
The rich tree is easy to raise. Indoor potted plants teach you some practical skills.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the eyes of experienced flower friends, the rich tree is a kind of indoor potted plant that is easy to raise. However, in life, it is found that there are many friends who raise the rich tree half-dead. It is often seen that the wealth tree is rotten because of improper breeding.

In the eyes of experienced flower friends, the rich tree is a kind of indoor potted plant that is easy to raise. However, in life, it is found that there are many friends who raise the rich tree half-dead. It is also common to see rotten roots of wealth trees due to improper farming.

Rich tree is now a more common decorative plant, the leaves are more lovely, but also have a more elegant shape. There are also many friends who like to make a fortune. They can be put not only in the living room to decorate the environment, but also in hospitals, shopping malls, restaurants and other public places. Some large potted rich trees are more than two meters high and are tied with colored ribbons to make them look very beautiful.

Some friends who are busy with work also like to put a luxuriant wealth tree in front of their desks. When you feel stressed, you can enjoy the rich tree for a while, which can make people feel very relaxed. It can be seen that the wealth tree has now become one of the green plants that people like, and it also plays an indispensable role in life.

Although in the eyes of most flower lovers, this kind of plant is not difficult to raise. But for some beginners, it is also difficult to cultivate rich trees. In addition, if the management is not in place, the plant is prone to rot. When you see the rotten roots of a plant, most of your friends will throw it away directly. In fact, as long as you master a more practical skill, you can bring the rotten-rooted rich tree back to life.

1. When friends see that the leaves of the original vibrant rich tree have become withered, or even yellowed, it is very likely that the roots have rotted. Friends can take out the rich tree from the flowerpot and press the root with their hands, which can clearly feel that the root is very soft.

2. At this time, friends will use sterilized blades to remove all the rotten roots. It should be noted that healthy bark should not be peeled off, or the plant will die easily. Then put the plant in potassium permanganate solution for disinfection, generally soaking for about ten minutes. After soaking, apply some plant ash to the wound, and then leave it in a ventilated place to dry for a period of time.

3. After the wound has completely healed, the friends will put it in the tray and put some water in the lower container. After that, the wealth tree is maintained in a semi-shaded and ventilated environment. Generally speaking, after pruning, the wealth tree will grow white roots in about a month.

Friends can wait for the roots to grow longer, and then transplant them into flowerpots. It is important to note that do not break the root system when transplanting. And pay attention to watering, spray water to the leaves as much as possible, but do not water the flowerpot. In this way, after about two months of maintenance, it can be put in an environment with enough light, and the rich tree will be full of vitality.