
The Chinese people's rice bowls should be in their own hands.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The country is people-oriented, food is the most important thing for the people, and food is the source of food. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, while grain is the foundation of agriculture, which can be said to be the foundation of all ages. In contemporary times, the issue of food security is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, social development, political stability, and countries all over the world.

The country is people-oriented, people regard food as heaven, food is grain as the source. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, and grain is the foundation of agriculture, which can be said to be the foundation of all ages. In the contemporary food security issues related to national economy and people's livelihood, social development, political stability, countries all over the world food security as an important part of national economic, political, social security, no matter how stressed, can not be overemphasized. How to solve the food problem well and how to ensure national food security is of great and far-reaching strategic significance to a large developing country with a population of 1.3 billion, and it is also the first priority of governance.

Since the reform and opening-up, China's agricultural development has made remarkable achievements, the comprehensive grain production capacity has been continuously enhanced, and the level of food security has been continuously improved. Especially since the beginning of the new century, China's agriculture has been reaping bumper harvests year after year, and the supply and demand of major agricultural products are basically balanced. Since 2004, China's total grain output has achieved "eleven consecutive increases". However, we should also be soberly aware that with the deepening development of industrialization and urbanization, marketization and globalization, the pressure to achieve a balance between food supply and demand has increased, and the task of ensuring national food security is arduous. In the medium and long term, it is difficult to change the reality of more people and less land in China, the trend of increasing population and decreasing land is difficult to reverse, and the situation of shortage of fresh water resources and unbalanced regional distribution is even more severe; With the development of economy and society, the increase of population, the change of dietary structure and the development of grain processing industry, the relationship between grain supply and demand is increasingly tight; The international grain supply and demand situation is not optimistic, the fluctuation of grain prices is violent, and the ups and downs of grain market will have a profound impact on China's grain supply and demand and prices. On the whole, tight grain supply and demand in China will become a normal state, and many hidden worries to ensure food security deserve vigilance and deep consideration. Under the new situation, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen and attach importance to the study of external food security.

The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the development of modern agriculture to ensure national food security and effective supply of important agricultural products. The Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2013 stressed that it is necessary to effectively ensure national food security as the primary task of economic work. Document No.1 of the Central Committee in 2014 further clearly stated that it is necessary to build and implement a national food security strategy based on China, ensuring production capacity, moderate import and scientific and technological support. We should constantly improve the comprehensive agricultural production capacity to ensure that grain is basically self-sufficient and rations are absolutely safe. We should make more active use of international agricultural markets and agricultural resources to effectively regulate and supplement domestic grain supply. While paying attention to the quantity of grain, we should pay more attention to quality safety; while ensuring the current supply, we should pay more attention to the sustainable development of agriculture.

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Economic Work Conference and the No.1 Document of the Central Committee in 2014, and comprehensively and systematically study the current situation and future of China's food security, China Agricultural Publishing House organized domestic authoritative experts to compile the Series of Studies on China's Food Security Issues. The series is divided into 12 volumes, mainly covering: grain supply and demand situation analysis, grain production and management subjects, grain market circulation, grain industry chain and supply chain, grain security early warning mechanism, development of main grain producing areas, grain futures market, grain international trade, etc. Based on China's national conditions, linked to the international market, closely linked to the theme of food security, the series analyzes and studies various factors affecting food security from multiple angles and aspects, focusing on theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, and puts forward many targeted policy suggestions. The authors of this series are authoritative experts and scholars in the field of grain research. Many viewpoints and views in the book are innovative and forward-looking, which not only have high theoretical value, but also have strong practical guiding significance.

The publication of this series has very important practical significance for enhancing China's comprehensive grain production capacity, ensuring national food security, accelerating the development of major grain producing areas, promoting farmers to increase income and promoting agricultural modernization; it has a positive role in promoting our understanding of the current situation and characteristics of China's food security, analyzing the problems and challenges facing China's food security under the new situation, and studying countermeasures and measures to solve China's food security problems. The series can be used as reference materials for cadres, workers and scientific and technological workers in China's agricultural front to study and study China's food security problems, and can also provide reference for relevant departments to formulate and perfect China's food security strategy and guarantee national food security policies and measures.