
Can gardenia be soaked in water?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gardenia can be completely used to soak water to drink, with the effect of promoting gastrointestinal activity, purging fire and eliminating annoyance, but it must be noted that patients with rising deficiency of fire or deficiency of kidney yang had better not drink, otherwise it will aggravate the illness; it is best not to drink too much, otherwise not only can not play the effect of physical fitness, but will make our health problems.

Is that all right?

This is absolutely possible. Although our main purpose of raising it is to watch it, as a common traditional Chinese medicine, it also has a strong health care function and can be used to make tea.

II. Specific measures

1. Pick a bud or a newly blooming flower from an adult plant.

2. Cut off its calyx and pedicel with scissors, then press the Corolla into a thin layer.

3. Steam the thin layer of Corolla with slow heat or bake it in an oven to make scented tea.

4. Brew it with warm water and drink it.

Third, efficacy

This kind of scented tea has a very powerful health function.

1. Promote gastrointestinal activity

This kind of scented tea can increase the activity of the digestive system in the body and help us quickly excrete the waste accumulated in the body.

2. Relieve cough and phlegm

This kind of scented tea has the effect of inhibiting the growth of bacteria and can effectively relieve symptoms such as cough and phlegm caused by bacteria.

3. Help relieve the fire and relieve the annoyance.

This kind of scented tea also has the effect of eliminating boredom. Friends who are under greater pressure in daily life can drink it and play a role in relieving stress and calming the mind.

4. Treatment of damp-heat jaundice

This kind of scented tea can also assist in the treatment of jaundice, adhere to drink for a period of time, can play a certain role in relieving the disease.

Fourth, drinking taboos

Although this kind of tea has no small effect, not everyone can take it. First of all, patients with exuberant deficiency fire had better not drink, otherwise it may lead to aggravation of the disease, and secondly, patients with deficiency of kidney yang had better not drink. Finally, drinking must pay attention to the frequency and quantity, not too much, otherwise it may cause dysentery and other adverse diseases.