
Make great efforts to explore the good operating mechanism of cooperatives

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, I led a team to conduct a special investigation on the rich farmers and vegetable cooperatives in Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, and combined with the development of new agricultural operators, went deep into Pujiang County of Chengdu City and Qingshen County of Meishan City. Caidian District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Daye City, Huangshi City

Recently, I led a team to conduct a special investigation on rich farmers and vegetable cooperatives in Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, and combined with the development of new agricultural operators, I went deep into Pujiang County of Chengdu City and Qingshen County of Meishan City. Caidian District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Daye City, Huangshi City, on the spot to understand the relevant situation of family farms, farmers' cooperatives, industrial and commercial capital into agriculture. Generally speaking, the new agricultural operators in these two provinces are developing rapidly, showing diversified characteristics in the operating mechanism and benefit distribution. it has played an important role in cracking who is going to cultivate the land, ensuring the supply of commercial agricultural products, improving the efficiency of agricultural management, and increasing farmers' income.

I. the main body of a new type of agricultural operation should have a good operating mechanism.

(1) the vegetable cooperative for rich farmers in Wenjiang District, which integrates production and consumption.

The rich farmers' vegetable cooperative was established in August 2007, mainly engaged in the cultivation and sale of vegetables and rice. The most important feature of this cooperative is that it not only organizes farmers together in the production link, but also develops citizens into members in the consumption link, realizing the docking of production and consumption. After seven years of efforts, the operating area of the cooperative has increased from 380mu to 3400 mu, the average income of members has increased from 21000 yuan to 68000 yuan, the number of farmers who have joined the cooperative has reached 180, and the number of serving citizens has exceeded 1500.

1. The method of integration and division is adopted in production. Zhang Shaofa, chairman of the board, said that the cooperative's mode of production includes two major parts: unified operation and independent management, uniformly operating an area of 120mu of vegetables, employing technicians and workers to manage it, and members operating 3280 mu independently. The cooperative provides services such as "unified supply of agricultural materials, distribution of agricultural machinery, unified prevention of diseases and pests, unified product inspection, and unified brand building". This mode of production is not only conducive to the core base to play an exemplary and demonstration role, but also conducive to the implementation of unified services on the basis of arousing the enthusiasm of members in production and the realization of large-scale operation.

two。 Sales are mainly ordered by members. "No matter how well you grow it, you can't sell it, regardless of the money." Director Zhang Shaofa said that in the past two years, they have thought of a lot of ways to develop citizens into members, sign distribution contracts with members, collect money in advance, and organize production according to orders. The monthly contract amount ranges from 92 yuan to 580 yuan, and members are free to choose. The development members are mainly responsible for by 4 college students, using basic salary plus equity incentive to pay. This method of signing orders before production basically achieves fixing production by sales and ensuring supply by production, establishes a stable production-marketing relationship between members of production cooperatives and serving urban residents, and promotes the standardized and stable operation of cooperatives.

3. Take into account all parties in the distribution of interests. In 2013, the cooperative made a total profit of 500000 yuan, and the member representatives agreed that 30 per cent was used as development funds for publicity, 30 per cent as customer feedback funds for rebates to customers, 30 per cent as bonuses for the head of the distribution area, and 10 per cent to members. At present, members agree to turn it into accumulation. This way of distribution will help cooperatives to stabilize their organizational members, attract and develop new members, and form a sales-oriented operation mechanism.

(2) the operating mechanism and function of the new agricultural management subject

Not only the rich farmers and vegetable cooperatives are trying to develop the operating mechanism suitable for their own characteristics, other new agricultural operators we have investigated are also constantly exploring good operating methods. Pujiang County is the base county for Lenovo Group to enter the development and management of kiwifruit. Lenovo's entry into agriculture not only has its own set of practices, but also plays an exemplary and leading role in the development of new local operators. Jin'e kiwifruit cooperative guides members of small-scale farmers to form "large households" to connect with Lenovo Jiawo Company, and guides and supervises its production in accordance with the requirements of the company, thus realizing the connection between decentralized farmers and a unified market. The Garden Sunshine Family Farm in Wenjiang District adopts the method of transferring land, independent management and employment management, growing 120mu of vegetables, some of which are sold directly to nearby residents and some to the local wholesale market, with a net income of 320000 yuan in 2013.

For the development of new agricultural operators, it is very important to have a good operating mechanism. In terms of property rights, clear ownership of assets, clear ownership, clear rights and responsibilities; close connection of assets to form a closely linked community of interests. In production, various resource elements such as land, capital and talents are integrated to reflect the openness and growth of agricultural production; advanced production technology is used on the basis of appropriate scale operation to improve the efficiency of all kinds of resources and agricultural production. In terms of operation and management, we should adopt the mode of operation that is suitable for the characteristics of their respective products and production links to effectively organize agricultural production; according to their own characteristics, we should adopt decision-making methods that conform to the provisions of laws and regulations and recognized by members, and make efficient and scientific decisions. In sales, to meet market demand-oriented, provide commodities, agricultural products or services; the use of modern marketing concepts and means to expand sales channels. In profit distribution, we should take into account the relationship between distribution and accumulation, long-term goals and short-term goals, determine the total amount of profit distribution, reasonably evaluate the contribution of various resource elements to profits, and take into account the interests of all parties in the distribution. mobilize and protect the enthusiasm of all parties.

A good operating mechanism will help the new type of agricultural operators to play an important role in the development of agricultural and rural economy. the first is to ensure the supply of commodity agricultural products, the second is to increase farmers' income, and the third is to improve the competitiveness of agricultural industry. the fourth is to solve the problem of who will farm.

Second, to cultivate a new type of agricultural management body, the government should act effectively.

In the investigation of Sichuan and Hubei provinces, cadres and masses generally reflected that in order to promote the healthy development of new agricultural operators, we must pertinently solve the difficulties and problems faced in the development of new agricultural operators. First, it is difficult to build production facilities. Guo Changlin, a family farmer in Changlin, Pujiang County, said that he hopes to have a cold storage to put the kiwifruit for a period of time and sell it for a good price in the wrong season. Can invest too much, but also have to apply for land, now there is no way, can only rent other people's cold storage, sometimes can not rent. Second, it is difficult to get a loan. Zhang Shaofa, chairman of the rich farmers' vegetable cooperative, reflected that it is still very difficult for cooperative products to enter urban communities, and properties charge NT $150 a day and NT $300 for high ones. "We want to set up a direct store, which not only sells vegetables, but also serves as an image display, and can also talk about business, for a total of 400000 yuan. I can't get a loan from the bank, so I can only borrow it from my relatives and friends. Third, the development is not standard enough. The responsible comrade of the Qingshen County Bureau of Agriculture reflected that although there are a large number of local co-operatives, many co-operatives are no different from self-employed and still take care of their own, while others simply sell agricultural materials. Grass-roots cadres also reflect the problems that cooperatives are also listed as family farms and that family farms employ too much labor. Fourth, the strength of guidance and service is not strong. The comrade of the Sichuan Provincial Agricultural Department said: at present, most villages and towns are in a state of "three noes" in agricultural economic institutions, posts, and personnel, and the strength of the agricultural economic team at the grass-roots level is weak, which directly affects the development of work, and "some townships cannot even count the number." I can't figure out the basic situation of the development of cooperatives. A similar situation exists in Hubei Province. In view of the above problems, Sichuan and Hubei have taken a variety of measures to explore ways to promote the standardized development of cooperatives.

(1) to cultivate superior industries. By strengthening the work in the selection of leading industries, quality and safety supervision, and regional brand maintenance, we will create a complete industrial chain to create a good environment for the development of new agricultural operators. The first is to popularize applicable technology. According to the secretary of the Pujiang County CPC Committee, over the past 10 years, the county has regarded kiwifruit as an advantageous industry, developed new varieties in cooperation with the Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and issued planting technical regulations to provide support for industrial development. Caidian District, Daye City and other places organize family farmers and heads of cooperatives to participate in production technical training to improve production skills. The second is to strengthen quality and safety supervision and services. Pujiang County has established a county, township and village three-level supervision and service system, the county has a service center, villages and towns have integrated service stations, and each village has set up a technical service room and an integrated service room. supervision and services are carried out from various links such as kiwifruit production technology, input management, harvest and so on. The third is to build a sales platform. Meishan City has repeatedly organized cooperatives to participate in exhibition and sales promotion meetings, and reached 50 million yuan procurement agreements with dealers and communities. Pujiang County cultivates sales leaders and encourages Lenovo Jiawo kiwifruit planting Company to ensure the sales of family farms, cooperatives and ordinary farmers by developing chain planting. The fourth is to maintain the regional public brand. Pujiang County applied for Pujiang kiwifruit geographical indications and held international forums and other activities to promote. According to the responsible comrade of Pujiang County, the county implements gridding management on kiwifruit transportation, sets up card points, carries out patrols, checks whether kiwifruit using geographical indications has certificates of origin and picking certificates, and confiscates those whose documents are incomplete or falsified. to maintain regional brands.