
"stabilizing grain income" is the double bottom line of food security.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Another bumper harvest year. According to statistics, China's grain production increased for 11 consecutive years in 2014, reaching 1.2 trillion jin for two consecutive years. Despite the gratifying situation, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee recently released still puts food security in the first place and clearly proposes to stabilize grain.

Another bumper harvest year. According to statistics, China's grain production reached an "eleventh consecutive increase" in 2014, reaching 1.2 trillion jin for two consecutive years. Despite the gratifying situation, the Central "No. 1 document" released recently still puts food security in the first place, clearly proposing "stabilizing grain income" and calling for efforts to tap new potential in improving grain production capacity. In fact, the internal unity of "stabilizing grain" and "increasing income" constitutes the double bottom line of safeguarding national food security. This is also the biggest highlight of document No. 1 this year.

Bread is the staff of life. To govern such a large country, the problem of food rations for the common people should not be ignored for a moment. No matter how volatile the economic growth rate is, no matter how stringent the measures are, the first bottom line is "stable grain". The reason is very simple, and it is hard for us to imagine what will happen if the issue of rations for 1.3 billion compatriots is put in the hands of others. Therefore, since the beginning of the new century, the Central Committee's "No. 1 document" has all listed the issue of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" as the top priority of the work of the whole party, and food security has all been listed as the central link of the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers."

It should also be noted that it is difficult to support a tree without a "stable grain" alone. In many places, increasing production without increasing income has become a long-standing problem, and the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain has been seriously frustrated. The income gap between urban and rural areas is still large, with urban residents earning 1 yuan and rural people earning only 36 cents. Many people would rather desolate the fields and become people on the edge of the city than eat from the soil. This is not only the inevitable labor pains of urbanization, but also needs to be faced squarely, and it is necessary to use economic levers to pry the kinetic energy of growing grain, so that the younger generation of farmers can take root in rural areas and retain their "roots."

Take the recently hotly debated "Tudou" as an example. According to the textual research of agronomists and nutritionists, potatoes are indeed rich in nutrients, easy to store, and the planting conditions are not hypocritical, so they are about to become the "fourth staple food" after rice, white flour and corn. Popularizing potato planting in a large area has high yield and good benefit, which can build a floodgate for food security.

In terms of increasing income, like the extensive planting of potatoes in the past, it is not only difficult to meet the needs of food security, after all, we can not simply steam, cook and eat, but also through industrial operation to improve the deep processing capacity of potato products. Such as flour, a variety of non-staple foods, snacks, as well as potato-related storage, transportation, the construction of these industrial chains, itself is the transformation of agricultural business model. The key is to let the industrial capital simply intervene, and the city people will take away the bulk of the profits, or the industry will extend to the land, so that farmers can get real benefits and taste the benefits.

What about the land in the countryside? What about the people in the countryside? To put it bluntly, these two things are solved by "stabilizing grain income". Under the condition of market economy, under the background of new urbanization and agricultural modernization, we not only lead capital and market to the countryside, but also prevent them from seizing too many farmers' interests, and let farmers stay. At the same time, funds, technology, and policies can be brought in, and the ultimate way out for the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers can be found. It is not easy to understand this, so we can understand the profound meaning of "document No. 1" and the hardships of complex grass-roots China.