
How to realize land circulation in traditional agricultural villages

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Land circulation provides favorable conditions for the capital era of Chinese agriculture and is an important institutional arrangement for agricultural modernization. On the whole, there are differences in time distribution of peasant household land circulation in China, from small scale to gradually increasing scale during reform and opening up;

Land transfer provides favorable conditions for the "capital era" of China's agriculture, and is an important institutional arrangement for agricultural modernization. On the whole, there is a difference in the time distribution of farmers' land circulation in China, from the small scale during the reform and opening up to the gradual increase in scale; on the macro time and space scale, it shows the characteristics of diffusion from the east and the middle to the west; on the micro scale, it shows the trend of gradual diffusion from the urban-rural joint zone to the near urban central agricultural area, the outer suburb agricultural area and the traditional agricultural area. With the continuous improvement of China's market economic system, how to establish and improve the circulation market of rural land factors and promote the rational circulation and effective allocation of agricultural production factors? This is the question to be answered in this paper, based on the perspective of traditional agricultural village, combined with the investigation of Tuqiao village.

I. investigation of Land Circulation in Tuqiao Village

1. The basic situation of the object of study.

Tuqiao Village is located in the west of Yongxing County, 40 kilometers away from the county seat, with an administrative area of 2.4 square kilometers. there are four natural villages-Tuqiao Village, Shijie Village, Anton Village and Luoling Village, and 17 village groups. There are 2000 people and 486 peasant households in the village, including 30 non-agricultural households, 800 agricultural population and 800 labor resources. There are 700mu of arable land (490mu of paddy field and 210mu of dry land) and 3800 mu of woodland. The main crops are rice, tobacco, sweet potatoes, peanuts and rape. The planting area of single cropping rice is 100 mu, and that of double cropping rice is 300 mu (including tobacco). The output of major crops is about 10 million per year. Before the land transfer, food crops accounted for more than 2/3 of the total planting area, which is the most common and typical traditional agricultural village.

The agricultural structure is single and the benefit is low. The cultivated land in Tuqiao Village is not very vast, coupled with the serious imbalance in the structure of the grain economy, traditional food crops such as rice and sweet potatoes have always occupied a dominant position, especially the large planting area of rice, accounting for more than 2 million of the total arable land, which is the pillar for the survival of the vast majority of farmers. Before the land transfer, the total planting area of tobacco, rape, peanuts and other cash crops was less than 100 mu. Heavy grain, light economy and unbalanced industrial structure are one of the important reasons for the slow development of the village's economy as a whole.

The construction of water conservancy facilities is outdated and backward. Of the four natural villages, only two have access to tap water. There is no reservoir in the village, only a few mountain ponds and a deep well, and agricultural water is mainly solved by streams flowing down from Yau Ma Village. Most of the drinking water for people and livestock in the village is solved by digging earth wells by the villagers themselves, which cannot be guaranteed in years of drought. The whole village has no irrigation facilities, no water to irrigate the land, and farming depends on heaven for food, which directly affects the production and life of the villagers.

The development of secondary and tertiary industries is seriously lagging behind. There is no commercial and agricultural products processing industry in the village, only one quarry opened in 2010, with an enterprise output value of about seven or eight million, a total of 30 employees, paying taxes of 30,000-40,000 a year, affecting the employment of about 30 farmers. Before the land transfer, the total income of the villagers in the village was about 14.58 million yuan per year, and the per capita net income reached 7290 yuan per year, of which 65% came from land output, the secondary and tertiary industries were almost blank, the income of migrant workers accounted for about 30%, and other income accounted for about 5%.

There is a serious labor loss among young and middle-aged people. Tuqiao Village has a labor force of about 800, of which 650 are young and middle-aged, and 400 of these 650 are migrant workers all the year round. The impact of young adults going out to work as a whole has led to the loss of agricultural skills of young farmers, and it is difficult to sustain advantageous industries. The dispersion of the backbone of the village has made the economic and social local entrepreneurship blank and lost the vitality and stamina of sustainable development.

2. Actual land transfer

Tuqiao Village began to carry out land transfer in October 2012, and farmers transferred the allocated cultivated land to the Tuqiao Village Ecological Agriculture Professional Cooperative established in the village, with a total transfer of 700 mu of cultivated land. Then the cooperative will transfer most of the cultivated land to the big growers in other places, and a small part to the big growers in the village, and the contract will be signed every five years. Cultivated land is transferred out in the form of rent, with a transfer fee of 100 yuan per mu. Of the 3800 mu of woodland, the remaining 3000 mu were transferred to Hunan Zhonglian Tiandi Tea and Oil Development Company for a period of 42 years. The woodland transfer fee is 18 yuan per mu, once every five years. The location of the land transfer is not reflected in the contract of land transfer, but there is a description of the area, price, mode of payment, fixed number of years, rights and obligations of both parties, liquidated damages, and ways to resolve disputes. The government also has financial subsidies for land transfer, with a government subsidy of 20 yuan per mu of land, half of which is owned by farmers and half of which is included in village cooperatives as collective funds.

After the transfer of land, the village began to plant flue-cured tobacco on a large scale, and it is estimated that the planting area will grow to 300 mu by 2014. After the transfer of land, most of the labor force in the village went out to work. By the end of 2013, the village had ploughed a total of 260mu of arable land and built two main channels of water conservancy (a total of 1400 meters). The construction of machine-ploughed roads for major arable land (a total of 7 km, at a cost of 170000), covering 80% of the arable land, has fully improved rural production conditions, improved agricultural infrastructure construction, and improved the living standards of villagers.

II. Analysis of the investigation results of land transfer in Tuqiao Village.

1. Farmers' enthusiasm for farming is generally low.

Most studies regard farmers' soil-loving complex as the main factor of farmers' land transfer. However, based on the field investigation of Tuqiao Village, this paper draws the opposite conclusion. As agricultural production has the nature of uneven labor time input, a large amount of labor input is needed in the busy season, while in the non-busy season, the work of farmers is relatively easy. Coupled with the limited water conservancy conditions in the village, most of the land can only grow single-cropping rice. Therefore, before the land transfer, most farmers, especially those with sufficient labor, choose to work part-time in nearby counties. A large number of farmers go out so that there is a shortage of labor in agricultural food production, which originally depends entirely on manpower-intensive input, so they have to adopt an extensive management model for agricultural production, and some of the land is even abandoned.

In this survey, in terms of the ability to cultivate the land, 12% of the people chose not to know the farming technology, and only 17% of the people chose to know only a little farming technology. 11% chose to be familiar with the farming process but had to work alone under the guidance of others, and 60% chose to work independently. 87% of young people under the age of 30 do not know farming techniques.

The attitude of farming the land. 8% chose never to farm, 41% chose not to farm, 25% chose not to farm, and 26% chose to farm.

The idea of transferring land. 16% of the people chose voluntary transfer, 50% chose to agree to transfer under the appropriate guidance of the government, and 34% chose to follow the crowd and passively transfer. No one chooses not to transfer.

The function of land. 8% of the people chose land to obtain better economic benefits and meet the needs of getting rich, 17% chose the economic benefits of land in general, which can only meet the general needs of life, 66% chose land with lower economic benefits, which can only ensure food and clothing, and 9% of people chose that land could not even solve the problem of food and clothing in the event of natural and man-made disasters.

The reason for the transfer of land. 16% of the people chose to hope that the government would build water conservancy facilities so that the land could be ploughed after the inflow of land. improve agricultural production conditions, improve soil quality, 14% of people choose labor shortage, 8% of people choose contracted land is too scattered, 42% of people choose land management efficiency is low, 15% of people choose to work outside for a long time, no one is willing to do farm work at home. The land is transferred in order to avoid abandoning the land.