
2015 No.1 Document Locks New Positioning of Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, "Central Committee No. 1 Document" originally refers to the first document issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China every year, and has now become a proper term for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to attach importance to rural issues. Yesterday, this year's No.1 Document-"Several Measures on Intensifying Reform and Innovation and Accelerating Agricultural Modernization Construction"

"Central document No. 1" originally refers to the first document issued by the CPC Central Committee every year, but it has now become a proper term for the CPC Central Committee to attach importance to rural issues. Yesterday, this year's No. 1 document, "some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization," arrived as promised, specifying three major directions of "strong", "rich" and "beautiful" for China's agricultural work in the future. it sets the tone for the new stage of agricultural system reform from the perspectives of food safety, the price of agricultural products, and the further improvement of rural public services.

Improve the quality of agricultural products and food safety

Document No. 1 pointed out that if China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong. To strengthen agriculture, we must shift as soon as possible from the extensive operation of mainly pursuing output and relying on resource consumption to paying equal attention to quantity and quality benefits, to improving competitiveness, to agricultural scientific and technological innovation, and to sustainable and intensive development. take the road of modern agricultural development with high output efficiency, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said frankly that after years of growth at any cost, the supply of agricultural products in China is in a state of surplus, but this mode of agricultural development is at the expense of resources and environment. Behind the increase in production, problems such as land pollution and groundwater decline have become increasingly prominent, the traditional agricultural development model is no longer sustainable, and it is urgent to change the agricultural development mode.

With regard to changing the mode of agricultural development, document No. 1 makes it clear that it is necessary to improve the quality of agricultural products and the level of food safety. Strict management of agricultural inputs and vigorously promote standardized agricultural production. We will implement the subsidy policy for the cost of quality and safety inspection in important agricultural production bases and wholesale markets. Establish a traceable, interconnected and shared agricultural product quality and food safety information platform.

Hong Tao, a professor at the School of Economics at Beijing Industrial and Commercial University, an expert specially appointed by the Ministry of Commerce, and an expert on the market circulation of agricultural products of the Ministry of Agriculture, believes that the era of simple agricultural output has passed, and in the future it will gradually turn to quality and efficiency, and quality is mainly reflected in food safety. After years of development, the output of meat, peanuts, vegetables and fruits in China is the first in the world, but the traceable agricultural products and food safety monitoring system has not been fully established, and food safety problems occur from time to time. With the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, food safety will be placed in a more important position, and green, pollution-free, organic and geographical indication products will be the main direction of the development of agricultural products in the future.

Improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products

Increasing farmers' income is the focus of attention every year, and the first document this year proposes to improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products. To increase farmers' income, we must maintain a reasonable level of prices of agricultural products. We will continue to implement the policy of minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat and improve the policy of temporary procurement and storage of important agricultural products. Summarize the pilot experience of soybean target price reform in Xinjiang, Northeast and Inner Mongolia, improve subsidy methods, reduce operating costs, and ensure that subsidy funds are cashed in full and timely to farmers.

According to a reporter from the Beijing Business Daily, China began to implement the minimum price acquisition and temporary storage system in 2004, which aims to be purchased at a low price by state-designated enterprises to maintain the market price. However, in recent years, due to this policy, the domestic and foreign price differences of many agricultural products, including soybeans, cotton and sugar, are increasing day by day. Take cotton as an example. Previously, the international market price of cotton was about 14000 yuan / ton, while the domestic target price was 19800 yuan / ton, with a price difference of 5800 yuan / ton.

Hong Tao pointed out that a large number of subsidies, collection and storage are no longer adapted to agricultural development, which not only does not reflect the law of supply and demand in the market, but also brings challenges to the sustainable increase of income in rural areas. Although the reform of the target price of agricultural products may have a certain impact on farmers' income in the short term, in the long run, it will straighten out the market relationship and be conducive to the increase of rural income.

In addition, document No. 1 also makes it clear that the channels for increasing external income in rural areas should be broadened. To increase the income of the people, we must promote the transfer of employment and entrepreneurship of farmers. We will implement a plan to upgrade the vocational skills of migrant workers. We will implement the policy of equal pay for equal work, protect the rights and interests of labor remuneration of migrant workers in accordance with the law, and establish a long-term mechanism for the normal payment of wages for migrant workers.

Experts believe that in addition to agricultural products, migrant workers are also an important source of income for farmers. In recent years, the income proportion of planting industry is declining, the proportion of non-planting is increasing, and the change of agricultural structure is the transfer of farmers to the secondary and tertiary industries. At present, migrant workers still have deficiencies in skills training, wage levels, children's education and social security. Implementing equal pay for equal work and expanding urban social insurance coverage for migrant workers actually increase farmers' income in disguise. It is also conducive to the protection of the rights and interests of farmers.

Improve the individual payment standard of NCMS

For rural work, in addition to intuitive feelings, "beauty" should also be reflected in people's lives, that is, to improve the quality of life of farmers by improving the level of public services in rural areas. Document No. 1 clearly states that China will establish a sustainable financing mechanism for the new rural cooperative medical system, raise the per capita financial subsidy and individual payment standards at the same time, and further improve the actual reimbursement level.

A few days ago, the relevant departments of our country have repeatedly stated their position on the improvement of the urban and rural medical insurance system. At the beginning of this year, Mao Qunan, director of the propaganda Department of the National Health and Family Planning Commission and spokesman, also made clear the work plan to continue to improve the medical insurance for urban residents and the subsidy standards of the NCMS government. Because the financing level of China's basic medical insurance is relatively low, there is still a lot of room for improvement from the actual demand.

In the view of Shan Jingjing, an associate researcher at the Institute of Urban Development and Environment of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, raising the standard of financial subsidies per capita and individual contributions is not the "permanent cure" to improve the actual level of reimbursement. She said frankly that in the past, in order to improve the level and proportion of reimbursement, farmers treated minor ailments and even went to hospital regularly in order to reimburse medical expenses as much as possible in the process of the implementation of the new rural cooperative medical system. the phenomenon of transfusion can be found everywhere, and this kind of waste of medical resources caused by unreasonable system design and the problem that some areas can not fully enjoy the right of medical insurance exist at the same time.

Therefore, to improve the NCMS system, not only to achieve "sustainable" financing, but also to fully protect the money and leave no loopholes in the system is the key.