
Stick to healthy urbanization and not make bottom line mistakes

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, To achieve healthy urbanization, it is necessary to grasp the key bottom line, which is determined by decision mistakes with two kinds of characteristics. That is, rigid error and vicious circle. Urbanization is an incomparably complex system, which involves society, economy, ecology and current situation.

To achieve healthy urbanization, it is necessary to grasp the key bottom line, which is determined by decision mistakes with two kinds of characteristics. That is, rigid error and vicious circle.

Urbanization is an incomparably complex system, which involves society, economy, ecology, current and long-term, this generation and the next generation. Everyone can express their unique views on urbanization. In fact, according to the long-term experience of academic circles, two research methods are often adopted for large, complex and long-term problems. First, turn complexity into simplicity. Find the most critical question and use the bottom line to find the answer. Second, carry on the multi-dimensional analysis. Prevent the omission of the most important problems and countermeasures.

The so-called "planning" is to look forward to the problems that may be faced, and then put forward effective policy measures to deal with them. In this way, we can naturally conclude that the realization of healthy urbanization should grasp the critical bottom line, which is determined by decision-making mistakes with two kinds of characteristics. That is, rigid error and vicious circle.

As long as these two kinds of "bottom line mistakes" are not made, the healthy development of urbanization can be basically guaranteed. Using these two types of characteristics to measure the bottom line of the long-term development of urbanization can be summarized into five categories.

The first bottom line: we must adhere to the coordinated development of large, small and medium-sized cities and small towns.

Small and medium-sized cities have irreplaceable functions of big cities. Because the existence of economic vitality and the variety of transactions are divided according to the different functions of large, small and medium-sized cities. Big cities focus on international trade; medium-sized cities are the engine of regional growth; small cities mainly serve the surrounding areas and are the general base for surrounding "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", which can not be replaced by large and medium-sized cities.

Since small towns are human settlements that are suitable for full communication between human beings and nature, a considerable part of the financial investment in urbanization will be invested in small towns in the following four aspects: first, there must be a sound urban planning and management organization; second, necessary infrastructure, such as water supply, sewage and garbage treatment facilities; third, there is a localized green building construction and management system. Fourth, according to the size of the resident population in cities and towns, the overall allocation of schools, kindergartens, hospitals, culture, sports and other public service facilities. These four points are the most basic requirements of human settlements in small towns.

The second bottom line: the complementary and coordinated development of urban and rural areas.

The problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers are closely related to healthy urbanization. Some economists always simply think that urbanization will be completed by moving the rural population to the cities, that the production efficiency will be automatically improved, the social division of labor will automatically advance, and the level of science and technology will develop automatically. The correct road of agricultural modernization is often the base of healthy urbanization and ecological security.

This backplane will also show another effect. With the urbanization rate of more than 50%, the traditional rural local culture, one village, one product, agricultural landscape and pastoral scenery will become scarce resources, and the upsurge of rural tourism will sprout, thus driving the rural areas to go beyond the stage of industrialization and embark on a road of green and sustainable development of modern agriculture. This has been proved by some successful experiences in Western Europe, East Asia and other places.

The third kind of bottom line: compact urban space density.

There are three main modes of urban space density: first, the compact model: Europe and Japan vigorously develop public transport to form a centralized and compact urbanization model. Second, the contagion model: urbanization and motorization in the United States occur at the same time, resulting in urbanization on the wheel, resulting in waste of land, doubling the cost of infrastructure and public facilities, and leading to urban bankruptcy. Our country is the third mode. The national conditions of our country are large population and little land, scarcity of resources, high overlap of cultivated land and urban development land, and synchronization of urbanization and motorization, so we must adhere to the compact urban spatial layout mode of intensive economy. we must firmly adhere to the principle that the red line of cultivated land cannot be destroyed. Compact cities are the foundation of ecological civilization.

The fourth bottom line: to prevent the emergence of empty cities.

There are two kinds of empty cities in the world: one is the empty city that declined because of industrial transfer, that is, it was once brilliant, but now people walk empty buildings, such as resource-exhausted cities and so on. The other is man-made empty city. The new empty city with Chinese style is unprecedented in the history of city construction in the world, and it is a unique phenomenon of serious waste of resources in our country. For example, the urban population of Ordos City has a total of 460000 people, but now the houses built can accommodate 1.2 million people. Urban history tells people that as long as there is no empty city phenomenon in the construction of new towns, effective assets will be formed, and local finance will be stable. China should introduce hard measures to regulate the blind construction of new towns and new areas, so as to fundamentally put an end to the emergence of empty cities.

The fifth bottom line: the protection of cultural and natural heritage.

First of all, the natural and cultural heritage is non-renewable, which is a part of the increasing value of green resources and national cultural soft power, and should be rescued and protected. Secondly, landscape towns, garden towns and famous historical and cultural towns not only demonstrate the traditional wisdom of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, but also reflect the cultural self-confidence of the nation. Third, the wealth of the city is hidden in the spatial structure. The space composed of nature and artistic architecture is the floor of "better life". Fourth, strengthen the preparation and management of urban planning, implement the "three districts and four lines", and improve the system of national planning inspectors and urban planning commission in order to protect the cultural and natural heritage in the process of urbanization.