build infrastructure. Today, the price of labor in China is higher than that in Southeast Asia or many developing countries. I think it is still higher, but why is China competitive? What the fuck? It is because our infrastructure is better than others. Where does this infrastructure come from? It is the part of the increase in land prices. Beijing is going to build an airport. In Daxing, the interests of farmers are damaged, so why are farmers so happy when they expropriate land? So in this sense, I think today when we criticize China's land system, we should consider whether to stand from the perspective of farmers or land users. At present, such a land system is not only the land system, the Chinese miracle is created by many factors, from a more conservative point of view, it is quite good. Do we still have to do utopia after all these years? Today, we should study the form of complex China. I think we can discuss it. Scholars can hold any point of view, but we must keep our views within the scope of discussion.