
Answer several questions about the transformation of modern agriculture

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization, pointing out the direction for the transformation and upgrading of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. As a member of the CPPCC National Committee in the agricultural sector, I am concerned about the accuracy of the policy and

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization, pointing out the direction for the transformation and upgrading of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. As a member of the National Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in the agricultural sector, I am heartened and encouraged by the accuracy and timeliness of the policy.

Since 2004, China's grain production has achieved "11 consecutive increases", farmers' income has achieved "11 consecutive fast", and grain production capacity has reached a new level of 600 billion kg. At the same time, the contribution rate of China's agricultural scientific and technological progress has reached 56%, the comprehensive mechanization level of crop cultivation and harvest has reached 59%, and agricultural development has generally stepped into the threshold of modern agriculture. However, as the macro-economy has entered a new normal, China's agricultural development has also shown some new changes. The mode of agricultural development in China will enter a period of deep adjustment, through structural adjustment and transformation, to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of China's agriculture from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, specifically, there are several questions to be answered:

How to achieve food security? The key to food security is capacity security, and China's grain production capacity should be stabilized at about 600 billion kg in the future. It is suggested that we should integrate various project funds, concentrate our efforts on building high-standard farmland, launch actions to improve the quality of cultivated land, and implement grain production capacity in Tiantou land, so as to realize "storing grain in the land". We will increase support for the green production increase model, integrate and popularize and apply comprehensive technologies, and strive to make breakthroughs in key areas such as the seed industry, so as to achieve "storing grain in technology". We will speed up the cultivation of new professional farmers, cultivate a number of farmers who specialize in agricultural production, and realize "storing grain among the people."

How to improve the efficiency of agriculture? We will guide farmers to aim at the market, adjust and optimize the agricultural structure, and promote the shift of agricultural production from production-oriented to consumption-oriented, from traditional farming to the convergence of planting, breeding, addition, marketing, and the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary production. We will build the whole agricultural industry chain, expand the scope and scale of subsidies for primary processing facilities for agricultural products, and vigorously develop storage and fresh-keeping, grading, packaging, transportation and marketing. Actively develop leisure agriculture and expand agricultural functions. Optimize the distribution of agricultural productive forces and improve the degree of matching between agricultural production and resources and environment.

How to improve the efficiency of resource utilization? In the application of chemical fertilizer, the focus is to promote accurate fertilization, adjust the structure of chemical fertilizer use, improve fertilization methods and promote organic fertilizer to replace chemical fertilizer. In the application of pesticides, the focus is to control the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, to replace high-toxic and high-residue pesticides with low-toxic and low-residue pesticides, to replace inefficient small-scale pesticides with high-efficiency large and medium-sized equipment, to promote accurate pesticide application and the rule of integrated pest control. In the application of agricultural film, it is necessary to appropriately increase the thickness of plastic film, formulate recycling incentive policies, and strengthen the demonstration and promotion of degradable film research and development. We will further carry out energy conservation in rural production and life, and speed up the construction of a straw collection, storage and transportation system.

How to ensure the safety of agricultural products? The development of standardized production is the fundamental solution to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products. Speed up the revision of the agricultural standard system, focus on the residue limits of agricultural and veterinary drugs, and build a standard system covering the environment of the place of origin, production process, processing and packaging. We will vigorously carry out the standardized production of "vegetable baskets" products, and build a number of standard gardens for vegetables, fruits and tea, standardized demonstration farms for livestock and poultry breeding, and standardized demonstration farms for healthy aquaculture. We will vigorously develop industrial management, rely on new business entities such as farmers' professional cooperatives and leading enterprises, and socialized services, and bring household-to-household production into a standardized track.

How can agricultural policy be more accurate? The good use of policy incentives can effectively guide the transformation of the mode of production. Increasing the investment in ecological compensation and resource conservation can guide the transformation of the mode of production to a sustainable direction of more water-saving, fertilizer-saving, medicine-saving, high-quality, safe, ecological and efficient, and increase funds for the development of modern agriculture. guide the mode of management to the direction of scale, standardization, specialization, organization and socialization. In terms of fiscal policy, we should improve subsidies, strengthen financial services, and improve accuracy.