
Members of the CPPCC National Committee suggested developing specialized cooperatives to increase farmers' income.

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, On the one hand, the government work report emphasizes strengthening the overall planning of urban and rural areas to increase farmers' income; on the other hand, a large number of cultivated land in rural areas is abandoned and the output value is on the low side. Xie Deshi, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference, is listening to the government.

12:10 on March 7th (Zhongguang reporter Wu Mei, Hualong net digital reporter Wang Sen) "on the one hand, the government work report emphasizes strengthening the overall planning of urban and rural areas to increase farmers' income; on the other hand, a large number of cultivated land in rural areas is abandoned, and the output value is on the low side." Xie Deshi, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, lamented after listening to the government work report.In his view, the development of farmers' specialized cooperatives and improving the degree of agricultural organization mentioned by Premier Wen in the government work report should be the key to improving agricultural production, promoting agricultural industrialization and agricultural restructuring, and steadily increasing farmers' income. To this end, at the two sessions this year, he carefully prepared a proposal related to this, calling on all parties to attach importance to supporting rural cooperatives.

At present, the utilization of rural land resources is very worrying. When it comes to the topic of agricultural production, Xie de Sports Committee member looks very dignified. As a committee member who pays close attention to the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers for a long time, he often goes to the countryside to do research. Judging from his previous research, the current land utilization rate in rural areas is not ideal. According to the relevant survey, at present, 50% and 60% of farmers' income is wage income, which is increased by working, while the proportion of income from farming in rural areas is relatively small. "Why is it small? because a large number of our educated and working people have gone out to work. Now many of our hollow households and a lot of land have been abandoned. According to our survey, as little as 5%, as many as 20%, some village groups have been completely wasted."

Committee member Xie Detian said that in addition to the abandonment of land caused by migrant workers, the dispersion of land resources in some areas and the backwardness of the mode of production are also reasons for limiting farmers' income. For this reason, Committee member Xie de Sports has been very much in favor of the idea of vigorously developing rural professional cooperatives. During the interview, he clenched his fingers and told the reporter one by one about the benefits that rural specialized cooperatives can bring to farmers: if scattered farmers are integrated, they can not only reduce the cost of seeds and pesticides, but also help open up markets. to help farmers increase their income.

It is understood that at present, there are actually more than 80,000 farmers' professional cooperatives in the country, and professional cooperatives are also transforming to large-scale, intensive and standardized production, and the industrial chain is also extending from simple production to processing, transportation, and sales. Although the overall development trend of rural professional cooperatives is good, Committee member Xie de Sports believes that at present, there are still three major factors restricting its development: "one is the lack of government support, the second is financing and loans. the third is the lack of professional and technical personnel."

Committee member Xie de Sports said: at present, the state stipulates that financial and tax support policies should be adopted for rural specialized cooperatives, but the support is not strong. According to the investigation of relevant departments, the central and local financial support funds are less than 13000 yuan, and less than 300 cooperatives can enjoy the central financial support every year, the proportion is too small. Tax support policies have not been fully implemented. He put forward some suggestions: "one is that the state should provide policy support and guidance to farmers' professional cooperatives, as well as financial support, as well as financing support, and at the same time, it is necessary to introduce some technical and managerial personnel to guide the development of professional cooperatives, and at the same time introduce some unmanaged land that is not well managed. Transfer them to professional cooperative organizations, so as to expand the scale, professional cooperative organizations can connect with the market, improve the quality of agricultural products, raise prices, and enable farmers to get more benefits. "

At the end of the interview, member Xie de told the reporter that he was very glad to see in Premier Wen's government report the work requirements of "developing farmers' specialized cooperatives and improving the degree of agricultural organization." it is also hoped that the relevant departments will conscientiously implement them in their actual work this year, so that the ranks of professional cooperatives will continue to grow and help farmers get rid of poverty and become rich. Hualong net