
A brief Analysis of the current problems of Rural Land transfer

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With the change of the external environment of the operation of the rural system, the land system can no longer meet the needs of rural development. The third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee adopted the decision of the CPC Central Committee on several Major issues of promoting Rural Reform and Development.

With the change of the external environment of the operation of the rural system, the land system can no longer meet the needs of rural development. The third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee adopted the decision of the CPC Central Committee on promoting Rural Reform and Development, which pointed out that: in accordance with the principle of voluntary compensation in accordance with the law, farmers are allowed to transfer the right to contracted management of land in the form of subcontract, lease, exchange, transfer, share cooperation and so on. Develop various forms of moderate scale operation. Rural land transfer is to further deepen the reform of rural land contract system, which is conducive to the rational use of rural land resources. Rural labor transfer is the premise of rural land transfer, and land transfer is the result of rural labor transfer. Therefore, analyzing the current problem of rural land transfer from the perspective of rural surplus labor transfer plays a positive role in further promoting rural land transfer.

1 the relationship between rural land transfer and rural labor transfer

1.1 Rural land transfer promotes labor transfer

The contradiction between people and land is prominent in our country, and there are a large number of surplus labor force in rural areas. allowing the circulation of land contractual management rights can free some rural labor force from agricultural production and engage in other industries or go to work in cities. at the same time, it can also transfer land to operators and farming experts, so as to realize the optimal allocation of rural labor force according to the market law. First, the centralized development and management of scattered and fragmented land through land transfer is conducive to improving the degree of mechanization and labor productivity of agricultural production. At the same time, agricultural industrialization and large-scale operation after land transfer is also an important channel to absorb rural labor. Second, the land transfer has solved the problem of the shortage of agricultural labor in the families of migrant farmers. The separation of people and land of migrant farmers, land circulation avoids the abandonment and extensive management of land, and helps to liberate farmers from the shackles of land and transfer to the secondary and tertiary industries. Third, the income of migrant farmers has been increased through land transfer. Most of the land transfer does not change the land contract management relationship, and migrant farmers still retain the right of land contract management, which makes a large number of farmers feel at ease to go out to work. Land can be used as the last life and employment guarantee for migrant farmers. Fourth, engaging in labor-intensive agricultural production with high profitability and high added value through land transfer can maximize the orderly transfer of rural labor, especially when the return of a large number of migrant workers brings employment pressure to rural areas. Labor-intensive agriculture can absorb a large amount of labor, which is conducive to solving the social unrest that may be caused by the recession of export-oriented enterprises in China and the unemployment of a large number of migrant workers. Stabilize the hearts and minds of the people.

1.2 the degree of standardization and marketization of rural land circulation restricts the smooth transfer of labor force

The degree of standardization of land transfer is related to the clarity and stability of the relationship between rights and obligations of both sides of land transfer. Standardized land transfer can avoid disputes and make migrant farmers have no worries. The marketization of land transfer helps to reduce transaction costs, improve the income of land transfer, and increase the opportunities of land transfer. However, at this stage, a unified land transfer market has not been formed in rural areas, land transfer is still in the spontaneous stage, lack of effective market mechanism and intermediary organizations of land circulation, land circulation is mostly limited to villages, townships and other narrow areas, and the form of land transfer is relatively simple, so it is difficult to realize the optimal allocation of rural land resources in a larger range. The transfer procedure is not standard, the transfer, subcontract, lease and other transfer process does not sign the contract, only the oral agreement, resulting in the contract relationship is not clear, non-standard transfer contract hidden a large number of hidden dangers of disputes, each time the township and village governments have to spend a certain amount of manpower and material resources to mediate transfer disputes. The standardization and marketization of land transfer make migrant farmers unable to go out to work at ease.

2 difficulties and problems in land circulation

2.1 there is little room for farmers to go out for development, which restricts the transfer of surplus labor in rural areas.

First, the level of urbanization is not high and the ability to absorb labor force is limited. The level of urbanization reflects the degree of economic progress and the development of social civilization, which can measure the social development of a country or region. Throughout the development history of countries all over the world, with the development of industrialization and modernization, a large number of labor force has been transferred, and urbanization is the inevitable trend of social development. The level of urbanization in China is far lower than the world average, and the process of urbanization lags far behind other countries with the same degree of development. the level of urbanization is not compatible with the social and economic structure. Although the degree of lag before and after reform and opening up has been reduced, it is still higher than 50%. Therefore, the lag of the level of urbanization leads to insufficient supply of urban jobs, but also affects the development process of urbanization. The low level of urbanization highlights the characteristics of China's dual economy, and it is difficult for rural surplus labor to achieve full employment. Second, the education level of the labor force is low, and the situation of going out for employment is not optimistic. Although the number of rural labor force in our country is large, but the employment skills and cultural level are low, it is difficult to meet the needs of modern industries for employees, resulting in migrant farmers in the choice of industries and fields are at a disadvantage, the income is not high, employment is unstable and intermittent.

2.2 Farmers' awareness of circulation is not strong.

In the traditional concept of farming management, land is the lifeblood of farmers and the only means for farmers to obtain employment and survival. some farmers still regard contracted land as "living land" and employment "insurance field" after they are engaged in the secondary and tertiary industries. Some farmers misunderstand the land transfer policy, thinking that transferring out of the land means losing the right to contract, so some farmers are not willing to cultivate the land, but are not willing to give up the right to contract, but only transfer between relatives, neighbors and friends. as a result, it is difficult to produce and operate on a large scale, and it is also difficult to adjust the industrial structure. Or would rather idle abandoned land than long-term lease, there are some farmers even if there is not enough farmland is not willing to transfer to land, this concept has seriously hindered the process of land transfer.

2.3 the service system of agricultural land transfer is not perfect

At present, most of the transfer of contracted management rights of rural land is spontaneous transfer among farmers, mainly between neighbors, the scope is limited in the village, and there is little cross-regional mobility, which makes it very difficult for farmers who are willing to transfer their farmland to find the transferee. It is difficult to form an effective communication mechanism between supply and demand of agricultural land. The lack of intermediary services related to agricultural land transfer, such as evaluation and consultation, notarization and arbitration, also leads to the lack of a growth mechanism linked to the market for farmers' land transfer income. Third, the spontaneous land transfer among farmers is negotiated by themselves without going through the village community organization, which makes it difficult to clarify the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the land operators after the transfer, even if the contract is signed, the contract format is not standardized, and has not been examined, authenticated or notarized by the relevant management agencies, the content of the agricultural land transfer contract is lack of legal effect in many aspects, laying hidden dangers for the rights and interests disputes that may occur in the future.

2.4 Agricultural technology extension is in short supply

China's agricultural scale and industrialization have developed to a certain extent, but the overall level of the application of agricultural technology is not high. After the expansion of the production scale, agricultural products must be turned into commodities and exchanged on the market, so it is necessary to master the production technology of agricultural products. Increase output, improve quality, pay attention to packaging and other technologies. In some areas, the slow growth of land production and management efficiency has led to the low attractiveness of land to potential demanders, which has directly affected the demand of large farmers for transferred land, and the weak adjustment of agricultural structure. it also leads to the low income in the process of land transfer, which affects the enthusiasm of land contractors to transfer land.

3. Countermeasures and suggestions for promoting the healthy development of rural land transfer.

3.1 accelerate the transfer of surplus labor in rural areas

First, we should speed up the pace of urbanization and constantly create new posts. Some scholars have pointed out that according to the level of China's economic development, for every 1 percentage point increase in the level of urbanization, the number of employees can increase by more than 6%. The gradual transfer of rural surplus labor to modern economic sectors is the inevitable trend of industrialization and modernization. Industrial concentration is the premise of population concentration, and urbanization can not become an important channel to promote the transfer of rural labor force without the development of modern industry. in the process of cultivating urban industry, we should pay attention to the development of labor-intensive industries and increase new employment opportunities to provide more transfer space for rural surplus labor. The second is to develop labor-intensive industries and absorb rural surplus labor. Highly labor-intensive industries can provide great space for the employment of rural labor force. On the one hand, the development of the tertiary industry is less affected by the objective environment, less disturbed by external factors, relatively stable, and conducive to stable operation, and its requirements for the cultural skills and quality of the labor force are not as high as those of the secondary industry. this is consistent with the large number of rural labor force and the low level of education in our country, and it is an effective way to absorb the employment of rural surplus labor force. With the continuous improvement of the market economic system and the development of society, the accelerated development of rural tertiary industry will lead to the prosperity of commercial tourism, cultural entertainment, catering and other industries. On the other hand, the development of labor-intensive agriculture mainly refers to horticultural industry (including fruits, flowers, etc.), vegetable industry and animal husbandry industry, which generally costs more labor than small-scale agriculture characterized by arable land-intensive (wheat, corn, etc.). It can not only maximize the orderly transfer of rural labor, but also achieve agricultural specialization, industrial production and promote the development of related projects. Extend the industrial chain of agriculture, and finally achieve the goal of arousing the enthusiasm of farmers, stimulating their entrepreneurial enthusiasm, and absorbing a large number of rural surplus labor force.

3.2 change the concept and consciousness of farmers

Strengthen publicity and make full use of radio, film, television, newspapers and periodicals, rural grass-roots propaganda columns, slogans, banners, propaganda cars, periodicals, wallcharts, printed materials and many other forms, so that the broad masses of rural cadres and farmers fully understand and understand the Rural Land contract Law, and promoting rural land circulation is to realize the rational flow and optimal allocation of rural factors of production. It is of great significance to promote rural economic development and increase farmers' income. We will increase policy support for land transfer and guide the broad masses of farmers and rural grass-roots cadres to change their ideas. At the same time, further improve the rural social security system, weaken the social security function of land, solve farmers' worries; speed up the reform of household registration system, promote the transfer of rural surplus labor, and reduce farmers' dependence on land.

3.3 further improve the land transfer service system

First of all, on the basis of the confirmation of land rights and the filing of transfer contracts, the government should set up a management service organization for the circulation of land contractual management rights, establish circulation files, standardize circulation behavior, and provide free information for land transfer. contract verification, legal and policy consultation, dispute mediation and other services. Secondly, village-level organizations can set up land transfer service stations, which are responsible for registering and submitting land transfer supply and demand information. Provinces should establish a comprehensive tangible electronic trading market or exchange of rural land property rights with full coverage to achieve open and efficient transactions. Thirdly, we should speed up the marketization process of agricultural land transfer, adopt different forms of circulation such as leasing according to the different conditions of each region, and establish a reasonable price formation and compensation mechanism. reduce the administrative color of national and local governments in the current process of agricultural land transfer, cultivate the construction of specialized intermediary institutions engaged in agricultural land transfer, and vigorously strengthen the construction of various economic and legal environments needed for agricultural land transfer.

3.4 increase the popularization of agricultural science and technology

With the acceleration of rural land transfer, the scale and industrialization of agriculture have developed greatly. However, compared with other industries, agriculture has a long production cycle, slow capital recovery, large market and natural risks, and the average profit margin of agriculture is lower than that of other industries. Therefore, in the new stage of agricultural development, we must strengthen the popularization of agricultural science and technology and gradually form a multi-channel science and technology investment system of the whole society with financial allocation as the guidance, financial sector credit as the support, enterprise investment as the main body and social input as the supplement. Improving the average profit margin and marginal benefit of agriculture and transforming agriculture into a profit-making industry will help to enhance the attractiveness of land to potential demanders and improve the enthusiasm of land transfer.