
Accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements in the processing of agricultural products

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In recent years, China's agricultural products processing industry has developed rapidly, changing from the stage of quantity growth to the stage of quality improvement, and has become a basic, strategic and pillar industry of the national economy. However, compared with developed countries, China's agricultural products processing industry still has the ability of independent innovation.

In recent years, China's agricultural products processing industry has developed rapidly, changing from the stage of quantity growth to the stage of quality improvement, and has become a basic, strategic and pillar industry of the national economy. However, compared with developed countries, there are still some problems in China's agricultural product processing industry, such as weak ability of independent innovation, insufficient integration of various links of industry-university-research, and low conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements. there is an urgent need to integrate scientific and technological resources and build a docking platform for science and enterprises. we will implement the development strategy driven by scientific and technological innovation and promote the sustained and healthy development of the agricultural product processing industry.

The implementation of agricultural product processing innovation drive is the decisive force to enhance industrial competitiveness, the inevitable choice to promote industrial transformation and development, the basic support to ensure food safety and effective supply, but also an effective channel to increase farmers' income. Zong Jinyao, director of the Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, pointed out that the implementation of scientific and technological innovation-driven development strategy is not only the necessity of history and the requirements of the times, but also the fundamental way out for the development of agricultural products processing industry. we must deeply understand the great significance of implementing the scientific and technological innovation-driven development strategy and firmly seize the historical opportunity formed by the intersection of scientific and technological revolution, industrial reform and the transformation and upgrading of agricultural products processing industry. We will concentrate various forces into the great practice of scientific and technological innovation, and vigorously strengthen the creation of scientific and technological innovation support policies, the research and development of key technologies and equipment in key areas, the popularization and application of mature technologies, the contingent of innovative personnel, and the construction of scientific and technological research and development systems, so as to comprehensively improve the scientific and technological level and comprehensive competitiveness of China's agricultural products processing industry.

To implement the development strategy driven by scientific and technological innovation in agricultural products processing, it is necessary to earnestly achieve the "four persistence" and strive to achieve the "four propulsion". First, we should adhere to the goal of promoting development and speed up the technological innovation of key core equipment in the industry. The second is to take comprehensively deepening reform as the driving force to accelerate the innovation of scientific research system and mechanism. Third, we should focus on improving quality and speed up the construction of the standards system and the innovation of quality management. Fourth, we should adhere to the direction of improving the ability of independent innovation and speed up the internationalization of scientific and technological innovation.

Agricultural products processing industry is an important symbol of agricultural modernization, a "locomotive" to promote the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and a strategic pillar industry for China's economic development. In the new historical period, we should vigorously implement the ideas and measures of the development strategy driven by scientific and technological innovation in agricultural products processing, and speed up the development level of China's agricultural products processing industry.