
What can a farmer do for his own time?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What can a farmer do for his own time? When you get to know Lao Mao, you will know. At the eighth National people's Congress, Lao Mao reflected the problem of high electricity prices in rural areas and poor power grids. Three years later, the central government began to strengthen the transformation of rural power grids, and finally achieved the same level between urban and rural areas.

What can a farmer do for his own time? When you know the old man, you will know.

The Eighth National People's Congress and Lao Mao reflected the problems of excessive electricity prices in rural areas and poor power grids. Three years later, the central government began to intensify the transformation of rural power grid, and finally realized the same price of urban and rural power grid; the ninth National People's Congress, Lao Mao proposed that agricultural specialty tax was unreasonable. Three years later, the country gradually abolished agricultural specialty tax; the ninth NPC, Lao Mao put forward the proposal to abolish agricultural tax. Finally, Premier Wen Jiabao announced in his government work report at the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress that the agricultural tax would be abolished nationwide.

"Opening the People's Congress is not raising fists, eating steamed buns."

"In the autumn of 1992, Secretary Mao gave me a few photos and said that you gave this to the People's Congress Office of Dandong City in Liaoning Province. At that time, everyone said, this is not nonsense, a rural person is still a deputy to the National People's Congress? Sounds like a joke." At that time in the big pear tree village enterprise Longfeng hotel work Shi Shuyun said.

"The first time I went to a meeting, the night before I left, he said,'Tell me, I'm worried about this.' You should wear a shirt and tie for meetings in Beijing. We haven't worn a tie in the countryside either, or I found a guest who stayed in the hotel to tie the tie button. Don't pull too hard on this button. If you pull too hard, you'll lose your hair." Shi Shuyun remembered that Mao Fengmei was very happy that day and specially asked everyone to make dumplings.

And the heart of the soul was not at ease. Because he knew that this was not only an honor, but also a heavy responsibility.

"The old man paid attention and visited the masses. This day came to our house. Ask me if I have any ideas. I said yes, I said the electricity bill in the city was 30 cents a degree, but in the countryside it was just over one yuan. This was unreasonable." Villager Yu Jinyang said.

"At that time, the city's electricity was 0.35 yuan, and the rural electricity was 1.2 yuan. As for the peasants, some simply do not use electricity and light wax, while others do not use electric grinders and use diesel oil to grind themselves." He Jing, director of the Corn Research Institute of Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said,"Old Mao said, how is the gap so big?" I went to Fengcheng Electric Power Bureau to find out about the situation. They said that the power grid in the countryside was not good, and the loss of electricity was counted on the farmers."

At this National People's Congress, Lao Mao directly raised this issue. In the following ten years, the state invested more than 300 billion yuan to start the rural power grid reconstruction project, realizing the same price of urban and rural power grids nationwide.

It was also that year that this talkative black and thin rural old man, along with his stubborn character, was displayed in front of people. The resolution of the problem undoubtedly gave Old Mao confidence.

"This proposal saves each family three or four hundred yuan a year." Later, referring to this matter, Lao Mao said,"I found that the opening of the National People's Congress is not a fist to eat steamed bread." The central government will pay attention to my suggestions if they are accurate, and others will think that I am not simple." "Arguing, everyone knows the truth."

At the first session of the Ninth National People's Congress, Lao Mao proposed to cancel the agricultural specialty tax. At the second meeting, he proposed to abolish the agricultural tax.

"In those years, the state always talked about reducing the burden, but the national average of 2 mu of land per person, gross income 800 yuan, the city tax point is 800 yuan per month, a year is 9600 yuan, a difference of more than ten times." Mao Fengmei is very cautious, not only to understand the situation around, but also to the grain-producing provinces Jilin and Heilongjiang to understand,"I think there may be some preferential policies, the result is the same."

However, when Lao Mao asked representatives to sign, they did not sign for him, saying,"Lao Mao, you are full of nonsense. It has been like this for thousands of years. How can farmers not pay taxes?" Lao Mao argued with them, saying,"Why should farmers pay taxes? He doesn't earn money growing grain at all, and you still want him to pay money to support civil servants later on. What kind of logic is this?"

At this meeting, Lao Mao hit a nail in the head. After that, he wrote a bill to cancel agricultural tax for five consecutive years. Finally, he got the news of the national cancellation of agricultural tax at the third session of the 10th National People's Congress. He was glad that he didn't sleep well all night.

Old Mao said that rural affairs and peasant affairs were too important, so he helped to quarrel year after year. However, he had a habit of saying whatever he thought of at meetings. There were representatives at the meeting who considered different angles from him, which often caused disputes. But Old Mao said,"Isn't it better to represent an argument? The truth is that we all know the truth."

Many of the deputies to the National People's Congress are provincial leaders. Lao Mao speaks straight. Someone reminds him that you have to go back to the countryside after the meeting, or you are still the secretary of the village and have to do things. But Mao didn't care. He said,"Who gave you this power?" No matter." Lao Mao also said that in fact, real leaders are still willing to listen to some real things.

"In 2004, in addition to paying agricultural taxes, we also had to bear the cost of rural infrastructure such as road construction and water conservancy, as well as fund-raising for running schools. Farmers also had to pay wages to some units. Farmers had to pay more than 2000 yuan a year to raise a small four wheels, and they were often fined. When the peasants approached me, I asked, and the administrative department said that the counties and townships were in financial difficulties and that we had to rely on fines to pay wages. Look at how difficult it is for farmers!" In an interview that year, Lao Mao excitedly said,"What did I come to (Beijing) for? I'm just talking! The day before yesterday I said this, our provincial party secretary, governor all stood up and applauded me! Our governor said, Mao Fengmei, you are a representative enough to dare to speak the truth!"