
Gardenia meat…Meng irrigation 1 drink, 1 root shoot 40 buds!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When spring arrives, looking at the flowers in the park, many flower friends are anxious, why do my flowers just don't bloom? Don't worry, today Huahua will teach you a little trick, as long as you give the flowers at home to drink some drinks, you can let it bloom immediately!

If you pour some onion water on the rose, the flower will have a long flowering period.

As soon as spring comes, it's time for the rose to blossom again, but many flower friends reflect why the rose in my family is either non-flowering or bleak, not as good-looking as other people's home at all! Today Huahua will teach you the secret recipe: just pour some onion water on it!

How to use it:

1. Find an onion from home. Chopped, shredded or chopped. To prevent tears in your eyes, refrigerate the onions in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes, then take them out and cut them.

2. Pack the chopped onions with gauze or clean stockings, then soak them in clean water for about 24 hours, then remove the onions.

3. Soak the onion water and water the rose directly. Use it about once or twice a week, and it only takes a month to find that the rose flowers at home are more colorful, bloom more and more, and even have no powdery mildew!

4. Onions contain germicides such as allicin, which can sterilize the rose; at the same time, there are nitrogen compounds, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other elements in onions, which make the rose blossom more and more, and the flower color becomes more and more bright!

Gardenia pour some beer, rub open the explosion basin!

Many flower friends have complained to Huahua recently why my gardenia hasn't bloomed yet, and what's wrong with it? Don't worry, Huahua will teach you a little trick today. Use beer! This method has been practiced by many gods who raise gardenia.

How to use it:

1. If you have any leftover beer at home, don't throw it away. Hang it at room temperature for 2-3 days and let the alcohol in the beer evaporate.

2. Dilute the beer and water into a beer solution at 1:10, pour part of the solution into the spray can, and put the other part directly in the bottle.

March and March-April is the period of gardenia bud formation. Spray the mixed beer on the gardenia leaves, spray 1-2 times a day on a sunny day, and spray 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once a week to promote gardenia to form more buds.

4. Beer contains enough carbon dioxide, which can promote the photosynthesis of gardenia leaves and form more nutrients. At the same time, beer also has a certain insecticidal and bactericidal effect, so that the gardenia bud is bigger and more, and the flower is more and more fragrant.

Jasmine sprinkles some shell water and blossoms 100 at a time!

Huahua has a friend, his jasmine blossoms super much every year, and the flavor is overflowing with fragrance. Under the soft and hard bubble of Huahua, he finally passed on his secret recipe to me, that is shell water!

How to use it:

1. As a resident living by the sea in Qingdao, seafood is an indispensable delicacy on the dinner table. Huahua usually cook the most dish, is boiled seafood, the rest of the seafood water do not lose, this is a good baby to raise jasmine.

2. Before cooking the seafood, remember to soak the seafood in clean water, then leave the water for the last time to cook the seafood and leave it indoors to cool slightly.

3. Find a clean plastic bottle, put all the cool shell water in a plastic bottle, seal it and ferment it in the sun. You can poke 3-5 holes in the bottle cap to breathe, and it will be cooked in about 10 days.

4. Dilute the mature seafood water and clear water according to the ratio of 1: 5, then irrigate the jasmine root directly and use it once every 10 days. Because seafood water is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can promote jasmine to differentiate flower buds and blossom more and more!

Succulent plants are watered with carrots, which makes it easier to color red.

There is a question has been perplexing flower friends, why I bask in the sun for a long time, the succulent family is not colored? Do I raise fake succulent plants? Huahua teaches you a little trick today. I heard that carrot water can make succulent plants color quickly.

How to use it:

1. Go to the vegetable market to buy some fresh carrots, come back and wash them and cut them into pieces. Fresh carrots contain more anthocyanins, so you'd better buy fresh ones.

2. Cook the chopped carrots in a pot and remember to cook them for a little longer. After cooking, fish out the carrots and eat them directly, and the rest of the boiled carrot water can be saved for succulent use.

3. After cooling the carrot water, put it in a clean plastic bottle, seal it and put it in the sun to ferment. It only takes about a month to fully ripen the carrot water.

4. Mix the carrot water and clear water according to the ratio of 1: 2, put it in a spray can and gently spray it on the succulent leaves. About 3-5 times after use, you will find that the original leaves are green succulent into yellow, and the original red succulent, the color is as transparent as color, very beautiful!

Pour some white sugar water on asparagus, the leaves are dark green and do not turn yellow!

What if the asparagus at home has yellow leaves again? Both put away from the lampblack place, and every day with a spray can spray water, why the leaves or yellow? Don't worry, feed some sugar to asparagus, and the problem will be easily solved!

How to use it:

1. Put 1 spoonful of sugar into warm water and melt it. The ratio of sugar to warm water is about 1: 100.

2. Put the sugar water into a thin-eye spray can and spray it directly on the leaves of asparagus. Use it about once a month. Asparagus absorbs the nutrients in sugar water, the leaves will become greener and greener, and there will be no more yellow leaves!

That's all for Huahua today!

These tricks introduced by Huahua

Have you all learned the flower friends?

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