
To carry out a demonstration of Tian Tou market to facilitate farmers to sell agricultural products

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on comprehensively deepening Rural Reform and speeding up Agricultural Modernization (Zhongfa (2014) No. 1) proposed to support the construction of collection markets and distribution centers for small-scale agricultural products in producing areas. The Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and other 13 ministries and commissions

"some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on comprehensively deepening Rural Reform and speeding up Agricultural Modernization" (Zhongfa (2014) No. 1) put forward "supporting the construction of small-scale agricultural products collection markets and distribution centers in producing areas". The Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and other 13 ministries and commissions jointly issued the "guiding opinions on further strengthening the Construction of the National Agricultural products Market system," clearly "planning and building a number of national, regional and rural Tiantou and other producing areas." In 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture launched the demonstration of Tian Tou market. On the basis of practical experience and full investigation, it explored the construction and operation mode of Tian Tou market together with local agricultural departments, and achieved some results and experience, but it is not yet mature. Further exploration, practice and summary are needed in order to promote the construction of Tantou market and help the main body of agricultural production and operation to achieve "transport, storage, sale and profit". We will improve the circulation efficiency of agricultural products.

Tian Tou market is an effective means to serve farmers and market agricultural products nearby.

As social capital and financial investment have been concentrated in the construction of urban land sales market for many years, the problems of producing market, especially Tian Tou market, such as insufficient quantity, uneven distribution, simple facilities and single function have become increasingly prominent. it has become the weakest link in the market system of agricultural products in our country. Under the urgent needs of the majority of agricultural operators, various localities have explored and built a number of Tian Tou markets, which have been positively responded to and generally recognized by farmers and dealers.

First, it is convenient for farmers to sell. Without the Tian Tou market, farmers have to set out in the early hours of the morning and run more than ten kilometers or more to the wholesale market to sell agricultural products. when the market is built to Tian Tou in the village, farmers spend a few minutes going to the market to understand the price and purchase standards. as soon as they go back and pick it up and sell it, it will not delay the farm work, but also save transportation costs.

The second is to promote high quality and high price. In the Tian Tou transaction, dealers know more about the production process and products of farmers, and can choose to buy good products at high prices to achieve value-added. Farmers can pick at the right time and choose to sell, which to a certain extent avoids the pressure of quality and price in the wholesale market. The realization of quality inspection and commercialization in Tian Tou market is conducive to the establishment of the brand. In Shouguang Apple Tian Tou market, the price of pollution-free apples sold on the market is higher than 0.3-0.5 yuan / kg.

The third is to dock the market information. Tian Tou market plays the function of information dissemination and to a certain extent strengthens farmers' bargaining position and pricing right in the market transaction. Guanshui and Liujiazhuang Fruit Wholesale Market in Muping District of Yantai City timely release the market purchase price through electronic display screen, which is beneficial for fruit growers to be in an equal position when negotiating prices with purchasers. At the same time, dealers can bring land sales market information to Tian Tou, to a certain extent, guide farmers to sell and fix production.

Fourth, reduce the loss of circulation. The establishment of cold storage and primary processing equipment for agricultural products in Tian Tou market can pre-cool agricultural products in time in the place of origin and reduce the circulation loss from the source. To achieve in the Tian Tou market to sales requirements of direct processing, packaging, avoiding the loss of bulk transport, multiple packaging.

Fifth, improve the efficiency of circulation. Through a series of commercialization of Tian Tou market, the standardization level of agricultural production and processing can be significantly improved. it lays the foundation for the development of new and efficient agricultural products trading methods and circulation modes, such as "agricultural super docking", "agricultural cooperative docking", auction trading and e-commerce.

The sixth is to promote industrial development. Tian Tou market realizes the effective docking of small-scale production and large market demand, which is conducive to the cultivation of local brands and promote the coordinated and sustainable development of agricultural products industry. Muping's fruit market registered the trademarks of "Yunlong Guoyuan" and "everywhere" for the products, obtained the A-level certification of green food, and promoted it in the form of billboards.

Strengthening the construction of Tian Tou market should be standardized and orderly

Over the past year, we have worked hard to explore the Tian Tou market promotion and development model in practice, improved the functions of product distribution, radiation drive, information dissemination and commercialization, and formed some ideas and good practices, but we need further research to gradually form a Tian Tou market construction and operation model suitable for different varieties, different regions and different conditions, give full play to its exemplary role, and promote the construction of Tian Tou market across the country. We will promote the innovation of farmers' marketing service mechanism.

Goal-Tian Tou market information service, logistics distribution, quality and safety testing ability has been significantly improved. Guide the formation of the prices of agricultural products in villages and towns by disclosing the production and marketing prices of relevant agricultural products throughout the country; through the collection and release of price, production, supply and demand, services, science and technology and other information through multiple channels, make the Tian Tou market become a platform for the collection, exchange and dissemination of field industrial information, provide real and effective information for farmers, solve the problem of information asymmetry, and guide farmers' production and trading. Through the centralized trading and commercialization of agricultural products from producing areas, the collection and batch trading of agricultural products can be realized.

Layout-Tian Tou market mainly deals with agricultural products with obvious demand for commercialization treatment, storage or processing of producing areas, such as fruits, vegetables and characteristic agricultural products. The village or town where the market is located has a high degree of production concentration, has formed a good market foundation, and the degree of organization of farmers is relatively high. The market should be able to radiate a certain distance and drive the sale of agricultural products in a certain area. In accordance with the principle of balanced development of the east, middle and west and moderate tilt to the west, we will carry out market demonstration of fruits, vegetables, aquatic products and characteristic agricultural products in the field.

Mechanism-according to the different main bodies of construction and operation, the construction and operation mechanism of Tian Tou market can be divided into three types: "public construction public", "public private construction" and "private private construction". The government should actively encourage the development of "public" and "public private" Tian Tou market, highlight the public welfare characteristics of Tian Tou market, let the local government lead the construction of Tian Tou market, and mobilize social capital investment. For the construction of markets with a high level of operation, the government can provide financial support for the construction of public welfare infrastructure such as site projects, information service systems, cold chains, quality and safety testing, and so on.

Focus-strengthen the market infrastructure according to the actual situation and needs of various localities Strive to achieve "a postharvest processing site, a set of rapid quality inspection facilities, a refrigerated warehouse, a simple trading hall shed, an electronic Zhongheng, a set of information collection and publication facilities" and "basic financial services", "brand cultivation of producing areas", "on-the-spot information services" and "cooperatives + brokers + farmers" operating mechanism. At the same time, on the basis of respecting the current trading and settlement methods, encourage and support the market to use modern information technology to speed up the promotion of electronic settlement.