
Amphibious Farmers influence the process of New urbanization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The core of the new type of urbanization is human urbanization. However, as the main group to promote the new type of urbanization, farmers in cities have become drifting due to the discrimination of traditional behavior concepts, production and living habits and policies, as well as the failure of public service resources to follow up in time.

The core of the new type of urbanization is human urbanization. However, as the main group to promote the new type of urbanization, because of the discrimination of traditional behavior concepts, production and living habits and policies, as well as the failure of public service resources to follow up in time, farmers have become a special group apart from farmers and citizens. Its particularity lies in the obvious "amphibious" characteristics in their production and way of life. How to dissolve and eliminate the "amphibious" characteristics of these groups, so that they can better integrate into the city and become real citizens, directly affect the process of new urbanization. In this paper, taking Huaibei City, Anhui Province as a sample, through investigation, it is found that the ideas, production methods, employment skills and social security of "amphibious" farmers do not meet the requirements of the new type of urbanization. it has become the main factor affecting and restricting the citizenization of amphibious farmers.

The "amphibious" characteristics in the process of Peasants' citizenization

First, from the point of view of the way of thinking, "amphibious" farmers are in a fixed state of love for the land and the countryside. The vast majority of "amphibious" farmers have a strong land complex and deep feelings for their hometown, especially with the continuous increase in the income of migrant workers, the continuous appreciation of rural land, the discomfort of the urban living environment and the worry about social security, more and more farmers are more satisfied with the state of self-sufficiency and amphibious life of "living by farming and spending money to do odd jobs". A sample survey shows that at present, more than 50% of the city's "amphibious" farmers are satisfied with the current situation of life and do not want to leave the land and leave their hometown, while less than 10% have a strong willingness to settle in the city. Under the influence of the fixed thinking of loving earth and hometown, the pace of "amphibious" farmers moving towards the city has greatly slowed down, which has seriously hindered the process of new urbanization.

Second, from the point of view of the mode of production, "amphibious" farmers are in the accompanying state of both workers and farmers. According to the survey, in 2013, the "amphibious" farmers in the city who worked for more than 200 days accounted for more than 70% of the city's total; "amphibious" farmers came from the income of migrant workers, accounting for more than 80% of the total household income; and the per capita income of "amphibious" farmers in the suburbs was nearly 10,000 yuan higher than that of farmers in remote towns who rely solely on agriculture. Although they work and live in cities all the year round, they have not yet become real industrial workers because they are not completely separated from agricultural production. The production mode of "amphibious" farmers, which is not only not conducive to the transformation of farmers to industrial workers, but also increases the difficulty of land transfer, affecting the development of modern agriculture in the city.

Third, from the point of view of the mode of employment, "amphibious" farmers are on the edge of the secondary and tertiary industries. The city's "amphibious" farmers have a low level of education and lack of skills, so they can only engage in some temporary, auxiliary and alternative physical work in labor-intensive industries such as construction, transportation, catering, processing and manufacturing. Their labor skills have always been at a low level, unable to enter the core posts in the secondary and tertiary industries. At the same time, "amphibious" farmers have returned home one after another in the busy agricultural season, which has also had a serious impact on the production and operation of enterprises. The low-level skills of "amphibious" farmers and the marginalization of employment are difficult to meet the demand for human resources in the development of new urbanization industries.

Fourth, from the perspective of security, "amphibious" farmers are in a state of dual division between urban and rural areas. Under the current urban-rural dual system, there are great differences in social security between urban and rural residents. "amphibious" farmers cannot enjoy employment, unemployment, medical care, pension and other urban social security like urban workers, and do not sign labor contracts. Do not pay work-related injuries, maternity insurance, wage deduction, malicious arrears of wages, arbitrary dismissal and other phenomena occur from time to time. In 2013 alone, there were 162 cases of unpaid wages for "amphibious" farmers in the city, involving 4830 people. The purpose of people's urbanization is to enable farmers to enjoy public services as fairly as urban residents, but in the face of the dual social security system between urban and rural areas and the high cost of living in cities, "amphibious" farmers can only be deterred and hesitated to go to cities.

Fifth, from the perspective of organization, "amphibious" farmers are in a loose state of fighting alone. Due to the government's lack of effective guidance, organization, and management of "amphibious" farmers, when they go to cities to find jobs, they mostly rely on their relatives and friends and find their own ways. At the same time, limited by their own skills and blocked employment information, it is difficult for some "amphibious" farmers to find suitable and stable jobs for a long time; for some "amphibious" farmers who have been in cities for a long time, their social relations are single, and most of them fight on their own and fight on their own. The disorder of entering the city and the disorganized management often infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of "amphibious" farmers.

Thoughts on resolving the "amphibious" characteristics of Peasants' citizenization

In order to better promote the citizenization of "amphibious" farmers and speed up the process of new urbanization, efforts should be made in the following four aspects:

First, efforts should be made to change the ideas of "amphibious" farmers. First, we should strengthen public opinion and propaganda. Actively take various forms to deeply publicize the great significance of the new type of urbanization, so that "amphibious" farmers can truly understand that they are the biggest beneficiaries of the new type of urbanization, so that they can participate voluntarily and actively, so as to provide impetus for speeding up land transfer, land registration and land requisition and demolition. Second, it is necessary to enhance psychological identity. It is necessary to strengthen the care and care of organizations, service centers, and non-governmental organizations at all levels for "amphibious" farmers, gradually enhance their sense of identity and sense of belonging to the city, and enable them to integrate into urban life in an integrated and harmonious environment. Third, we should improve our cultural literacy. We should focus on the cultural and moral education of "amphibious" farmers, cultivate urban residents' ideas and awareness of public morality, and help them establish new ideas and change old habits.

Second, efforts should be made to improve the employment skills of "amphibious" farmers. First, strengthen vocational skills training. Scientifically formulate a comprehensive training plan for "amphibious" farmers, closely centering on the employment needs of the labor market, carry out order-based training, orientation training, and enterprise post-setting training, and constantly enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of skills training. The second is to improve the ability to start their own business. It is necessary to further relax the restrictions on the conditions for registration of "amphibious" farmers in entrepreneurship, and use support policies such as financial support, entrepreneurial training, small guaranteed loans, and entrepreneurial incubation to promote "amphibious" farmers to start their own businesses. The third is to develop vocational education oriented to rural areas. At present, China's rural junior and high school graduates are the new generation of "amphibious" farmers, so it is necessary to improve their vocational skills as an important task of vocational education. We will vigorously support vocational and technical colleges in expanding the scale of enrollment in rural areas, encourage qualified ordinary middle schools to offer vocational education courses, and earnestly strengthen the construction of teachers, teaching materials and training bases for rural vocational education.

Third, efforts should be made to build an integrated urban and rural social security. The first is to promote the settlement of "amphibious" farmers in cities and towns. We will speed up the reform of the household registration system, comprehensively liberalize restrictions on urban household registration, promote "amphibious" farmers and their families who have the conditions and will to have stable employment and accommodation in cities and towns, and their families to settle in cities and towns in an orderly manner, and enjoy urban public services equally in accordance with the law. The second is to ensure that the children of the migrant workers receive education fairly. We will bring the compulsory education for the children of "amphibious" farmers into the scope of educational development planning and financial security, comprehensively clear the obstacles to the admission conditions of public schools, and ensure that they receive compulsory education mainly by public schools. The third is to expand the coverage of social insurance. We will encourage "amphibious" farmers to extensively participate in basic old-age pension and basic medical insurance for urban workers, constantly strengthen enterprises' responsibility for payment, and expand the proportion of "amphibious" farmers participating in industrial injury, unemployment and maternity insurance for urban workers. Fourth, improve the living conditions of "amphibious" farmers. It is necessary to adopt various ways, such as low-rent housing, public rental housing, rental subsidies, and housing purchase subsidies, to reduce the living burden of "amphibious" farmers, and vigorously strengthen the governance of urban villages and urban-rural fringe areas, so as to improve the accommodation conditions of "amphibious" farmers living in them.

Fourth, efforts should be made to strengthen the organization and management of "amphibious" farmers. First, strengthen the work of information statistics. We will promote the construction of an information network for "amphibious" farmers, realize the sharing of information such as the basic situation of personnel, employment intention and employment demand, and improve the degree of organization of labor export and entrepreneurial training. The second is to strengthen the role of trade unions. Actively guide "amphibious" farmers to join trade union organizations, urge employers to perform their obligations under laws and regulations, and earnestly perform their duties. The third is to smooth the channels for safeguarding rights. We will improve the network of legal aid and legal services at the grass-roots level, further simplify the procedures for mediation and arbitration of labor disputes among "amphibious" farmers, and strictly investigate and deal with illegal acts of employers infringing upon the rights and interests of "amphibious" farmers in accordance with the law.