
Han Changfu: unswervingly speed up the transformation of agricultural development mode

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, At the Central Economic work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphatically pointed out that it is necessary to unswervingly speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, continue to consolidate the foundation for the stable development of agriculture, and stabilize the situation of continuous improvement in rural areas. At present, the environment of agricultural development in China is taking place profoundly.

At the Central Economic work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphatically pointed out that it is necessary to unswervingly speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, continue to consolidate the foundation for the stable development of agriculture, and stabilize the situation of continuous improvement in rural areas. At present, the environment of agricultural development in China is undergoing profound changes, and the task of speeding up the transformation of agricultural development mode and promoting agricultural modernization is very urgent. Agricultural and rural work should strive to achieve breakthroughs in changing the mode of development in accordance with the general requirements of stabilizing grain income, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and driven by innovation.

I. the task of accelerating the transformation of the mode of development of agriculture in China is very urgent.

In 2014, under the increasing downward pressure on the economy, China's grain production achieved a record "eleven consecutive growth", and farmers' income increased "eleven consecutive fast". At the same time, the construction of modern agriculture has been steadily promoted, the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress has reached 56%, and agricultural production is realizing a major transformation from mainly relying on increasing input of resource elements to relying mainly on scientific and technological progress. On the whole, China's agriculture is moving steadily towards the goal of modernization in recent years. However, it should also be noted that there are still many long-term contradictions restricting China's agricultural and rural development, various new risks are accumulating, and agricultural modernization is still the "deficiency" of the synchronization of the "four modernizations." Agriculture and rural areas are the "ballast stone" to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the economy, the "reservoir" to regulate labor employment, and a new growth point to expand consumption. Stepping up to make up for this "deficiency" is not only the need for the transformation and upgrading of agriculture itself and laying a solid foundation, but also the strength for our economy to adapt to the new normal of development, stabilize market confidence, expand room for manoeuvre, and deal with hidden risks. At the Central Rural work Conference, Premier Li Keqiang stressed the need to accelerate agricultural modernization and promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development.

To improve the comprehensive efficiency of agriculture, there is an urgent need to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. In recent years, the cost of agricultural production is in the "rising channel". The costs of labor and agricultural machinery operations have risen rapidly, and the prices of seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other inputs are not cheap, and the "floor" of agricultural production costs has been rising. The CIF prices of international staple agricultural products are lower than those of similar domestic products to varying degrees, and agricultural products continue to encounter "ceilings" in raising prices. The state's support for wheat, corn, rice and so on is close to the upper limit of its commitment when it joined the WTO, and increasing the "yellow box" support has also encountered a "ceiling". Under the squeeze of two "ceilings" and one "floor", the comparative efficiency of agriculture has declined. In particular, with a large number of farmers going to work in cities, the concurrent industrialization of agriculture, the aging of farmers and the hollowing out of rural areas are accelerating, and the problems of "who will farm the land" and "how to farm the land" have become increasingly prominent. The only way out is to change the mode of agricultural development, to improve agricultural quality and efficiency, and to reduce cost and consumption.

To realize the sustainable development of agriculture, there is an urgent need to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. In recent years, China's agriculture has developed steadily, and the total grain output has exceeded 1.2 trillion jin for two consecutive years. The achievement is not easy to come by, but it has also paid a large price, and the "red light" has been lit up in agricultural resources and environment. The ecological environment is seriously damaged, the carrying capacity is getting closer and closer to the limit, the intensity of resource development and utilization is too large, and the strings are getting tighter and tighter, and the problems such as agricultural non-point source pollution, the decline of cultivated land quality, and the overexploitation of groundwater are becoming more and more prominent; especially after the problem of food and clothing has been solved, the public's demand for the ecological environment and the quality of agricultural products is getting higher and higher, and there is no tolerance for the quality and safety of agricultural products. These problems have obvious stage characteristics, which forces agriculture to speed up the transformation of the mode of development, break the two "hoops" restricted by agricultural ecological environment and resource conditions, and take the road of sustainable development.

To improve the competitiveness of agriculture, there is an urgent need to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. At present, the mode of agricultural development in China is still the coexistence of traditional and modern. Although the equipment conditions of agricultural technical facilities have been gradually improved, the "capillary blood tube" is underdeveloped, and the utilization rate of agricultural inputs is still not high; although the new business entities are developing rapidly, small-scale operations still account for the majority, which limits the improvement of agricultural labor productivity; although the agricultural product market system has been initially formed, agricultural production still can not get out of the annoyance cycle of "more, less". Although China is a big country of planting and breeding industry, the comparative advantage of agricultural region has not been brought into full play, the chain of agricultural industry is incomplete, and the competitiveness of agricultural market is not strong. Only by speeding up the transformation of the mode of development and promoting the innovation of agricultural science and technology and the mode of operation, can we improve the industrial quality and comprehensive competitiveness of agriculture.

II. Accurately grasp the key tasks of changing the mode of agricultural development

To speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development is to promote the agricultural development to shift from the real pursuit of quantitative growth to the equal emphasis on quantitative and qualitative benefits, from relying mainly on the consumption of material resources to relying on scientific and technological progress and improving the quality of laborers, from focusing on ecology and environment to paying attention to green circular and sustainable development, from extensive management to intensive management. Take the road of modern agricultural development with high output efficiency, product safety, resource conservation and environment-friendly.

We will pay more attention to increasing grain production capacity and tap the new potential of grain production. To change the mode of agricultural development, the first and foremost task is to stabilize grain production, increase grain production capacity, ensure national food security for a long time, and firmly hold the rice bowl in our own hands. It is necessary to implement support policies, protect and mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers in farming and grain production, and stabilize the sown area of grain, especially the sown area of grain. We will accelerate the establishment of high-standard farmland for drought and waterlogging, delimit permanent basic farmland, implement actions to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land, and promote the construction of functional areas for grain production to store grain on the ground. The key problems of green production increase model and the establishment of high yield will be carried out, with emphasis on popularizing the standardized technology model of high yield, high efficiency and green environmental protection, so as to store grain in technology. It is impossible to increase grain production all the time, but there must be no major decline.

Pay more attention to the quality and safety of agricultural products to ensure "safety on the tip of the tongue". First of all, modern agriculture is the agriculture of quality and safety. We must adhere to both "production" and "control" with both hands and hard hands. On the one hand, vigorously promote the standardized production of livestock, fisheries, fruits and vegetables, and strive to create a number of agricultural standardized production bases and well-known brands of agricultural products. On the other hand, we should constantly strengthen supervision, step up efforts to improve the quality and safety standard system and monitoring and evaluation system of agricultural products, start the construction of a retrospective management information platform, improve regulatory institutions and mechanisms, and pay close attention to law enforcement supervision and centralized rectification, so as to improve the quality and safety level of agricultural products in an all-round way. In 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture will launch a pilot project to establish a national agricultural product quality and safety county in 100 major producing counties of "vegetable basket" products, to explore the establishment of an effective and replicable supervision model. At the same time, we should strengthen the prevention and control of animal diseases and consolidate the quality and safety foundation of livestock and poultry products.

Pay more attention to the protection of agricultural resources and environment and realize the sustainable development of agriculture. Modern agriculture must be resource-saving and environment-friendly. It is necessary to attach equal importance to protection and governance, first of all, to ensure that resources and environment do not owe new debts, and then gradually return historical accounts, so that overdrawn agricultural resources and environment can be recuperated. On the one hand, it is necessary to earnestly increase the protection of cultivated land, water, grasslands, and water beaches, resolutely implement the strictest cultivated land protection system and intensive land conservation system, develop ecological recycling agriculture, and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. On the other hand, it is necessary to do a good job in the battle to control agricultural non-point source pollution and strive to achieve the goal of "one control, two reductions and three basic" in 2020, that is, the control of total agricultural water use, the reduction of the total amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the basic resource utilization of plastic film, straw and livestock and poultry manure. At the same time, with the goal of creating a beautiful countryside, we will continue to improve the living environment in rural areas.