
It is necessary to step into spring! Let's go with this roster!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Qingming Festival 3 days holiday is coming, it is a good time to go out and enjoy the spring flowers, Huahua is very excited when you think about it! There are many flower friends see beautiful flowers, but do not know the name, asked around the result no one knows. Today, Huahua specially prepared a roster, take it to enjoy the flowers, absolutely not afraid to name the flower name!


The primrose is always in full bloom early to welcome the arrival of the spring girl, the goose yellow flowers are full of vitality, and the fragrance is fresh.

Forsythia suspensa

At first glance, Forsythia suspensa is very much like primrose. Flowers teach you one of the fastest identification methods, that is, counting the number of petals. Forsythia is generally 4 petals, and primrose is generally 6 petals.


Magnolia flowers flawless, but also exudes fragrance, let people smell do not want to leave, stay under the tree for a long time, revel in the fragrance of the flowers.

Cherry blossom

How can spring miss the romantic and fragrant cherry blossoms? Huahua likes to stand under the cherry tree most. When the breeze blows, the petals fall lightly on the shoulders, making people think that they are in Wonderland.

Begonia flower

The crabapple blossoms are so brilliant and unrestrained that the dense flowers will bend the branches! Pieces of beautiful crabapple flowers make people can not move their eyes, I wish I could suck the fragrance of the flowers into my stomach. There are many varieties of crabapple flowers, so it will take more time to recognize them.

Bauhinia flower

The bauhinia blossoms most luxuriantly before and after the Qingming Festival, and the purplish red flowers crawl all over the branches, which looks like a red glow from afar.

Lilac flower

The lilac flowers are light purple and the leaves are heart-shaped. Even if you are tired when you play, you will feel much more energetic when you smell its fragrance.

Wisteria flower

Wisteria is climbing vine flowers, accidentally climb all over the roof, the flowers are a string of flowers, falling in the air, not to mention how beautiful!


Some flower friends always can not raise camellias well, just take advantage of the holiday to travel, may also be able to enjoy the camellias in full bloom!

Ditang flower

The flowers of Ditang are golden yellow, and the golden petals full of trees look more beautiful against the green leaves. There are some single flowers and some double ones.

Purple leaf plum

Purple leaf plum leaves are reddish brown, very eye-catching, the flowers are light pink, but also can bear plums.

Peony flower

"only peony really national color, blooming season moves the capital", peony is a woody flower, flowers are large and gorgeous, flowers are rich in color, there are many flower friends have raised.

Paeonia lactiflora

Peony flowers are bright and beautiful, some flower friends can not distinguish between peony and peony, peony is a herbaceous flower, the highest is not more than 1 meter, while the peony is woody, can grow up to 2 meters! Do you remember, flower friends, don't admit it next time!

Prunus mandshurica

The leaves of the elm leaf plum are like the leaves of the elm tree, and the flowers are very similar to the plum blossom, so they are called the elm leaf plum. The flowers are covered with branches in clusters, it is very lively!


The name Admiralty hanging upside down sounds majestic. Its flowers hang on the branches like lanterns, and the shape is quite strange.


Hyacinth is rich in design and color, including white, pink, red, purple and so on. Smelling the flowers when you are tired can make people feel much more comfortable.


Daisies are relatively short, each about 10 centimeters tall, rich in colors, and can often be seen in flower beds with naive daisies.

Chrysanthemum morifolium

Melon leaf chrysanthemum is an herbaceous flower, generally 20-90 cm high, bright and rich in color, and some flowers are red and white.

Clematis paniculata

Dozens of flowers can bloom on a tree, one flower withered after blooming for eight or nine days, and it has a pleasant fragrance, fat and green leaves.

Pansy tricolor

Why is it called tricolor pansy? because its flowers are generally white, yellow and purple, they can grow into a flower carpet when planted in the garden.

Fragrant flower

Fragrant yellow flowers send out attractive fragrance, the branches are soft, knots on the branches will not be broken, can concave a variety of shapes, so people call it fragrant flowers.


Kapok is also called hero flower. When it blossoms, it does not grow leaves, the branches are tall and straight and stout, and the flowers are bright red, just like the blood of heroes.


Paulownia flowers are light purple, flowers are like small trumpets, fragrant. Huahua still remembers that when she was in primary school, there was a paulownia tree not far from the classroom. When she was idle, she liked to pick up the fallen flowers and play.


"all are the mournful cries of cuckoos and apes." it is said that the color of rhododendrons is red by the blood spit out by birds, so the flowers are extremely bright.

Smiley flower

Smiling flowers, also known as white orchids, are full of fragrance and can bear fruit from July to August.

Black locust

Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as Robinia pseudoacacia, has thorns at the bottom of its leaves, and the thorns are about 1-2 mm long. Robinia pseudoacacia flowers can be eaten and produce a lot of nectar.

When enjoying the flowers, don't touch the flowers!

When you see bright and beautiful flowers in spring during the holiday, sometimes you can't help stroking or directly folding branches and taking them home, but don't pick some flowers randomly!

1. Oleander is highly poisonous

Oleander is highly toxic all over the body, it will secrete a milky toxic substance, do not eat by mistake, and try not to touch, otherwise it will lead to vomiting, nausea and even death, so you just need to enjoy it from a distance.

2. Mimosa is poisonous

The leaves of mimosa will shrink immediately as soon as they touch them, which is very interesting, so some people frequently poke them with their hands, so stop it! Too much contact can cause hair loss, hair yellowing and pain all over the body.

3. Poinsettia is toxic

The whole plant of a variety is poisonous, so don't eat it by mistake. When enjoying flowers during the holiday, you must take good care of the child to prevent poisoning caused by swallowing leaves and flowers, and do not break branches to prevent contact with secreting liquid to cause redness and swelling of the skin.

4. The beauty of Yu is poisonous

Yu beauty has gorgeous flowers, but the whole plant is poisonous. Don't eat it by mistake. Just be an honest flower watcher.

This holiday roster of flowers

Full of flowery sincerity.

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