
Why does the growth rate of farmers' income outperform that of urbanites?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The income gap between rural and urban residents continued to narrow in 2014. The latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in 2014, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 28844 yuan, that of rural residents was 10489 yuan, and the per capita disposable income difference between urban and rural residents was 2.7yuan.

The income gap between rural and urban residents continued to narrow in 2014. According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2014, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 28844 yuan, and that of rural residents was 10489 yuan. Experts believe that with the sustained growth of the income of rural residents, China's income distribution structure will be further optimized.

The income gap has narrowed continuously

According to the data, the per capita disposable income of residents in 2014 was 20167 yuan, an increase of 10.1 percent in nominal terms over the previous year, and an increase of 8.0 percent in real terms after deducting the price factor. According to the place of permanent residence, the per capita disposable income of urban residents increased by 9.0% over the previous year, with a real increase of 6.8% after deducting the price factor, while the per capita disposable income of rural residents increased by 11.2% over the previous year, and 9.2% in real terms after deducting the price factor. Up to now, the income growth rate of rural residents has exceeded that of urban residents for five consecutive years, and the income gap between urban and rural areas has narrowed continuously.

"the growth of farmers' income has exceeded that of urban residents for five consecutive years, which is of landmark significance to the overall planning of urban and rural development." Han Jun, deputy director of the Office of the Central Financial and Economic leading Group, said that this shows that a series of policies of the CPC Central Committee to benefit farmers have brought huge benefits to hundreds of millions of farmers. The "eleventh consecutive increase" of grain and the "eleventh consecutive increase" of farmers' income have played a vital role in ensuring the stability of the overall macro situation.

The policy of increasing income is implemented in place.

Under the background that China's economy has entered a new normal, the external environment and internal conditions of China's agricultural development have changed significantly, but the situation of agriculture and rural economy has always been good. China's grain production achieved an "eleventh consecutive increase" in 2014, which undoubtedly laid the foundation for the growth of farmers' income.

"the increase of farmers' income has always been the focus of the current income distribution, and a series of policies to strengthen the increase of farmers' income are more in place than before, all of which make farmers' income grow faster than urban residents." Su Hainan, vice president of the Chinese Labor Society, analyzed to our reporter that: first of all, it is better to pay the wages of migrant workers; secondly, the income of agricultural production, especially large operators, production and management, has maintained a relatively good development momentum; third, the income from some land transfer has significantly increased farmers' income. Fourth, the construction of the rural social security system is further than before, the number of people included in the new rural insurance and the new rural cooperative system is more, the standard is also improved, the coverage of the minimum security system for rural residents is also more common, and the number of guaranteed people is also increased; fifth, the process of urbanization has been accelerated, some farmers have become permanent residents in cities and towns, there are more channels to increase income than in rural areas, and the income has also increased accordingly.

"the income of rural residents mainly includes income from the sale of agricultural products, income from working, transfer income, property income and so on." Economist Song Qinghui told our reporter that as the government has increased the intensity of transfer payments to farmers and other measures, the four pieces of income that make up the income of rural residents have increased.

Since last year, wage income has become the primary source of farmers' income, and the sustained substantial increase in migrant workers' wages in recent years is also an important reason for the increase in farmers' income. Han Jun said that the per capita income of farmers increased by about 900 yuan last year, half of which came from wage income, family operating income increased by 300 yuan, and various transfer income, including property income, increased by 150 yuan.

Distribution structure still needs to be optimized.

In fact, the income growth rate of rural residents is faster than that of urban residents for many years, which is of great significance to improve the current income gap between urban and rural areas and optimize the structure of income distribution.

"the purpose of readjusting the economic structure is to maintain steady economic development, and adjusting the income distribution structure is the key link in adjusting the economic structure." In Song Qinghui's view, the role of adjusting and optimizing the structure of income distribution is mainly reflected in using the leverage of fiscal and tax policies to increase the proportion of residents' income in the distribution of national income, and to give full play to the role of fiscal and tax policies and transfer payments. deepening rural reform to increase farmers' property income and other aspects. At present, the gap in property income between rural residents and urban residents is only a temporary phenomenon, which shows that the reform of income distribution in China is not fully in place, and that the structure of income distribution needs to be further optimized. we still need to promote the reform in the field of social security in accordance with the reform thinking of "raising low, expanding middle and controlling high".

"Comprehensive measures should be taken to ensure a sustained increase in farmers' income." Song Qinghui believes that it is mainly from four aspects: first, to improve agricultural labor productivity to increase farmers' operating income; second, to continue to improve agricultural subsidy policies, improve the level of social security in rural areas, and increase farmers' income; third, strengthen farmers' vocational skills training and promote farmers' professional employment to increase farmers' wage income. Fourth, we should promote the reform of the rural property rights system and speed up the joint-stock cooperative system, so as to promote the sustained and rapid growth of farmers' income.