
Local governments should adapt to the new normal of the new policy on agriculture, rural areas and farmers

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Rural land circulation and moderate scale operation are the core content of deepening rural reform, and it is another innovation of land system after the implementation of household contract responsibility system in rural areas. it is not only a strategic measure to promote the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, but also a

Rural land circulation and moderate scale management are the core contents of deepening rural reform. They are another innovation of land system after the implementation of household contract responsibility system in rural areas. They are not only a strategic measure to promote the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, but also a core way to ensure the supply of national agricultural products and food supply security strategy. In order to deepen the reform of rural land system in an all-round way, we should pay more attention to protecting the main position of farmers as the starting point and foothold. We must redefine the functional orientation of local governments, determine their powers and responsibilities, and create a good "grounding" and "docking" environment for promoting a new round of rural land system reform. At the same time, Along with a large number of urban industrial and commercial capital "going to the countryside", it will bring opportunities and challenges to rural land circulation. It is necessary to prevent "non-agricultural","non-grain" and variation of "enclosure", raise the "threshold" of agricultural land use policy, strictly restrict land use change and protect agricultural comprehensive production capacity in land circulation, and effectively strengthen the restraint mechanism.

First, improve the rural land circulation policy system. The central government deliberated and adopted the Opinions on Guiding the Orderly Circulation of Rural Land Management Rights and Developing Agricultural Moderate Scale Management, which is the macro policy basis for guiding the reform of rural land system and agricultural management system in the future. For the first time, under the premise of adhering to the collective ownership of rural land, it is necessary to promote the separation of contracted management rights and form a new pattern of "three rights separation" of ownership, contracting rights and management rights. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of real rights of contracted land management rights. First, establish an open, competitive, fair, orderly and standardized land circulation market. We will improve the three-level rural land circulation service institutions and market system in towns and villages, do a good job in the healthy and orderly circulation of rural land, do a good job in the registration, release and service of land circulation information, and promote the standardized and institutionalized development of rural land circulation. Second, improve the mediation system of rural land contradictions and disputes. Establish and improve arbitration institutions for rural land disputes, rationally allocate human and financial resources, properly handle disputes over land circulation, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers and contract operators, and safeguard rural social stability. Third, improve the rural land circulation transaction information network system. Establish a land circulation information database to build a smooth trading information platform for land circulation. Fourth, strengthen the management of land circulation files. We will do a good job in collecting, sorting out, archiving and managing land circulation data, establish a long-term management mechanism, promote the standardized and orderly development of land circulation, improve the allocation of farmland resources and the efficiency of production and management, and improve the efficiency of farmland utilization and the level of modern agriculture. Fifth, promote land circulation and moderate scale management. We will make new breakthroughs in the agricultural operation mechanism for mixed operation of "farmer households"(large professional households, family farms and farmers 'cooperatives) and "agricultural enterprises", adjust a series of unsuitable agricultural policies, further improve the policy system, calibrate policy objectives, boost and support the development of diversified social service organizations, and improve the policy performance of promoting land circulation and scale operation. sixth, establish a mechanism for protecting peasants 'interests in land circulation. In order to fully participate in the process of agricultural scale operation and share the value-added income of the industry, more attention and policy support should be given to the new compensation for land circulation and development of moderate scale operation by means of guaranteed dividends, so as to guarantee farmers 'land income rights more stably and permanently.

Second, promote the process of scale operation in an orderly manner. In order to steadily promote the moderate large-scale operation of cultivated land and develop modern agriculture, we should guide agricultural product processing enterprises and leading processing enterprises to participate in the large-scale operation of agricultural production, adopt the forms of order production, construction base, development of professional cooperation organization, etc., make full use of their own capital, information, equipment, storage and transportation advantages, rely on enterprises to actively develop intensive processing products, extend industrial chain, improve added value, improve product quality and enhance market competitiveness.

Third, optimize the service support system for the new agriculture-related policies. Promoting land circulation and moderate scale management can not only speed up the optimal allocation of land elements, but also change the functional orientation and service mode of agricultural technology, agricultural machinery, finance, insurance agricultural service system and other elements. It can reverse the forced reform of agricultural management mode, development mode and service mode, comprehensively speed up the construction and improvement of service support system for new business entities, and improve the mortgage financing function of land management rights from improving productive infrastructure conditions. Strengthen the ability to resist risks as the focus, and give targeted preferential policy support to new agricultural business entities such as "operating farmers" and "agricultural enterprises" with more rational scale and actual driving force, such as large professional households, family farms and farmers 'cooperatives. In order to ensure the safety of farmland in the hands of new business entities and support contracted farmers who manage their own farmland, the government should use the financial agriculture-related policy engine to further strengthen the policy tilt to new business entities such as agricultural and grain production scale, and effectively strengthen the incentive mechanism. The government should also encourage financial and insurance financial institutions to help large-scale planting "operating farmers" solve the problem of insufficient funds through micro-loans. It is necessary to integrate all kinds of agricultural support funds and allocate them uniformly. It is mainly used to solve the problems of infrastructure construction urgently needed in the large-scale production of large-scale planting "operating farmers". It is suggested to set up special financial funds to be directly used to support large households and professional cooperative organizations and other "operating farmers", so as to improve the level of large-scale agricultural operation. By giving better play to the comparative advantages and industrial engine functions of "agricultural enterprises" in resource integration, technology absorption, market expansion, quality control, etc., we will support the moderate development of "agricultural enterprises" in the fields they adapt to, so as to lead the development of modern agriculture and continuously improve the efficiency of farmland use and the level of modern agriculture.

Fourth, strengthen the construction and management of household facilities. Good production conditions are the basis of large-scale production of planting, and also an important guarantee for reducing risks and increasing production and income. Cultivated land transferred by large-scale business households shall be included in the scope of agricultural development projects, centralized investment shall be made, comprehensive transformation of roads, fields, water and ditches shall be implemented, and the ability to resist natural disasters shall be effectively enhanced. At the same time, village-level organizations should set up special organizations to manage and protect the farmland water conservancy infrastructure that has been built, so as to ensure that the facilities can be put into full play, extend the service life and reduce the investment in reconstruction.

Fifth, strengthen the quality and effectiveness of agricultural science and technology services. The promotion of moderate scale management of land is bound to cause rigid expansion and accelerated frequency of socialized services. Therefore, among the service objects of "farmer management" such as large professional households, family farms and farmers 'cooperatives, we must optimize the construction of socialized agricultural service system, actively innovate service methods, improve agricultural technology service system, highlight service priorities, extend service objects to large-scale planting and management farmers, and truly provide effective technical services for large-scale production. Promote new varieties, new technologies, agricultural standardization, agricultural product quality safety and marketing concepts to large scale farmers through training, improve their quality; implement agricultural materials chain operation, implement the strictest supervision system, provide high-quality and high-price agricultural materials for large-scale planting and operation farmers, and promote them to improve agricultural scale operation level and comprehensive market competitiveness in a wider range of rural areas.