
Rural Governance under the background of urbanization

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The relationship between urban and rural areas is not a relationship of growth and decline, but a relationship of symbiosis and blending of water and milk. If the villager autonomy system and the social environment on which it grows are not improved in the process of urbanization, the rural development will not be sustainable and the gap between urban and rural areas will be further.

The relationship between urban and rural areas is not a relationship of growth and decline, but a relationship of symbiosis and blending of water and milk. If the villager autonomy system and the social environment on which it grows are not improved in the process of urbanization, the rural development is not sustainable, and the gap between urban and rural areas will be further widened. the disharmony between the way of rural governance and the social basis of rural governance will lead to the increasing cost of national rural governance.

At present, the gap between urban and rural areas has not been fundamentally reversed. Driven by the new urbanization policy, large-scale migrant farmers and the population mobility brought about by the gradual urbanization of part of the rural population have led to a "floating" state of rural governance. There are no successors in the construction of rural cadres, and there is a lack of effective participation of farmers, especially young and middle-aged farmers, in rural political construction and public utility construction. This poses a new challenge to promoting the modernization of the national rural grass-roots governance system and governance capacity.

Profound changes have taken place in the foundation of rural society.

At the current rate of 1 per cent urbanization, by 2030, China's total population will exceed 1.5 billion, and China's urbanization level will reach 70 per cent, when the number of people living in cities and towns will exceed 1 billion. This shows that the next 20 years will be the most intense period for the flow of rural population to cities, the rural population will decrease by more than 1 to 3, and 300 million people will migrate from rural areas to cities, which is equivalent to the current population of the United States.

It has become a consensus that the key to urbanization lies in the urbanization of people. In the past 30 years, the development of rural economy and the construction of villager autonomy system complement each other and have made some progress. Villagers' autonomy depends on the ethics of traditional villages, the society of acquaintances and the relatively stable population, giving full play to the advantages of the system. However, with the deep influence of rural marketization, agricultural modernization, industrialization, urbanization and globalization, hundreds of millions of people have flowed out of the countryside and into cities and towns, which has posed a severe challenge to the current villagers' autonomy system. profound changes have taken place in the rural social foundation on which the villagers' autonomy system is established and operated. There is a contradiction of incoordination and inconsistency between the open and mobile countryside and the relatively stable villager autonomy system, and the rural grass-roots organizations show a "suspended" normal state. In the context of new urbanization, in the face of this dilemma, the villager autonomy system, as an important part of the current grass-roots social governance system, needs to be re-examined.

Rural governance is facing difficulties under the background of urbanization.

Since the trial implementation of the Organic Law of villagers' Committee, there have been different comments on villagers' autonomy in academic circles. Among them, the representative view is that the semi-administrative color of the rural "two committees" is relatively strong, the tasks of the party committee and government at a higher level are pressed down layer by layer, and the collection and payment of commercial insurance is even listed as a hard index for assessing village cadres. In the next decade, with the further promotion of urbanization, the phenomenon of rural hollowing out will be more obvious in the central and western regions. Due to the large gap between urban and rural areas in the central and western regions, the low income of traditional agriculture, the backwardness of secondary and tertiary industries, and the gradual decline of infrastructure such as rural education and medical care, the result is 269 million of the floating population and 58 million of the left-behind children. as well as the serious facts of the aging of the agricultural population and the hollowing out of rural areas. The content of villager autonomy is becoming more and more complex, and there is a lack of high-quality village cadres to realize the goal of "production development, affluent life, civilized rural style, clean village appearance and democratic management". There is also a lack of high-quality new farmers who are "educated, skilled and able to manage".

After the outflow of a large number of young and middle-aged people in rural areas, the transition of the village committee requires high-quality candidates and a certain number of voters to participate in the election is also difficult to meet the legal requirements. However, the public power exercised by the finally elected village cadres lacks the justice and legitimacy of the procedure. Some scholars believe that election is a kind of interest behavior, and the internal incentive mechanism of election does not come from the interest in politics and the understanding of democracy, nor depends on the level of political consciousness and the strength of democratic consciousness, but is ultimately determined by interests. A large number of farmers, especially migrant farmers, living consumption, economic income, cultural and entertainment needs have gone beyond the scope of rural areas, and the relationship with the interests of the village has been greatly weakened. According to the author's observation, during the general election of the village committee, those farmers who do not leave their hometown rarely ask for leave to go back to the village to vote, and even fewer farmers temporarily give up their immediate income and go back to the village to vote, even if the entrustment vote also lacks the authenticity of opinion expression and the authority of the election, resulting in the villagers' recognition of the power of village cadres is not strong. Affected by the dual factors of urbanization and farmers' independent choice, after a large number of rural young adults go out to work or settle in cities for a long time, the remaining villagers have little ability and motivation to participate in village collective public affairs or supervise village cadres. If the village cadres commit illegal acts, the villagers would rather be silent without harming their vital interests or getting less profit by paying a higher cost against the village cadres. Some village cadres in the central and western regions can privately contract village collective land to others, but the contract fee is unknown. They precisely take advantage of the current population situation and supervision vacuum in rural areas to erode collective assets and breed corruption.

Over the years of practice, the villager autonomy system has taken on the important task of villagers' self-education, self-supervision and self-service to a certain extent, and promoted the process of democracy at the grass-roots level in China. However, under the influence of urbanization policy, the production and living space of hundreds of millions of farmers will be transferred, and the traditional rural culture, farmers' communication style, communication objects and living habits will also be reconstructed. Profound changes will take place in the public space of the rural society, which is originally of the same origin and "no privacy". Cultural carriers such as traditional ethics and ancient streets, old houses and ancestral halls may also be destroyed or subverted. The traditional rural community characterized by "differential order pattern" is facing the crisis of disintegration, and the villager autonomy system based on traditional rural ethics and acquaintance society is severely challenged. The current situation of the comprehensive quality of the left-behind population in rural areas does not adapt to the modernization of agricultural production and management and the development trend of marketization of rural commodity circulation.

Actively deal with the challenge of urbanization to rural governance

Even if China's urbanization rate reaches 70% by 2030, 500 million people will still be living in rural areas. In the context of large population mobility and great changes in rural areas, in order to achieve sustainable development in rural areas, we must take the compound road of new rural construction and new urbanization as the guidance to further optimize the national grass-roots governance system and enhance the ability of grass-roots governance.

As far as possible to achieve in-situ urbanization of farmers and improve the service level of public goods. Cities are not the only direction of social changes in rural areas. Driven by the distorted concept of political achievements, some local governments tend to deny and start all over again in disregard of the original ecological, cultural and social public space in the countryside, and to demolish and expropriate farmers' land to "force the people to go upstairs". These practices are not only against the wishes of farmers, but also against the scientific concept of development. In the areas where the traditional characteristic culture can not be copied, and in the plain areas where the population density is relatively high and the transportation is relatively convenient, the bazaars where farmers initially produce and live still exist. We should tap and utilize the local potential and existing advantageous resources, increase the construction of infrastructure such as medical care, education, roads, bridges and water conservancy, speed up the pace of agricultural modernization and industrialization, improve the functional areas of farmers' production and life, and realize farmers' close employment. Guide farmers to gather actively by improving the service level of rural public goods.

Do a good job in overall planning, focusing on the overall relocation of the village. For villages in remote and poor mountainous areas that need to be replanned because of major public projects or poor local living conditions, when scientifically demonstrating the planning of farmers' new residential areas, the population of the original village should be relocated as a whole in accordance with the principles of intensive land, perfect function and sustainable development. Ensure that education, medical care, roads and other supporting facilities are complete, and form a virtuous circular system of farmers' production, distribution and consumption. Although the living space of farmers has been transferred, the neighbors are still old neighbors, and the friendship is still the old friendship. The original living rules and acquaintance society in rural areas will continue, and the social basis of villagers' autonomy still exists, which can effectively reduce the management and service costs of the local party committee and government.

To realize the professionalization of village cadres and strengthen the construction of national grass-roots political power. After the amalgamation of villages in the eastern region, there are only seven or eight village cadres in a village of 7,000 or 8,000 people, with a large area of management and a small number of manpower. The village collective economy in the central and western regions is underdeveloped, and few rural elites are willing to serve as village cadres. On the whole, the remuneration of village cadres is on the low side, and the work of managing and serving villagers has become a sideline. On the basis of continuing to implement and improve the policy of college student village officials, we should take the reform of grass-roots administrative organs as an opportunity to promote county and town cadres to serve in the village, and their wages continue to be borne by the finance. villagers still have the right to elect or remove lower village cadres and other village cadres, so as to make them do a good job of full-time service to the masses. This not only helps to consolidate the state power at the grass-roots level, but also helps to expand the source channels of village cadres and enhance the enthusiasm of performing their duties. At the same time, we can retain the right to use rural homestead of native workers, guide them to return home voluntarily, play their role in rural management and services, and add traditional strength to rural governance.

Actively use the media in the new era to keep close contact with the rural floating population. At present, there are about 269 million rural migrant workers across the country, of which the new generation of migrant workers born in 1980 and later are mainly concentrated in the eastern region and large and medium-sized cities, accounting for 46.6 per cent of the total number of migrant workers. Compared with their parents, they have received a certain education, accept new things quickly, the vast majority can skillfully use QQ, Wechat and other means of communication, their local awareness is relatively weak, and their feelings for rural areas are relatively indifferent. In fact, such a large population can not be fully integrated into the city, but they are likely to become important participants in major events in places such as Weng'an, Wukan and Shifang. The party committee, government and social mass organizations in the places where migrant workers flow out should change their traditional conservative and passive practices, actively make use of modern media to establish an interactive mechanism between local and migrant migrant workers, and keep abreast of their life and work trends. Feedback on the construction of their hometown, take the initiative to disclose local development policies and measures, grass-roots affairs, strive for their suggestions, understanding and support for hometown governance, and enhance their hometown feelings. To do a good job in the institutional and emotional basis for the return of manpower and talents and other resources for the benign governance of rural grass-roots units as soon as possible.