
Why can't Sautéed Sweet Corn with Salted Egg Yolk sell "gold price"?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Why is it that the increase in corn production has not brought about an increase in farmers' income? In the cold winter, the reporter walked into Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, which is known as the hometown of corn in China, and explored the reason why Sautéed Sweet Corn with Salted Egg Yolk could not sell the gold price in Taojiatun, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, the hometown of corn in China.

Why is it that the increase in corn production has not brought about an increase in farmers' income? In the cold winter, the reporter walked into Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, which is known as the "hometown of China's corn" to explore the reason why Sautéed Sweet Corn with Salted Egg Yolk could not sell the "gold price".

At the gate of the Taojiatun grain depot in Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, the hometown of corn in China, the reporter saw a farmer rubbing his hands in front of a red grain truck waiting anxiously for grain to be sold. He is Ma Dejun from Hongxihe Village, Liufangzi Town. Ma Dejun told reporters that he planted more than 300 mu of corn last year, and under his own careful care, the corn yield was higher than that of the previous year, but his income did not increase much.

The reporter found that this situation is very common in many nearby townships. Why can't Sautéed Sweet Corn with Salted Egg Yolk sell the "gold price"?

Corn encounters a "cold spell" in the market

A grain expert told reporters that at present, the corn market is experiencing a serious "cold spell." The price of corn in the international market has slipped into a downward channel, and the domestic corn market has increased production for many years, and the continuous increase in corn production and the continuous decline in consumer demand have occurred at the same time, the trend of production and demand is in the opposite direction, and the characteristics of phased surplus are very obvious. corn appears high yield, high purchase volume, high inventory "three high" superposition.

In order to protect farmers' planting income, since November last year, China has implemented a corn temporary storage policy in four provinces and regions of Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Liaoning, and corn prices are the same as in 2013. However, under the support of the purchase price of corn, the domestic corn price has remained high for a long time, and the price of corn at home and abroad is seriously upside down, which leads to the substantial import of corn and corn substitute varieties, which aggravates the contradiction that the yield of corn exceeds the demand.

At the same time, the cost of domestic corn production is increasing, and the planting income of farmers is declining year by year. The space to protect farmers' enthusiasm of growing grain simply by open acquisition and raising the purchase price of supporting the market is getting smaller and smaller, and the effect is getting weaker and weaker. "at present, the economic situation is not very good, and the price of corn cannot go up. It is only with the corn temporary storage policy that we have this price, while the rising costs of land cultivation, such as labor costs and land rental costs, have greatly offset the planting benefits brought about by the increase in corn production." Sun Zhonghui, chairman of Tonghui Cooperative in Taojiatun, Gongzhuling City, said.

Raising the threshold of acquisition is forced to reduce grain consumption

This year, the corn temporary storage acquisition did not raise the purchase price, but raised the acquisition standard. According to this year's temporary storage policy, corn mildew grains exceed 2% to 3%, with a price deduction of 1%, which is equivalent to more than 20 yuan per ton of corn; mildew grains exceed 3%, with a price deduction of 3%, equivalent to more than 60 yuan per ton of corn; mildew grains exceed 4% to 5%, with a price deduction of 6%, equivalent to more than 120 yuan per ton of corn.

"Farmers attach importance to production, despise post-natal scientific management, and backward grain storage methods are the deep-seated reasons for corn mildew. Raising the standard of purchase can force farmers to store grain scientifically and reduce grain consumption. " Han Fuchun, director of the Jilin Provincial Grain Bureau, said in an interview with the Economic Daily.

It is understood that now more than 80% of farmers in Jilin Province have changed the storage mode of "lying on the ground" and adopted scientific granaries, stacks, and baskets to realize the three-dimensional storage of corn off the ground and off the wall.

The way out is to develop intensive processing.

Gongzhuling City is a typical grain-producing county and financially poor county, with bumper harvests of corn and "snowballing" of policy inventory in successive years, which makes the financially tight Gongzhuling City bear more and more heavy pressure on collection and storage.

"in order to sell corn at a good price and achieve better economic development in Gongzhuling City, we must find a way out from the corn industry itself and really turn the advantages of corn resources into economic advantages." Wang Zilian, secretary of the Gongzhuling Municipal CPC Committee in Jilin Province, told reporters.

The deep processing industry of corn in Gongzhuling City has been relatively developed. The two local leading corn processing enterprises, Cofco biochemical Energy (Gongzhuling) Co., Ltd., and Huanglong Food Industry Co., Ltd., can absorb half of Gongzhuling's corn output every year if they produce at full capacity. Due to the economic downturn, the two enterprises are now basically in a state of semi-shutdown. This is also one of the important reasons for the high corn inventory in Gongzhuling City.

Mei Lina, deputy secretary of the Gongzhuling Municipal CPC Committee, believes that there is a lot of room for the development of the corn industry, and many products have not yet been developed. At present, Gongzhuling City is planning and building a space breeding base, display base and sales base, and building the largest corn seed distribution base and logistics base in the country, so as to turn Gongzhuling City into China's corn seed industry "Silicon Valley." If these plans become a reality, the corn industry in Gongzhuling City is expected to get out of the predicament completely.