
Insert the wings of science and technology for agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The 18th CPC National Congress put forward that we should adhere to the road of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, promote the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, the benign interaction between industrialization and urbanization, and the coordination between urbanization and agricultural modernization. promote industry

The 18th CPC National Congress put forward that we should adhere to the road of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, promote the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, the benign interaction between industrialization and urbanization, and the coordination between urbanization and agricultural modernization. we will promote the simultaneous development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. The Central Rural work Conference further emphasized that agricultural modernization should be promoted through reform and innovation. We should implement a series of major arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, strive to solve the practical problems that agricultural modernization still lags far behind industrialization, informationization, and urbanization, strive to achieve the "four modernizations at the same time," and insert the wings of science and technology for agriculture.

First, to insert the wings of science and technology for agriculture, we must clearly understand the situation and seize the opportunity.

Agricultural science and technology is the basic support to ensure national food security, the inevitable choice to break through the constraints of resources and environment, and the decisive force to speed up the construction of modern agriculture. Relying more on agricultural scientific and technological innovation is the characteristic of the times of the development of agricultural modernization.

To realize the synchronization of the four modernizations, the deficiency is agricultural modernization. Since the reform and opening up, the level of agricultural modernization in China has been greatly improved. However, it is undeniable that compared with industrialization, informationization and urbanization, whether it is production efficiency, the level of modern equipment, the level of scientific and technological support, or the cultural quality and income level of farmers, agricultural modernization is still the link that has the biggest gap and needs to be strengthened. Only by synchronously promoting agricultural modernization in the in-depth development of industrialization, informationization and urbanization, can we speed up the pace of building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing Chinese Dream.

The development of modern agriculture from a high starting point is inseparable from agricultural science and technology. Since the founding of New China, China's agricultural science and technology has achieved great-leap-forward development, and the supporting role of agricultural science and technology in agricultural development has been continuously strengthened. the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology progress was only 20% in the early days of the founding of New China, and it has exceeded 56% in 2014. However, compared with the western developed countries, the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology progress in China is still low, and it is not strong enough to support the development of modern agriculture. At present, China's agricultural production is facing the contradiction between the increase of rigid grain demand and the hard constraint of production, the contradiction between the rapid rise of production cost and the decline of comparative efficiency, and the contradiction between labor transfer and "who will farm the land". According to the statistics of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Group (FAO) in 2012, the average per unit yield of rice, corn and soybean in China is only 80.8%, 76.9% and 71.2% of that in the United States. To speed up the construction of agricultural modernization, we are faced with many challenges, such as the tightening of resources, the increasing impact of natural disasters, the increasing environmental pollution, the deepening impact of climate change, the accelerated flow of urban and rural factors, and the difficulty of increasing production. Under the background of international competition in agriculture, only by speeding up the progress of agricultural science and technology can we break through the constraints of resources and environment, ensure national food security, and inject a strong driving force for increasing agricultural production, farmers' income and rural prosperity. Only by speeding up the improvement of the innovation system of agricultural science and technology, strengthening the innovation and application of key agricultural technologies, and persisting in the combination of agricultural science and education, industry, university and research, can we insert powerful and reliable wings for agriculture and ensure that agriculture can fly high, fast and far.

It has a good realistic foundation to insert the wings of science and technology for agriculture. The CPC Central Committee has always attached great importance to the work of agricultural science and technology. In particular, in recent years, the No. 1 document has repeatedly emphasized vigorously promoting the progress of agricultural science and technology, providing a reliable policy guarantee for the take-off of agricultural science and technology. China has established an agricultural scientific research, education and technology extension system with complete organizational structure and the largest scale in the world, and formed a pluralistic agricultural science and technology support system with Chinese characteristics, which provides a strong organizational guarantee for the development of agriculture.

According to a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external environment of the development of agricultural science and technology, there are needs, opportunities, conditions and foundation for the development of modern agriculture in our country, so it is not only necessary but also feasible to put science and technology into agriculture. Since the beginning of the new century, China has entered the international advanced ranks in biotechnology research, super rice breeding, research and development of highly pathogenic avian influenza vaccine, transgenic insect-resistant cotton research, dwarf abortive wheat breeding, double-low rape breeding and so on. the pace of independent innovation in agricultural science and technology has been significantly accelerated, and there is a good foundation for agricultural science and technology to take the lead in entering the world class and surpassing as a whole.

Second, to insert the wings of science and technology for agriculture, we must adhere to the road of new agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics.

China's agricultural modernization has its particularity, we must measure the "body" of agriculture in order to cut the "clothes" of agricultural science and technology, and must be based on the basic national conditions of our country and conform to the law and trend of the development of agriculture in the world. adhere to the road of new agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics and speed up the progress of agricultural science and technology.

The absolute safety of rations is essential. Grain production must not be relaxed in order to develop modern agriculture. China is the most populous country in the world, and solving the problem of food is the top priority of governing the country. Although China's grain output has achieved "eleven consecutive increases", food security still faces many challenges: the situation of tight balance between grain supply and demand has not changed, the resource constraints of grain production have become increasingly prominent, and grain yield per unit area still needs to be continuously improved. the overall income of growing grain is on the low side, and the problems of grain loss, quality and safety caused by cultivated land pollution and backward storage and transportation are becoming more and more serious. "ensuring food security is an eternal task, and we must not relax at any time."the rice bowls of the Chinese people should be firmly in their own hands at all times, and our rice bowls should be mainly filled with Chinese grain" and "ensure basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute safety of rations." This is the overall research and judgment and basic requirement for China's agricultural development. Under the background of high base number of grain output, in order to further improve the ability of food security, we must implement the national food security strategy of giving priority to our country, based on China, ensuring production capacity, moderate import, and supporting by science and technology. in particular, it is necessary to increase scientific and technological support for the development of the seed industry, and constantly cultivate new grain varieties with high yield, stable yield, high quality, high efficiency and stress resistance.