
"Semi-finished clean vegetables" want to destroy traditional vegetable farms?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional side dishes in the central kitchen, the whole process of cold chain transportation E-commerce push online and offline self-pick concept so-called clean dishes, is the latest popular new concept of ingredients, refers to fresh vegetables and meat, fish, poultry, eggs and other ingredients washed, cut, prepared, packaged

The professional side dishes in the central kitchen and the whole cold chain transportation e-commerce vigorously promote the concept of "online and offline".

The so-called clean dish is a recently popular new concept of food materials, which means that fresh vegetables and meat, fish, poultry, eggs and other ingredients are washed, cut, prepared and packaged, and consumers can directly put them into the pot after purchase.

The reporter visited the major supermarkets in the city and found that the business of "semi-finished vegetables" targeting white-collar workers is becoming more and more popular, and the founder of a clean vegetable enterprise said that his vision is to eliminate the traditional vegetable market. However, the reporter learned that at present, there are no testing standards and measures for this kind of semi-finished food products, and only rely on enterprise self-discipline.

The reporter successively visited five supermarket chains in the city and found that in the vegetable area, some brands of clean vegetables already have their own counters.

In the Aeon supermarket in Tianhe City, the reporter saw the clean vegetables that had been cleaned, cut, drained and vacuum packed in the fruit and vegetable area. Cleaned cabbage, green peppers and other vegetables are packed in boxes or bags, while semi-finished potato chips, turnips, taros, coconuts, dates, radishes and other ingredients are also neatly placed in the bags.

Compared with the price of the market, net food is relatively expensive. For example, a 500-gram lotus root, peanut and carrot soup costs 23.8 yuan, a 600-gram bamboo cane, grass root and horseshoe carrot soup costs 19.8 yuan, and a 200-gram potato chip costs 3.5 yuan, which is almost the price of a jin of potatoes in the vegetable market. The reporter is in front of the counter of a company, the price of the vegetable heart produced by the company is 8 yuan / jin, the price of a box of 500 grams of green bean seedlings is more than 10 yuan, while the price of the vegetable heart in the vegetable market is only 2.5 yuan / jin, and the green bean seedlings is only 5 yuan / jin.


There is no uniform standard yet?

So how can these clean dishes ensure the safety and freshness of the ingredients in the vacuum bag? Are there any standards for the detection of pesticide residues in clean vegetables by national and local governments? Yesterday, the reporter successively contacted the person in charge of several clean vegetable enterprises.

"We have our own production base, first sampling in the field, testing the agricultural residues of the raw materials, then pre-treatment, cutting, clean water cleaning, then draining the water, vacuum packaging, and then transporting it to the offline point of sale." The product packaging of Shenzhen bumpkin Agricultural products Co., Ltd. shows. As for the clean dish packages that have been equipped with ingredients and quantities, Runfeng Jing dishes said that they adopt constant temperature operation in the central kitchen, which is equipped with professional freezers (0 ~-4 ℃) and freezers (- 18 ℃) according to the unique fresh-keeping needs of each commodity. The incubator is used in the distribution process and refrigerants are added in the box, and the heat preservation effect can reach more than 8 hours.

The reporter learned that the increasingly popular clean food does not have a unified national standard or industry standard, and the level of corporate standards is uneven, which leads to a smooth road to listing.

Market: dozens of enterprises build e-commerce platform

Young vegetables, Magic Kitchen, Runfeng Jing vegetables. The reporter searched and learned that there are dozens of enterprises that specialize in semi-finished clean vegetables. Online, these companies create their own e-commerce platforms; offline, they set up self-serving dishes outside subway stations, community supermarkets or service points. Users only need to book the dishes the night before, pick up the food at the nearest pick-up point from home after work the next day, and stir-fry it in the pan when they go home.

Li Huang, director of the "affordable non-cleaning dishes" project, said that office workers ordered by mobile phone one day in advance, and WeChat Pay picked up the goods in the unit canteen after work. According to reports, there are two kinds of affordable dishes, one is wash-free green vegetables, which is only 0.99 yuan, and the other is a set of dishes (equipped with vegetables, meat, seasoning bags and recipes, which can be put into the pot directly after opening the bag), the price is 9.9 yuan. Services have been opened in 233 units in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities, and more service points will be set up in Guangzhou in the next step.

Regulation: ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables must be tested when they leave the factory.

The reporter learned that at the end of December last year, the Beijing Municipal Food and Drug Administration issued the rules for the examination of the production license of ready-to-eat fresh-cut fruits and vegetables (2014 Edition), requiring that starting from March 1 this year, if the relevant production license is not obtained, enterprises will not be allowed to reproduce and sell ready-to-eat fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.

The detailed rules require that manufacturers of ready-to-eat fresh-cut fruits and vegetables must have the ability to test before leaving the factory, and before each batch of fruit leaves the factory, the net content, label, sense, E. coli and other indicators of self-test should be good, no peculiar smell, no foreign body, and at least monthly sampling testing of products, including indicators such as mercury, cadmium and lead, as well as pathogenic bacteria, such as salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus.