
How to control the pollution of agricultural ecology in China

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, ecological disasters are not optimistic. What we still remember is the freezing disaster in 2008, then the Wenchuan earthquake, people have not yet woken up from the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai occurred again, and people were stunned again. And then, for God's sake,

In recent years, ecological disasters are not optimistic. What we still remember is the freezing disaster in 2008, then the Wenchuan earthquake, people have not yet woken up from the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai occurred again, and people were stunned again. After that, God put you through the heat of drought: there was a persistent drought in the southwest, and the drought did not seem to be far away. Floods followed one after another around May, and large-scale floods broke out in 15 provinces, including Jiangxi, Hunan, Henan, Jilin, and Guangdong. Before dealing with the flood, a huge mudslide occurred again in Zhouqu, Gansu. To make you suffer enough disaster. Last year we also experienced the constant heat that did not wake up from the nightmare. The weather is extremely bad, sometimes high temperature, sometimes thunder and lightning, even indoors will feel some panic; this kind of weather is rarely seen at ordinary times, but it is not uncommon in recent years. High winds and torrential rains caused floods, landslides and landslides, and claimed many lives!

This is a warning issued by nature to human beings. Why does nature punish human beings mercilessly?

This continuous drought in autumn, winter and spring has developed from "not seen in many years" to "not seen in 50 years", "not seen in 60 years", "not seen in 80 years", and now "not seen in a hundred years". Only to meet again and again? Either flood first and then drought, drought and flood turn rapidly, and God seems to have lost his mind. In fact, if we think too carefully, we should not put the blame on God, many of which are disasters made by people themselves.

On the one hand, random felling destroys the ecological balance of nature, and the mountain green is replaced by desolation. The vegetation could not hold back the raging torrential rain, and floods continued to occur in the south at the turn of spring and summer. In the face of floods, there is no better way but to move out, especially for residents living in low-lying areas, which are common every year. It is common to move out once a year, but even more so in 2011, when floods hit our homes again and again, and the damage caused by multiple floods was incalculable. Many floods occur once in decades, fifty years or hundreds of years, but we have been born so long that we have experienced such floods many times.

Market economy makes people more greedy, regardless of ecology for money, they want to cut down all the trees they depend on to survive and turn them into money in their pockets. Therefore, the village with trees is gone. In the past, the countryside was in a beautiful environment covered with trees, and the city was in the monotony of high-rise oil roads. Now, on the contrary, there are more trees in the city, and there are no trees in the countryside. As long as it is a populated village, not to mention the woods, it is difficult to find a few decent trees, so scattered farmers can extravagantly enjoy the pleasure of having trees, and what wild flowers and weeds are extinct in the countryside. No amount of money can restore the trees that used to be.

Sun Xiliang, a professor at China University, said: "short-sighted forest right reform" is a new round of movement that destroys the environment. I do not deny the short-term economic benefits of forest right reform in some places, but it will certainly have a fatal impact on the survival and bad environment of the Chinese people, and it will be our future generations who will pay for today's imprudent behavior.

Due to the indiscriminate felling of trees, the forest coverage in many places has been reduced, some places have been cut by more than half, and some places have been cut down, resulting in a large amount of soil erosion, river bed siltation, ecological imbalance, resulting in years of flooding and drought. According to the TV news on August 28th, the forest area of western Sichuan has been cut down indiscriminately for more than 20 years, and the forest area has been reduced from 30% to more than 10%. The amount of sediment flowing into the Yangtze River reaches 10 billion tons every year, and it will take more than 100 years to return to the pre-felling level.

On the other hand, the ecology of the land is also deteriorating. Due to the farmers' long-term excessive use of chemical fertilizer on the land, and the amount is increasing year by year, the land is becoming more and more rigid year by year, the fertility is exhausted, and the harvest is worse than the other year, and farmers will not think about it in the long run. Will only pursue immediate interests. In the past, farmers used to fertilize green plants in their fields and apply farm manure, but now there is pig shit and cow dung everywhere in front and behind the village. These organic manure farmers who improve the soil are basically out of use, blindly using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The scientization of agricultural means of production will only pollute farmland and will only make farmers more lazy. they are greedy for comfort, save time and effort to grow lazy fields, and save time either to play cards or to work. They are not willing to invest in or even love land. They only ask for land. If this goes on, the land will degrade and agriculture will collapse. Some farmers even plant poplars in the fields, and then the whole family goes out to work. As soon as the good farmland is planted with trees, it will have to be scrapped, and it will be impossible to cultivate forever. Even if it is reclaimed later, it will not be able to hold water when transplanting seedlings. The reduction of land for growing grain will threaten the country's food security. Even foreign experts have warned: "who will feed China in the 21 century?"

In the rural areas of our country, especially in the vast central and western regions, most of the farmers' investment in production is still concentrated on the input of land and labor, and an extensive mode of expansion and reproduction is widely adopted. the phenomena of extensive and thin harvest, overgrazing and deforestation still exist, which have caused great damage to the ecological environment. It leads to the aggravation of natural disasters such as soil erosion, land desertification, salinization, drought and waterlogging, thus weakening the ability of sustainable development of agriculture.

Therefore, the agricultural production resources are scarce, and the agricultural ecological environment is deteriorating day by day.

Although the progress of science and technology has improved the development of productive forces, it has also made farmers lazy, and most farmers have become lazy. In the past, luxuriant grass grew on the slope of the field, which would be a good farm manure if it was cut down and retted in the field with a sickle. Now farmers are trying to save labor and time. With the spray of weeding "Nongda", the grass on the slope will die clean and even the roots will rot. Unexpectedly, the grass root fixed the slope, the grass root was rotten, the slope had no grass root pulled up, and after the rainstorm, the slope collapsed one after another. after the water was hit and sand was pressed, half of the terraces were destroyed. As a result of a family working alone, farmers have no labor to repair, only to let it be scrapped. If this goes on, the area of farmland will continue to decrease, and farmers will have no land to grow. no end of trouble for the future. Due to the over-dependence of farmers on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the land is gradually consolidated, the soil is constantly degraded, and the agricultural ecological environment is deteriorating. How can we ensure a bumper agricultural harvest in the future? How to realize agricultural modernization!

From the long-term point of view of agricultural development, the state should deal with the controlled use of "Nongda" pesticides. "Nongda" is highly toxic, although the weeding effect is good, but the drug residue is serious, the pollution is serious, and it is harmful and harmful; people are infected with rice and vegetables, and people eat chronic poisoning. Then livestock such as cattle, sheep and pigs will also be chronically poisoned when they eat grass feed and straw contaminated with pesticides, while people will also be chronically poisoned when eating pig, beef and mutton. Why are there more and more people with all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, strange diseases and cancer? Cancer villages all over China? Is it related to agricultural pollution? Due to the pollution of the land, the food grown from the poisonous land is naturally poisonous; the author once attended the 2011 International Conference on New Fertilizer held in Shanghai, where experts said that when chemical fertilizer was spilled on the field, only a small part of it was absorbed by crops. most of them remain in the soil; not only pollute the land, but also cause land consolidation and land degradation. If this goes on, how can agriculture be maintained? When pesticides are applied to crops, some of them remain on crops; whether it is serious or not, we can see if it is serious by looking at the creatures in the paddy field. In the past, the ditches were full of fish and shrimp and Loach, but now they are all extinct. We have been shouting about ecological agriculture, but in fact, the obvious agricultural pollution has not been paid attention to, and some specific problems have been ignored. Where will China's agriculture go if it goes on like this?