
Re-examination of the overall Development of Urban and Rural areas from the Perspective of two-oriented Society

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, To build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society and establish a new type of urban-rural relationship, we must balance the economic and social development of urban and rural areas. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress stressed that solving the problem of agricultural and rural farmers is the top priority of the work of the whole party, and the integration of urban and rural development is the solution.

To build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society and establish a new type of urban-rural relationship, we must balance the economic and social development of urban and rural areas. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress emphatically pointed out that "solving the problem of agricultural and rural farmers is the top priority of the work of the whole party, and the integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers." Therefore, we must adhere to the policy of "industry feeds agriculture and cities support rural areas" and "give more, take less and release life", increase support for the development of agriculture and rural areas, and gradually break the dual system of urban-rural separation.

I. challenges in the overall development of urban and rural areas

At present, China has entered the middle stage of industrialization, the equilibrium of the traditional agricultural society has been completely broken, and the whole society is in a rapid change and comprehensive transformation. Based on this realistic foundation, the overall development of urban and rural areas is still facing a series of challenges in the context of the construction of a two-oriented society.

1. High-quality resources will be transferred to cities. The county is the place where the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers occur, and it is also the main battlefield to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The overall planning of urban and rural areas should proceed from the principle of intensive land use, focus on county towns and central towns, give preference to construction funds and land use indicators, and strive to enhance the ability of county towns and central towns to gather industry and population and promote rural development. However, now the flow of urban and rural elements is unreasonable and the distribution is unfair, which restricts the development of county economy. It is mainly manifested in two aspects: on the one hand, the unfair distribution of resources. At present, the allocation of urban and rural resources is mainly carried out in two ways: market distribution and government allocation. From the analysis of the two kinds of distribution, it is very difficult for the distribution of the former to achieve the unity of urban and rural economic and social benefits, efficiency and fairness, while the distribution of the latter fails to take into account all levels of urban and rural economic and social development. there is obvious one-sidedness and unfairness, which is prominently manifested in that more consideration is given to economic development than to social undertakings; more consideration is given to material construction and less consideration is given to human development. Consider more about recent development and less about sustainable development. On the other hand is the unreasonable flow of resources. It is prominently manifested in the loss of high-quality rural labor force, the loss of rural land, the serious shortage of rural financial resources, and so on, especially the large-scale withdrawal and merger of institutions and networks at and below the county level by the four major commercial banks in recent years. to a certain extent, it has caused the "vacuum" of rural finance, and rural funds have been withdrawn by financial institutions and flowed back into cities, resulting in a great lack of science and technology and information asymmetry in rural areas.

two。 Urban pollution industries are transferred to rural areas. The core content of industry back-feeding agriculture is to rely on the taxes provided by non-agricultural industries concentrated in cities, to support agriculture, and to provide necessary subsidies to farmers engaged in agricultural production, so as to adjust the structure of the national economy and promote the benign interaction between urban and rural areas. Undertaking urban industrial transfer in rural areas is a form of industrial back-feeding agriculture, which can speed up the pace of rural industrialization and strengthen the strength of county economy. However, as most of the transferred enterprises are low-cost dependent "two high" (high input, high pollution) industries, and lack the motivation and financial strength for technological transformation and upgrading, for the rural areas that are short of funds, projects and development, it is inevitable that the environment will not be exchanged for development and accept the simple transfer of the "two high" industries. At present, with the strengthening of urban pollution control, chemical, coking, papermaking and other polluting enterprises are transferred to rural areas, and urban domestic sewage and industrial wastewater are discharged to rural areas. The rural ecological environment is very fragile, coupled with the lack of related pollution control facilities in rural areas, and a serious shortage of funds and manpower for environmental protection, industrial wastewater flows into farmland and rivers wantonly without treatment. This kind of "pollution to the countryside" brings water pollution and land pollution, which not only seriously affects the health of rural residents, but also restricts the sustainable development of rural economy.

3. Urban construction planning is not scientific. At present, the overall level of urban construction in China is on the low side, which fails to form a strong support and service for the development of urbanization, which to a certain extent leads to a further widening gap between urban and rural areas and the aggravation of regional and urban-rural development disharmony. The overall development of urban and rural areas should be based on cities and towns, promote the process of modernization of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development in rural areas through urban-rural interaction and institutional mechanism innovation. However, contradictions and problems of one kind or another will inevitably arise in the process of promoting the new type of urbanization. First, cities and towns in some places are greedy for greater and faster construction. In some areas, the construction of small towns is compared with cities, and the standard is too high. In some places, the development of small towns is even promoted by means of image projects, large-scale demolition and construction, and even one-sided pursuit of enlargement, excellence, and beauty away from reality, ignoring industrial development, increasing development costs and affecting rural development. Second, urban construction is blooming everywhere. Some places put the focus of urbanization on the development of the number of small towns, blindly expand townships and towns, and even blindly set up development zones in some places, resulting in a large waste of land resources.

Second, establish a new concept of overall development of urban and rural areas

The overall planning of urban and rural development is to use urban industrial economy to promote the development of rural economy, gradually narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, coordinate and promote each other, and achieve common development under the premise of rapid urban development. The promotion and development of the overall planning of urban and rural areas must require the simultaneous innovation of ideas, thinking and behavior. Then, under the background of "two types", what new ideas should the overall development of urban and rural areas have? To sum up, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. To stimulate the vitality of urban and rural areas by developing "two-oriented" industries. The problem of development and cost is an important choice to undertake industrial transfer. The famous Kuznets environmental curve makes an inverted U-shaped curve assumption, that is, environmental quality continues to decline and deteriorate with economic growth, but at a certain inflection point, environmental quality will continue to improve with economic growth. Basically, the western developed countries take such a road of "pollution first, then treatment", and have paid a heavy price for this. But today, there is no reason for us to repeat the same mistake and pay a corresponding price for it. With the rapid development of urban economy and society, many industries that rely on resources and energy input are facing rising costs of production factors such as water, electricity, land, raw materials, labor, and environmental governance inputs. The rising investment and operating costs of enterprises will eventually lead to the complete loss of the previous market advantages. The life cycle of industry objectively requires these types of industries to be transferred to township areas with relatively good land resources, environmental capacity, labor conditions and low production and operation costs. But in this way, some non-"two-type" industries with high energy consumption, high material consumption, high pollution and labor-intensive will be transferred to villages and towns in a low-level way. directly plunder rural land, labor, natural resources, clean air and clean water. This is a typical "high-cost transfer", which will eventually bring about the transfer of a series of ecological and social problems. Therefore, whether it is to undertake the industrial transfer of large and medium-sized cities, or to cultivate and develop their own characteristic industries, we should fully consider the carrying capacity of regional resources and environment.

two。 Coordinate the contradiction between urban and rural development with "moderate balance". Throughout the track of China's economic development, we can clearly see that economic development follows the basic thinking of first industry, then agriculture, and then cities and then rural areas. industrial development and the formation of urban civilization are largely at the expense of agriculture and farmers' interests, which leads to the dual economic structure of urban and rural areas in which modern industry and traditional agriculture coexist. Under the action of the market mechanism, the elements usually gather to the maximum benefit area. compared with industry, agriculture is more restricted by natural, geographical, climatic conditions and other factors. as a result, it is difficult to accumulate a large amount of funds needed for production on its own. As a result, with the support of the dual forces of policy and market, there has been a series of unbalanced development in rural income level, living consumption level, culture and education, public medical and health care, social security and so on. resulting in urban and rural "the same disease but different doctors", "the same life is not the same price", "the same person different industry" situation. However, the traditional agricultural sector lags behind the modern industrial sector in terms of personnel quality, material equipment, technical level and labor productivity, and the development gap between urban and rural areas is further widening. The development experience of Britain, the United States, Germany, Japan and other developed countries shows that when industrialization and urbanization develop to a certain stage, we must implement the strategy of "industry feeding agriculture" and "cities support rural areas", and pay attention to moderate and balanced development. On the whole, our country already has the basic conditions to solve the urban-rural dual economic structure. Based on this, we should proceed from the scientific concept of development and adopt a moderate and balanced development strategy to realize the all-round and coordinated development of economy, society, culture, politics and ecology between urban and rural areas. so that farmers and citizens can share the benefits of the increase in social material and spiritual wealth brought about by the coordinated promotion of industrialization and urbanization.