
China Grain Reserve auctioned 52.15 million tons of grain last year.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, According to the latest report of the China Grain Reserve Corporation, by the end of December last year, China Grain reserves had completed policy grain auctions of 52.15 million tons, 1.43 times that of the same period last year, speeding up the delivery of grain transactions. For the coming year, China Grain Reserve will speed up the establishment of grain in the next five years.

According to the latest report of the China Grain Reserve Corporation, by the end of December last year, China Grain reserves had completed policy grain auctions of 52.15 million tons, 1.43 times that of the same period last year, speeding up the delivery of grain transactions.

As for the coming year, China Grain Storage will speed up the preparation of the warehouse science and technology development plan for the next five years, and continue to expand the total scale of investment and warehouse construction.

The report of China Grain Reserve shows that since 2005, it has continuously launched the acquisition of the lowest purchase price and temporary reserve purchase for staple grain varieties. Large-scale and continuous policy collection and storage protects the interests of farmers, but it also makes grain stocks gradually reach a new high in history, the overall grain storage capacity of the whole country is tight, and some major producing areas are seriously insufficient, so it is urgent to solve the problem of new grain storage capacity.

To this end, China Grain Storage has made clear the focus and requirements of its work, and made specific arrangements and arrangements from the aspects of promoting and pressing the warehouse, strengthening transportation, increasing local reserves, strengthening the construction of warehouses, and tapping the potential of social storage capacity. In 2014, the purchasing warehouse capacity of summer grain was effectively guaranteed, and the purchase of 25.35 million tons of wheat was completed, three times that of the same period last year, and 4.19 million tons of early indica rice was purchased in the same period last year, avoiding the problem of farmers'"difficulty in selling grain". More than 60 million tons of effective storage capacity has been released for the purchase of autumn grain in 2014, effectively alleviating the shortage of storage capacity in the main producing areas, especially in the northeast region, and policy collection and storage in various localities have been carried out in an orderly manner to meet the needs of farmers to buy grain and ensure that grain grains return to the warehouse.

In order to alleviate the shortage of storage capacity, a total of 4.55 million tons of stored grain was invested in the middle of 2014. At present, the relevant warehouse construction projects have been implemented smoothly, and after completion, they will directly serve the acquisition of autumn grain in Northeast China and early rice in South China. At the same time, China Grain Storage has promoted the construction of intelligent grain depots in an all-round way. Through the pilot project, a systematic solution for integrating information technology into grain storage management has been formed, and a new intelligent grain depot management system with multi-functions such as remote monitoring of grain situation, intelligent in and out supervision, and inventory quantity monitoring has been built. create an upgraded version of grain storage management. The intelligent transformation of 114 direct libraries has been completed in 2014, and 346 will be covered in 2015.

The China Grain Storage report said that a plan for the development of warehousing science and technology for the next five years would be prepared as soon as possible. With the basic goal of "high quality, high nutrition, low loss, low pollution and low cost", and with the optimization, upgrading and deep application of advanced grain storage technology as the main line, efforts should be made to build green grain storage technology systems in different ecological regions and different varieties, so as to further ensure the quality, loss and consumption of grain and oil reserves.