
How do farmers' property rights become property? The most idle houses are the "three plots of land" in the countryside.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, We will speed up the registration and issuance of rural land contractual management rights, and actively strive for the pilot use of collective construction land in the market. We will deepen the reform of the collective forest tenure system. We will promote the reform of the property rights system of collective economic organizations to the township level, and improve the rural property rights transfer market.

We will speed up the registration and issuance of rural land contractual management rights, and actively strive for the pilot use of collective construction land in the market. We will deepen the reform of the collective forest tenure system. We will promote the reform of the property rights system of collective economic organizations to the township level, improve the rural property rights transfer market, and strengthen the supervision of collective assets. Report on the work of the Municipal Government in 2015

The idle houses in the "three plots of land" in the countryside are the most eye-catching.

The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to give farmers more property rights. What are the property rights of farmers? At the government affairs inquiry meeting of the two sessions in Beijing this year, the reporter interviewed Kang Sen, deputy secretary of the Municipal Committee of Agriculture and work. Kansen said that farmers' property rights are a big concept, which includes some common property rights, such as homestead, contracted land, quantification of collective assets to households, collective property rights to households, and so on; it also includes some unique property rights, such as the forest rights of mountain farmers, the shares of cooperative members, and so on.

Among the many property rights, Guo Guanglei, deputy to the Municipal people's Congress and director of the Municipal Agricultural Research Center, believes that land rights and interests are the core of farmers' property rights. "specifically, it is the 'three pieces of land' in rural areas, the collective construction land of the village, the contracted land of farmers and the homestead." Guo Guanglei explained.

Among the "three plots of land", homestead is the most concerned by farmers. Especially with the development of the new type of urbanization, the idle homestead in rural areas is increasing day by day, and this piece of property that "cannot be taken away" has become a worry for many migrant farmers in the city: "you can't bring it to the city, and you can't trade in the market." Homestead can only be idle all the time. "

According to a sample survey conducted by the Municipal Agricultural Research Center, at present, in the suburbs of the city, the proportion of villages with idle rural houses is as high as 81.3%, and the area of idle homestead accounts for 5.3% of the total area of homestead. In the six districts and counties of Changping, Mentougou, Huairou, Miyun, Pinggu and Fangshan, the area of idle homestead in Fangshan District, Changping District and Huairou District accounts for a large proportion, which is 31.9%, 13.5% and 10.1% respectively.

The results of a sample survey show that the main causes of idle rural houses in this city are that farmers go out to work all the year round, purchase other houses to form multiple houses and move dangerous villages, and so on. Especially in the suburbs of some cities, after farmers have bought buildings, the houses originally in the countryside are idle most of the time.

It is the general expectation of farmers to increase farmers' property income, to achieve innovative exploration on idle rural houses, and to realize idle rural housing assets. "in view of the problem of idle homestead, the central government is studying reform policies, and various localities are also carrying out some pilot attempts." Guo Guanglei said that according to the rural homestead reform plan released by the central government a few days ago, the paid exit mechanism of homestead will be explored among rural collective members. In this regard, Guo Guanglei interpreted that in order to carry out such an exploration, we must first confirm the right to the use of rural homestead, and then on the basis of fully respecting the relevant rights and interests of farmers' homestead, explore and carry out a paid withdrawal mechanism of homestead within the collective members of the village.

In addition, Guo Guanglei also put forward suggestions on the use of idle farmhouses. "idle farmhouses can be used to develop industries in line with urban functional planning." Guo Guanglei said, for example, "Tian Xianyu Village, Bohai Town, Huairou District, tries to use idle farmhouses to develop leisure pension industry."

Give market power to idle farmhouses

In recent years, as a large number of farmers in the suburbs of Beijing have moved upstairs or went to the city to study and buy houses, more and more idle rural houses have appeared in the rural areas of the suburbs of Beijing. This phenomenon has also attracted special attention from Yue Hongsheng, member of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference and member of the standing Committee of the Municipal Federation of overseas Chinese.

"there is a shortage of pension institutions on the one hand and idle rural homestead on the other, why can't they help the development?" Yue Hongsheng took out a material introduction, said that according to the forecast, the city's registered elderly will reach 3.8 million by 2020, accounting for 25% of the city's total registered population; by 2030, it will reach 4.8 million, accounting for 30%; and by 2040, it will reach 5.6 million, accounting for 35%. These data fully show that the aging situation of the urban population in Beijing has been extremely severe, and it is imperative to comprehensively improve the service level of the elderly, increase the fundamentals of social services, and rapidly expand the scale of Beijing's pension industry.

Yue Hongsheng analyzed that homestead and ground objects are important property of farmers, and it is a problem that needs to be solved in front of rural grass-roots managers to invigorate and endow them with market power and increase farmers' property income.

Yue Hongsheng suggested that these idle rural house resources can be uniformly planned and utilized and rebuilt according to the unified standard of livability and maintenance, which can solve the problem of old-age industrial land without occupying agricultural land at all. it can also greatly reduce the cost of development and construction. The rural homestead used for the construction of old-age property can adopt the cooperative management mode of professional institution trusteeship, investment enterprise holding, renting (or investing) idle homestead in resident villages and towns, so as to tilt social capital to the priority option and establish a new pension model to meet the market demand. It can not only increase the income of farmers' idle homestead, but also create more employment opportunities for rural surplus labor, promote the coordinated development of urban and rural integration, create market conditions for the construction of rural urbanization in the suburbs of Beijing, benefit the country and the people, and kill many birds with one stone.

"governments at the city, district and county levels may organize leaders and experts appointed by relevant bureaus to hold discussions, listen to project reports and market analysis, and then select pilot districts and counties to carry out pilot project construction through pilot planning and construction plans and formulating supporting policies." Yue Hongsheng said: at the same time, it is necessary to timely sum up the experience of the pilot project, adjust the technical links and policy arrangements, and formulate a unified promotion and development plan on the basis of the successful experience of the pilot project.

Farmers hold property rights and look forward to realization.

The reporter investigated and learned in the rural areas in the suburbs that at present, many villages are actually realizing the property rights in the hands of farmers through the "new three" means of land transfer, asset management, and farmers' organization.

"our old couple have an annual land transfer income of more than 30,000 yuan." Zhao Fushun, who said this, is a villager of Qianfu Village, Yujiawu Township, Tongzhou District. In the housework township, there are many villagers like Zhao Fushun who rely on the circulation of land to lead a rich life. At present, 23 villages in Yujiawu Township have completed the transfer of 35000 mu of land, accounting for 64% of the confirmed land; using the transferred land to introduce many high-end enterprises, and built an international seed industry park.

"I understand that the most important property rights of farmers are actually 'three plots of land', agricultural contracted land, homestead, and rural collective construction land, all of which are shared by our villagers." Wang Jian, 30, is an ordinary farmer in Caiyu Town, Daxing District. The post-80s young man has greater expectations for giving farmers more property rights.

"at present, many villages in the city have done a good job in land transfer, liberating farmers from the land and increasing their income through transfer fees. But I am more concerned about whether the homestead can be transferred as reasonably and legally as the land in the city. How can it bring me more wealth? " Wang Jian said: at present, many people in rural areas have bought houses in cities, and a large number of houses in rural areas are idle, and even if they rent them, they cannot pay a high price, and some earn tens of thousands of yuan after renting for five or six years, which is several times different from that in cities. However, at present, many rules on the entry of rural homestead into the market have not been issued, so how much wealth the "property rights" held by many farmers can bring to them is still very confused.

In fact, the property rights of farmers are more than these. Many rural areas in the suburbs of Beijing are making more benefits for farmers through the reform of the collective economic property right system. Dou Dian Village, Dou Dian Town, Fangshan District, quantifies equity through collective assets, making the villagers' pockets bigger. Dou Dian Village has always been a banner of the city's collective economic development. in recent years, Dou Dian Village has tried every means to manage its collective assets and resources. on the one hand, it invests in promising enterprises. on the other hand, it invests well in various infrastructure construction, forming four major plates: agriculture, automobile, biomedicine and emerging industry. In 2013, the turnover of the automobile sector alone exceeded 1 billion yuan. On the equity certificate of the villagers of Dou Dian Village, the shares of each villager are clearly marked as four parts, including basic shares (land shares), household registration shares, labor contribution shares and management option shares. Different from the solid determination of land rights in many villages, Dou Dian Village implements dynamic management of land rights, that is, reducing staff and increasing land, increasing staff and reducing land, in order to maintain the sustainability of collective economic development.

But not every villager with a quantified stake can get the same benefits. The reporter investigated and learned that in the rural areas on the outskirts of Beijing, the operation and management of collective assets in villages are mixed, and the per capita dividends of some villagers can reach tens of thousands of yuan at the end of the year, while in some remote mountain villages, the annual per capita dividends are only a few yuan. According to statistics, from 2010 to 2013, the rate of return on rural collective assets in the city was 2%, 1.5%, 1.4% and 1.5% respectively, all lower than the interest rate of bank deposits in the same period. And how to give farmers more property rights and let them get real "realization" is a problem that needs to be solved by all relevant departments.