
The Ministry of Agriculture deploys and implements the key work of the Central No. 1 document.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the document "some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization" (Zhongfa (2015) No. 1), the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued the "opinions on doing well the Agricultural and Rural Economic work in 2015".

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the document "some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization" (Zhongfa (2015) No. 1), the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued the "opinions on doing a solid job in Agricultural and Rural Economic work in 2015", comprehensively deploying the key work of agricultural and rural economy this year.

The "opinion" points out that in 2014, the agricultural and rural economy achieved steady progress, stable quality improvement, and stable efficiency at a high starting point, "11 consecutive increases" in grain production, "11 consecutive rapid increases" in farmers' income, accelerated development of modern agriculture, and solid progress in rural reform. it has made outstanding contributions to stabilizing growth, adjusting the structure, promoting reform, and benefiting the people's livelihood. At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and agricultural and rural development is undergoing profound changes. It is necessary to actively adapt to the new normal, meet new challenges, unswervingly accelerate the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, vigorously promote the adjustment of agricultural structure, accelerate agricultural modernization, and strive to create a new situation in agricultural and rural economic work.

The "opinion" stresses that in 2015, agricultural and rural economic work should adhere to the main line of stabilizing grain income, adjusting structure, improving quality and efficiency, deepening rural reform, strengthening the guarantee of the legal system, promoting scientific and technological innovation, and developing modern agriculture. We will do everything possible to stabilize grain output at more than 1.1 trillion jin and keep farmers' income growth at more than 7%, and strive to ensure that major incidents of quality and safety of agricultural products and major regional animal epidemics do not occur. We will continue to improve the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress and the utilization rate of agricultural resources, consolidate the good situation in the development of agricultural and rural economy, and provide strong support for the overall economic and social development.

The "opinion" points out that we should focus on six areas of work this year. First, we will not relax and do a good job in grain production and steadily promote the readjustment of the agricultural structure. It is necessary to steadily develop grain production, optimize and adjust the planting structure, vigorously develop herbivorous animal husbandry, and actively develop modern fisheries. The second is to improve the quality and safety of agricultural products and the application level of agricultural science and technology, and speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. It is necessary to promote standardized agricultural production, carry out activities to establish counties for the quality and safety of agricultural products, make overall efforts to prevent and control animal diseases and supervise the slaughtering of livestock and poultry, unremittingly strengthen the innovation and popularization of agricultural science and technology, and speed up the development of modern seed industry and agricultural informationization. we will strengthen the weak links and follow-up services in agricultural machinery operations. Third, strengthen the construction of comprehensive agricultural production capacity and the protection of resources and environment, and promote the sustainable development of agriculture. It is necessary to promote the delineation of permanent basic farmland, organize and implement major engineering projects, strengthen the conservation of agricultural resources, do a good job in tackling agricultural non-point source pollution, and strengthen agricultural safety in production and emergency disposal. Fourth, vigorously broaden the channels to increase farmers' income and promote the sustained and rapid growth of farmers' income. It is necessary to co-ordinate the development of agricultural products processing industry, leisure agriculture, and agricultural products e-commerce, optimize the regulation and control of agricultural products markets, and constantly improve the level of agricultural socialized services. Fifth, improve the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, and strengthen the construction of the rule of law in agriculture. It is necessary to improve and reform the agricultural subsidy policy, encourage the use of financial funds to pry finance and insurance to support agriculture, promote the improvement of agricultural laws and regulations, deepen the reform of the agricultural administrative law enforcement system, and constantly improve the level of agricultural administration according to law. Sixth, promote rural reform in a down-to-earth manner and stimulate the vitality of agricultural and rural development. It is necessary to guide the orderly transfer of land management rights, develop appropriate scale operation, continue to expand the pilot project of registration and certification of land contractual management rights, vigorously cultivate new types of agricultural operators, and steadily promote the reform of the rural collective property rights system; we will continue to strengthen the construction of rural reform pilot areas and national modern agricultural demonstration areas, further promote the reform and development of land reclamation, and accelerate agricultural cooperation with foreign countries.

The "opinion" requires that agricultural departments at all levels thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, further innovate ideas, mechanisms, methods, and systems, keep up with changes in the situation, and meet the requirements of development. It is necessary to emancipate the mind, strengthen investigation and research, and promote the creation of policies and methods for the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. It is necessary to highlight the key points, pay close attention to supervision and inspection and implementation of work, and carry out special extended performance appraisal. It is necessary to work diligently and incorruptly, persist in strictly administering the party, pay close attention to the implementation of the "two responsibilities" for the building of a clean and honest party style, unremittingly correct the "four styles" and improve work style, and strive to promote agricultural and rural economic development to a new level in a good state, good work style, and good performance, and make new and greater contributions to the overall economic and social development.