
The contribution rate of agricultural science and technology progress in China reached 56% in 2014.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Li Jiayang, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said at the working conference of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences today that grain production increased for 11 consecutive years last year, and agricultural science and technology contributed greatly, and the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology progress reached 56 percent. Li Jiayang said that in 2014, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Li Jiayang, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said at the working conference of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences today that grain production "increased continuously" last year, agricultural science and technology made great contributions, and the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology progress reached 56 percent.

Li Jiayang said that in 2014, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences completed the selection of research teams of 32 pilot research institutes in batches. The original 1026 research groups have been optimized and integrated into 315 scientific research teams, and 8 scientific research teams have been formed across research institutes. New breakthroughs were made in tackling the key problems of high yield of staple grain crops, and new records of per mu average yield of 955kg and 1227.6 kg per mu were obtained for hybrid rice and maize varieties in rice research institutes, respectively. Seven papers have been published in the top international academic journals such as Nature and Science. In the whole year, it won 221 scientific and technological achievements of various kinds, seven achievements completed by the first completion unit, two awards by participating units, and 37 provincial and ministerial awards.