
How does animal husbandry strike a balance between ensuring supply and promoting income increase?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In 2014, the development of animal husbandry in Xinjiang has made gratifying achievements. According to the data of the animal husbandry department, at the end of the year, the stock of livestock in the region was 55.33 million (only), an increase of 4.2% over the same period last year, and the output of livestock was 59.77 million (only), an increase of 4.5% over the same period last year. The total meat output for the whole year was 2.68 million.

In 2014, the development of animal husbandry in Xinjiang has made gratifying achievements. According to data from the animal husbandry department, at the end of the year, the stock of livestock in the region was 55.33 million (only), an increase of 4.2 percent over the same period last year, and 59.77 million livestock were listed, an increase of 4.5 percent over the same period last year. The total meat output for the whole year was 2.68 million tons, an increase of 5.12 percent. New achievements have been made in the development of animal husbandry focusing on the production of mutton and beef cattle.

This year's government work report pointed out that this year, Xinjiang should speed up the transformation of the development mode of agriculture and animal husbandry, promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of agriculture and animal husbandry, and speed up the upgrading of modern animal husbandry in accordance with the requirements of "stabilizing grain and cotton, optimizing fruit and invigorating livestock." In the face of the new period of transformation, upgrading and structural adjustment of agricultural production in the whole region, how to develop animal husbandry in order to take into account the two major tasks of ensuring market supply and increasing farmers' income?

Attach importance to large-scale farming

Yeerjiang Husman, deputy to the Autonomous Regional people's Congress and head of Balikun County, said that the development of animal husbandry is inseparable from the support of large-scale farming. Large-scale aquaculture can not only improve batch production capacity, meet the needs of large customers and large orders, but also have a stronger overall ability to resist market impact, but also create more jobs to absorb farmers' employment. the professional level of animal husbandry production will be promoted.

In addition, this year, Xinjiang will focus on solving the bottleneck of insufficient forage in the development of animal husbandry, and accelerate the transformation of the planting structure from the dual structure of grain economy to the ternary structure of grain economy and grass. On the basis of the construction plan for the comprehensive production capacity of 10 million additional mutton cattle, we should step up the planning and construction of a forage base of 10 million mu to ensure that the task is completed within five years. Among them, strive to build 3 million mu of high-quality and high-yield artificial forage land in southern Xinjiang, and transform about 2.5 million mu of low-yield forage land into a high-quality and high-yield forage base.

Improve the development of forage industry

Xi Wenhai, deputy to the Autonomous Regional people's Congress and head of Yanqi County, believes that the development of animal husbandry is inseparable from the support of forage industry development, and the autonomous region's plan to expand forage planting area and increase forage supply is very much in line with the current situation of animal husbandry development in our region. This requires the employees of animal husbandry to change their habitual ideas and put the construction of forage base and the development of animal husbandry in the same important position. At the same time, animal husbandry employees are required to improve their professional quality, master scientific feeding and feeding knowledge, and improve the utilization rate of forage. In addition, there are many articles to be done in promoting the combination of animal husbandry with planting industry and forest and fruit industry. For example, the development of animal husbandry can provide sufficient organic fertilizer for the development of forest and fruit production and facility agriculture, and in turn, crop straw, branches and leaves of forest and fruit and processing by-products can also provide rich forage substitutes for the development of animal husbandry. Reduce livestock feeding costs, through the integration and interaction of agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry, form a new agricultural production model, resource utilization model, and tap the production potential of various resources.

With the improvement of the development of animal husbandry and the guarantee of the supply of animal products, we still have to face the problem of processing and value-added sales of products. Xi Wenhai said that the processing and market cultivation of animal products should be carried out at the same time to turn resource advantages into real industrial advantages. Yanqi County plans to rely on the halal food industrial park established last year to integrate livestock products processing enterprises and take advantage of Xinjiang's geographical advantages to sell products to Central and Western Asian countries to form a value chain and increase farmers' income.

Strengthen the improvement of varieties

The Xinjiang District Committee of the China Democratic Construction Association also submitted a proposal on further strengthening the production, operation and guarantee capacity of mutton, mutton and cattle in the region, pointing out that the development of animal husbandry in Xinjiang still needs to strengthen breed improvement and expand the scale of female livestock.

Continue to strengthen the introduction of multiple mutton sheep breeds and improve the coverage rate of improved breeds. We will speed up the pace of transformation, constantly improve the degree of organization of herdsmen, vigorously support the development of aquaculture enterprises and large farmers, especially promote the construction of grass and livestock joint ventures, and develop large-scale and standardized farming. Cultivate and introduce leading enterprises, provide preferential policies to attract powerful large companies to enter the aquaculture industry, with the development of large enterprises to promote the surrounding farmers and herdsmen to increase income and become rich.