
More policies to benefit farmers are needed to improve farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, To improve the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain, it is necessary for the government to issue more policies to benefit and strengthen farmers. Academician Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, said in an interview with the media in Guangzhou on the 21st that grain is the treasure of the treasure. the government should do more to improve the enthusiasm of farmers in growing grain.

"To improve farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain, the government needs to introduce more policies to benefit farmers and strengthen agriculture," Academician Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, said in an interview with the media in Guangzhou on the 21st that grain is "the treasure of treasures" and the government should do more to improve farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain.

Yuan Longping came to Guangzhou this time to sign a strategic cooperation agreement on behalf of the National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center and the "National Plant Space Breeding Engineering Technology Research Center" of South China Agricultural University. At the same time, the National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center, the National Plant Space Breeding Research Center, Ge Linmei (China) Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Hunan Puyi Crop Quality Research Center Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement.

According to introduction, the National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center is in a leading position at home and abroad in the research and utilization of rice heterosis. At present, it has achieved the high-yield breakthrough of super rice with a yield of 1000 kg per mu, and is moving towards the fifth phase of super hybrid rice. Yuan Longping said that it is planned to break through 16 tons per hectare ahead of schedule in 2016, and 17 tons will be achieved after 16 tons, and 20 tons will be tackled. The cooperation of all parties will significantly improve the breeding efficiency of new hybrid rice varieties with strong heterosis. The cooperation plan creates 15-20 special germplasm with important value in strong heterosis hybrid rice cultivation, cultivates 2-3 super rice varieties (combinations), and applies for 3-4 invention patents; the cultivated new varieties integrate high-yield and high-efficiency production measures, and it is expected to apply radiation of more than 5 million mu in South China rice area and create social benefits of more than 500 million yuan.

A reporter asked, due to the low income of grain planting, most farmers in Guangdong planting enthusiasm is not high, how to promote super rice planting in Guangdong? Yuan Longping said that farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain is not high. Guangdong is not a special case. In fact, this is true throughout the country. He said that the price of grain is "the base of 100 prices" and cannot be high. Once the price of grain rises, it will drive prices to soar, causing inflation. Low grain prices will hurt farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain. He proposed that the government should introduce more policies to benefit farmers and strengthen agriculture to increase farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain, such as purchasing farmers' grain at high prices and supplying the market at a fair price; at the same time, agricultural machinery subsidies can be increased.

Chen Zhiqiang, vice president of South China Agricultural University and director of the National Plant Space Breeding Engineering Technology Research Center, also said that grain production depends on scale to make money. After a certain scale, mechanized planting can be used to reduce the cost of grain production. At the same time, after large-scale planting, the state has 7 kinds of subsidies, such as agricultural machinery subsidies and seed subsidies, which greatly reduces the cost of growing grain. According to his estimation, if a farmer planted more than 300 mu of land, he would make money.