
Let farmers become entrepreneurs in the process of development

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Reform and opening up liberated farmers from the planned economic system, and Zhejiang farmers, who were unwilling to be poor and backward, turned agricultural surplus into capital for industrial development within the countryside, setting off a wave of rural industrialization and urbanization. has become the promotion of marketization, industrialization and cities.

Reform and opening up liberated farmers from the planned economic system, and Zhejiang farmers who were unwilling to be poor and backward turned agricultural surplus into capital for industrial development in rural areas, setting off a wave of rural industrialization and urbanization. it has become the main force to promote marketization, industrialization and urbanization. This unique road of industrialization and urbanization is an endogenous road of industrialization and urbanization with the masses of farmers as the main body, the private economy as the leading role and the county area as the main battlefield. what is most unusual is that farmers become the initiators of industrialization and urbanization, investors, entrepreneurs, workers and people who share the results. This road is also an important reason why Zhejiang Province takes the lead in basically eliminating absolute poverty in urban and rural areas, and there is no poverty urbanization and poor population urbanization.

The reason why ordinary farmers and even poor farmers can become the entrepreneurial subjects of industrialization and urbanization is related to some "small" and "big"philosophy" in Zhejiang rural industrialization and urbanization.

"small commodities, big industries"

The labor-intensive production of small commodities based on daily necessities has become the preferred field for farmers to start a business in the process of industrialization and urbanization because of its low threshold for investment, low technical content, large scale of demand, large employment capacity and large market space. and many farmers' entrepreneurship has made small commodity production a big industry to increase farmers' employment income. It is precisely the formation of hundreds of labor-intensive industries that make Zhejiang have so many employment opportunities, not only enable farmers in Zhejiang to transfer employment, but also absorb more than 10 million farmers from outside the province to come to Zhejiang for employment.

In recent years, in the face of the challenges brought by the slowdown of the influx of people outside the province, the tightening of labor supply and demand and the rise in labor costs, some labor-intensive industries have achieved transformation and upgrading through technological progress. In the form of service outsourcing, some labor-intensive industries disperse the production of some links or spare parts to rural development, which not only reduces production costs, but also expands farmers' employment. this has become a large industry that promotes farmers' full employment and general income increase in poverty alleviation and development in Zhejiang Province. Through regional transfer, some labor-intensive industries have developed outside the province and abroad, and through the combination with the advantages of economic resources and human resources in different places, they have been reborn in different places, driving the development of other places and the employment of farmers. For example, the transfer of Zhejiang textile industry to Xinjiang has not only led to the local transformation of cotton advantages in Xinjiang, but also absorbed a large number of local labor force to transfer employment.

"small enterprises, large clusters"

The organization form based on small enterprises is the inevitable choice for farmers with scarce capital to invest and start a business. Many farmers set up a large number of small enterprises around a characteristic industry in the same region, and gradually formed a regional enterprise group of specialization and social cooperation-block economy. In 2008, there were more than 600 block economies in Zhejiang with annual sales income exceeding 100 million yuan, of which 312 were block economies with annual sales income exceeding 1 billion yuan, with a total sales income of 2.81 trillion yuan, export delivery value of 612.2 billion yuan and 8.31 million employees, accounting for 54%, 62% and 56% of the province's total industrial volume, respectively.

In recent years, in the face of declining industrial advantages and intensified market competition, a large number of massive economies have upgraded the industrial level, expanded the scale of production and started product brands by establishing regional scientific and technological innovation centers, setting up industry associations and public service platforms, creating regional brands, gathering in industrial parks, expanding joint ventures and cooperation with overseas multinational corporations and domestic strong enterprises, and making use of international advanced technology. Increase the benefit of the enterprise There are also a large number of massive economies through clustering "going out", realizing overseas listing, mergers and acquisitions, establishing an international marketing network, and finding new space for development.

"small market, big circulation"

Under the guidance of the government, Zhejiang Province has set up professional wholesale markets one by one, which not only provides a public marketing platform for many small enterprises, but also saves the affairs and expenses for enterprises to open up the market. and greatly expand the product market space.

In recent years, in the face of the new situation of the expansion of enterprise production scale, the change of marketing methods and the development of e-commerce, a number of professional wholesale markets have become commercial aggregates integrating raw material procurement, life shopping, leisure tours, catering and entertainment. A number of professional wholesale markets have become integrated service bodies with exhibition halls, leisure service areas, circulation and processing areas, small business incubation areas, warehousing and logistics areas, information centers, commodity testing centers, settlement centers and other places; a number of professional wholesale markets are informationized, becoming a modern business body with the functions of information service, online trading and remote settlement. A number of professional wholesale markets have become export-oriented, which has become a platform for the export of products of small and medium-sized enterprises; a number of professional wholesale markets have become suburban and become large-scale logistics centers for market community agglomeration and development; and a number of professional wholesale markets have been chained up to open up "chain wholesale markets" in different places.

"small towns, big platforms"

The city is an ideal place to develop industry, but under the system of the separation of urban and rural areas, farmers do not have access to the city, and the small towns with very low threshold have become a big platform for farmers to start and obtain employment and gather and settle down. it has also become a major channel to connect urban and rural areas and communicate between urban and rural areas. as a result, the urbanization of Zhejiang has embarked on the "network" urbanization road based on the development of county towns and small towns.

In recent years, in the face of the shortcomings of small and medium-sized cities and towns, Zhejiang has actively changed the form of urbanization and worked hard to form an urban agglomeration with big cities as the center, medium-sized cities as the link, and small cities and towns as the foundation. while retaining the advantages of small and medium-sized cities and towns to absorb farmers' employment and promote rural development, we should enhance the innovation-driven ability of urban agglomeration and participate in international competition. At the same time, actively cultivate 40 central towns to make them have the function of small cities. "small capital, big cooperation"

Agricultural surplus is the first capital for farmers to participate in industrialization and urbanization. However, due to the slow accumulation and small quantity of agricultural surplus, the strength of individual farmers is still not enough to set up enterprises, so weak and small farmers jointly set up enterprises in the form of joint-stock cooperation. Therefore, Zhejiang has become the "hometown" of the joint-stock cooperative system. Joint-stock cooperative economic entities were scattered all over the place at that time, and were constantly changing.

In recent years, in the face of the situation of weak strength, lack of capital and technology in the process of agricultural marketization and modernization, farmers have widely used the joint-stock cooperative system and set up a large number of farmers' cooperatives. In the face of the lack of service function and weak competitive strength of farmers' cooperatives after the growth of new agricultural operators, farmers' cooperatives once again embark on the road of joint development, and a three-dimensional compound agricultural management system is rapidly formed in cooperation and re-cooperation.

"small finance, big service"

In order to further make up for the difficulties of slow accumulation and small quantity of agricultural surplus, farmers, without the services of formal financial institutions, use the idle funds of the first entrepreneurs to develop private financial services. a large number of farmers with entrepreneurial intentions have embarked on the road of entrepreneurial development through mutual financial services, which is an important factor in the large number of entrepreneurial farmers in Zhejiang. In recent years, in the face of the increasing opportunities for entrepreneurship in rural areas, and encouraged by the policy of rural financial system reform, farmers began to set up mutual financial organizations again, supporting the entrepreneurial development of a large number of farmers in modern agriculture, processing of supplied materials, leisure tourism, community service and many other fields.

These "small" enable the peasant masses to extensively start their own businesses and fully participate, while these "big" are the conditions, means and results of the "small" survival and development, and meet the needs of the development of the market economy. Over the past 30 years and more, 7 million ordinary agricultural workers in Zhejiang have become investment operators in modern industries, and tens of millions of traditional agricultural producers have become workers in modern industries. This has formed a vivid situation of "starting a business with millions of talented people driving the cooperative entrepreneurship and full employment of millions of farmers" and "starting a business first and then creating it to promote entrepreneurship by the whole people; getting rich first and then getting rich together".