
What is the planting industry doing this year? The Ministry of Agriculture has identified seven key tasks

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture issued the "key points of planting work in 2015", identifying seven key tasks of planting industry in 2015. Do not relax and do a good job in grain production. We will optimize the planting structure and strive to stabilize the grain acreage above last year's level. Deepen the promotion of grain

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture issued the "key points of planting work in 2015", identifying seven key tasks of planting industry in 2015.

Do not relax and do a good job in grain production. We will optimize the planting structure and strive to stabilize the grain acreage above last year's level. We will further promote the establishment of high grain production, carry out regular rotation of demonstration films, and give priority to supporting major counties in the production of grain rations such as rice and wheat. We will carry out the green production model in a down-to-earth manner, focusing on the main producing areas and major grain-producing counties, and make every effort to overcome the technical bottlenecks affecting the improvement of per unit yield, quality, efficiency and environmental improvement. Actively promote the development of potato staple food products and industries, promote the development of staple food products and technological process improvement, and enhance the level of potato industrialization.

We will unremittingly promote the quality and efficiency of economic and horticultural crops. Optimize the structural distribution bureau, stabilize the planting area of cotton oil sugar and vegetables, continue to create high yield of cotton oil sugar, vigorously promote light and simple cultivation and high yield and high efficiency technical model, and improve the level of per unit yield and planting efficiency. Carry out the "three products" promotion action of horticultural crops to promote variety improvement, quality improvement and brand creation. Optimize the distribution of vegetable areas and varieties, promote safe and efficient green cultivation techniques, and promote standardized and large-scale production. We will do a solid job in the pilot development of protected vegetables in large and medium-sized cities in northern China in winter, and steadily improve the level of vegetable self-sufficiency in winter and spring in northern China. Promote the establishment of a standard garden for horticultural crops.

Earnestly strengthen the protection and improvement of the quality of cultivated land. We will implement the strictest system for the protection of cultivated land, do a solid job in the delineation of permanent basic farmland, and explore the mechanism of "planning, management, construction and use" to achieve permanent protection and sustainable utilization. We will carry out actions to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land, focusing on soil fertility improvement, soil improvement, nutrient balance and quality restoration, so as to improve the internal quality of cultivated land. We will improve the national cultivated land quality monitoring system and publish cultivated land quality monitoring on a regular basis.

Efforts should be made to promote the sustainable development of planting industry. Implement chemical fertilizer and pesticide reduction, control damage, save cost and increase efficiency, promote soil testing formula fertilization, popularize new fertilizer technology, and make effective use of organic fertilizer resources. We will control the occurrence and harm of diseases and insect pests, promote the accurate use of drugs, carry out integrated pest control, continue to carry out designated pilot sites for highly toxic pesticides, and expand the pilot scope of demonstration subsidies for low-toxic biological pesticides. We will promote high-efficiency, low-toxic and low-residue pesticides to replace high-toxic and high-residue pesticides, and high-efficiency large and medium-sized pharmaceutical equipment to replace low-efficient small-scale pharmaceutical equipment, improve the utilization rate of resources, and ensure the realization of the goal of reducing chemical fertilizers and pesticides. We will develop water-saving agriculture, integrate and popularize the water-saving technology model of dry farming in key areas, highlight key technologies, and improve the utilization rate of water resources.

Strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and pests. We will speed up the construction of a monitoring and early warning system for diseases and insect pests, and focus on setting up a number of automatic and intelligent field monitoring networks. We will vigorously promote unified prevention and control, focusing on supporting a number of large professional prevention and control organizations. We will innovate and promote green prevention and control, integrate a number of green pest prevention and control technology models suitable for different crops, and build a number of green prevention and control demonstration areas. Promote the scientific use of drugs, to the coordination and unity of "drugs, machinery, and people", to achieve pesticide reduction and control. Every effort should be made to stop the spread of the plant epidemic.

Pay close attention to disaster prevention and mitigation. We will strengthen the analysis of disaster dispatching and improve emergency plans for major disasters. We will strengthen technical guidance services, take the initiative to avoid disasters, fight disasters scientifically, implement key technologies for disaster prevention and mitigation, and reduce disaster losses.

Strengthen the construction of laws and regulations. We will promote the revision and promulgation of the regulations on the Administration of pesticides and speed up the formulation of supporting regulations. We will speed up the drafting of the regulations on the Prevention and Control of crop Diseases and insect pests, organize the drafting of the regulations on the quality Protection of cultivated Land and the regulations on Fertilizer Management, and actively promote the drafting, promulgation and implementation of the Grain Law. We will promote administration according to law and comprehensive law enforcement in agriculture.