
Agricultural modernization must be "one after another"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In 2015, the No.1 document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Several Opinions of the State Council on Intensifying Reform and Innovation and Accelerating Agricultural Modernization Construction, was officially released. Agricultural modernization became the primary topic, and more attention was paid to policy design at the micro level. Chinese economy is

In 2015, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization was officially released, agricultural modernization has become the primary topic, and pay more attention to the policy design at the micro level. China's economy is demanding dividends from agricultural reform, modern agriculture is becoming a new round of national strategic opportunities, the time has come to strive to be a farmer!

The main contents of "document No. 1" are as follows: to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development around the construction of modern agriculture; to increase farmers' income and strengthen policies to benefit farmers; to deeply promote the construction of a new countryside around the integration of urban and rural development; to increase the vitality of rural development and comprehensively deepen rural reform; to do a good job in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and strengthen the construction of the rule of law in rural areas. Although agricultural modernization has been put forward for many years, it has become the top topic of document No. 1 for the first time this year, and more attention has been paid to policy design at the micro level. This topic specifically includes the promotion of the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in agriculture, the development of modern agricultural circulation, e-commerce of agricultural products and so on.

Under the new economic normal, China's economy must seek new growth points, and reform is an important way for the Chinese government to release productive forces. At present, the liberalization of the market has been fully competitive, there is an urgent need for the state to break some policy monopoly industries and release the growth force that can promote the development of the whole country. Agriculture is an important choice for the government this time. This document No. 1, the further implementation of the land transfer policy, is precisely to liberate the agricultural policy. Agriculture, a policy that affects the industry, has taken a key step towards marketability, and agriculture has really ushered in the era of market competition.

"one after another" New Industrial Model: the 3.0 era of Agriculture

Document No. 1 focuses on promoting the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in agriculture. Last month, when inspecting the construction of modern agriculture in Beijing, Vice Premier Wang Yang also said that it is necessary to change the mode of agricultural development, speed up the construction of a "one after another" agricultural whole-industry chain, and promote the integrated development of agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries. improve the level of agricultural modernization. "one after another" refers to the essential characteristics of modern agriculture and brand agriculture, and is the inevitable trend of economic development.

The practice and economic laws of modern agriculture tell us that those engaged in agriculture should not only engage in planting and breeding (primary industry), but also in the processing of agricultural products (secondary industry), as well as the sale of agricultural products and their processed products and peripheral services (tertiary industry). Turn agriculture, originally as the primary industry, into a comprehensive industry, increase the value of agricultural products, and increase the income of farmers and agricultural industrialization enterprises. Some scholars call this kind of modern agriculture which opens up the primary, secondary and tertiary industries as the "sixth industry".

Miss your jujube, Wujiang mustard, Lao Gan Ma, Zhongjing Lentinus edodes paste and so on, are the outstanding representatives of the sixth industry.

The growth power of traditional agricultural enterprises such as base type, raw material type, rough construction industry and foreign trade OEM export type has been fully released in the agricultural 2.0 era. Now, the strategy must be adjusted to enter the agricultural 3.0 era of "one after another" new industrial model. Otherwise, it will lose its competitiveness and even be eliminated by the market.

To develop a new type of agricultural industry one after another, we must observe the "three major disciplines":

Discipline one: it is strictly forbidden to take all in the whole industry chain.

The "one after another" new industrial model of modern agriculture emphasizes getting through and controlling, not the absolute ownership of the enterprise itself. The industrial chain of agriculture is very long, and if the whole chain has many operational links, high difficulty and high risk, even a powerful central enterprise like Cofco will face many challenges, not to mention small and medium-sized enterprises?

In order to get through the links of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, we should follow the principle of "professional division of labor and vertical and horizontal integration", clearly understand the pattern and elements of industrial competition, recognize our own genes and strengths and weaknesses, strategically focus on the key points of the industrial chain, and locally control the overall situation.

Discipline 2: it is strictly forbidden to attach importance to factory equipment rather than market and brand.

High-end campus factories and equipment are important, but not decisive. Do not only pay attention to visible factory equipment and hardware investment, despise invisible market development brand building. Market is more important than factory! Otherwise, there is still no food to eat with the golden rice bowl.

Without winning power, all advantages are meaningless; without brands and markets, all resources and ideals are empty and boring. From farms to shopping malls, from mayors to markets, and from products to brands, the strategic focus of China's agriculture must shift from industrial investment to brand building.

Discipline 3: it is strictly forbidden to cross the river by touching stones.

Modern agriculture and brand agriculture are new undertakings and new challenges. Enterprises should avoid omnipotent thinking, touch the stone and hit the road. They often go to the end of the road and find that the direction is wrong, which not only consumes money, but also undermines confidence. More importantly, it has delayed the market opportunity.

There are no shortcuts to agriculture. The biggest shortcut is to take fewer detours (preferably not). Be sure to make a decision and then move, first with the help of the external brain to do a good top-level design, plan the direction and path, and then go one step at a time, as long as the direction is right, you will not be afraid of a long way to go.

Ensuring income and promoting consumption: agriculture in Modern Rural areas

Document No. 1 focuses on the construction of modern rural areas. Without modern rural areas, there would be no modern agriculture. Document No. 1 makes clear requirements, including giving priority to ensuring agricultural and rural investment, improving the effectiveness of agricultural subsidy policies, and improving the price formation mechanism of agricultural products. Document No. 1 also covers the construction of a new agricultural management system, the reform of the rural collective property rights system, and the reform of the land system. The reform and development of supply and marketing cooperatives and land reclamation are written into document No. 1 for the first time in recent years.

It is necessary to properly deal with the problem of the rural population and increase the income of farmers. On the one hand, for farmers who stay in rural areas, they should continue to increase their income, encourage them to grow grain, protect their rights to contract and transfer land, ensure the equalization of public services for the rural population, and strengthen the construction of rural infrastructure; on the other hand, for farmers who leave their land to work in cities, they should provide opportunities for vocational education, create conditions for equal sharing of public services, and help farmers realize citizenization.

The sinking of the channel has become a powerful way to increase sales. With the construction of modern new countryside and the development of agricultural diversified economy, more employment opportunities and consumption opportunities will be released in rural areas. Farmers separated from land will achieve income growth through land transfer and re-employment, and at the same time, due to separation from land, the model of self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy will be broken, and these income growth will be transformed into real consumption power. Therefore, it can be foreseen that the sinking of channels will become a powerful way for the growth of FMCG sales, and there will be a number of new FMCG brands to achieve third-and fourth-line brand building in this wave.

The construction of rural infrastructure has become a new growth. China has gone through the real estate pull period and entered the agricultural pull period. However, the new rural infrastructure will still be an opportunity for building materials such as cement and steel and real estate developers. And as a key project of building a new countryside, it will be more likely to get the support of the government.

Pay attention to the development of e-commerce of agricultural products: agriculture with modern management mode

Paying attention to this government, in 2014, from the introduction of the first rural financial policy, to the release of the first report on Chinese agricultural brands, and then to Li Keqiang's inspection of Taobao Village, we can see that this government is more inclined to use new market ways and methods. In this document, it is proposed to attach importance to the use of e-commerce for agricultural products, and it can be predicted that in 2015, the government will introduce more favorable policies for e-commerce of agricultural products.

As the last virgin land of e-commerce, agricultural products e-commerce has attracted the attention of many e-commerce platforms and Internet bigwigs. In 2014, agricultural products with local characteristics achieved tremendous growth with the help of e-commerce platforms, and the county economy has become the most dynamic economic unit in China., Taobao and other major platforms have gone deep into China's rural areas, laying the foundation for the development of rural e-commerce.

Today, thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises are "hawking" agricultural products on platforms such as Taobao and Alibaba's data show that the total transaction volume of agricultural products on Ali platform is about 20 billion yuan in 2012 and is expected to reach 100 billion in 2014, showing a trend of rapid development.

Some traditional enterprises such as Zhengbang Group, Eagle Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Group and China Animal Husbandry Group are also exploring e-commerce marketing model. Letv takes the fresh platform as an important part of cross-border agriculture.

Lenovo, an agricultural backward enterprise, sees e-commerce as an opportunity to "overtake around the corner." Chen Shaopeng, its leader, said: "We pay more attention to e-commerce channels. It should be said that at this time, including in the future, e-commerce will play a more important role. It will become one of the main channels leading to and reaching consumers, and it will be one of the very pillar main channels."

At present, most of the agricultural products e-commerce business still stays in the stage of using e-commerce as a channel, and most agricultural products e-commerce only sells agricultural products on the e-commerce platform. Agricultural operators must establish a concept: e-commerce is not Sun WuKong! It won't solve all your problems!

Agricultural products to do e-commerce, first, to do products, second, to do brands.

One product, the lack of star products, is a common problem in traditional agricultural enterprises. Traditional small and medium-sized enterprises often have a lot of products, as few as dozens, as many as hundreds, and even cross-industry products. A product sells only hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a year. In the market plate of the whole country, it is impossible to hit the market, brand at all, and has no status.

In the e-commerce world, the characteristics of category oligopoly economy are particularly obvious, and star products are more important. When consumers identify the first brand of a category of products, they will directly enter its brand name into the search bar to buy, and then drive the sales of other related products in the store.

Product focus, to create a popular product with high popularity and high drainage, will be the only way to help agricultural products stand out in the e-commerce platform!

The second brand, compared with the traditional way, the Internet can complete the accumulation of brand awareness and credibility more quickly. Through the viral spread of the Internet, let a brand quickly complete the traditional way, longer time, more investment in order to achieve brand influence.

Before joining hands with the original life, Chu Orange already had good sales in the local area, but the original life fully excavated Chu Orange's brand story, magnified the spread of human culture, and finally achieved the legend of Chu Orange.

Confirming the right of Land transfer: modern large-scale farming Agriculture

The first document pointed out that the cost of agricultural production in China is rising rapidly, and the prices of major agricultural products are generally higher than those in the international market. How to innovate agricultural support and protection policies under the "double squeeze" and improve agricultural competitiveness has become a major test for China's agriculture.

From the rural point of view, restricted by the small area of cultivated land contracted by a single household, farmers are faced with difficulties in relying on the sustainable growth of agricultural production income. At the same time, food security is still a serious problem that China needs to face.

Therefore, China's agricultural farming must embark on the mode of large-scale mechanized production, mechanized production can improve labor productivity, reduce the unit cost of products, improve the profit margin of grain production, and enter the 3.0 era of agriculture. If it is still implemented in the current land policy system, mechanized production is difficult to achieve economies of scale, but because of the high investment in fixed assets of machinery and equipment, it will increase the cost of production.

The three economic entities will receive dividends from large-scale agricultural reform. First, large-scale land reclamation groups, relying on their original resources and status, through mixed ownership reform, can quickly accumulate resources that are difficult for other enterprises to achieve, and go deep into the market stage with stronger market competitiveness. Second, the original local leading agricultural enterprises, this kind of enterprises have accumulated local agricultural resources, most of which are the key support objects of the local government, so it is easy to gain comparative advantage in land transfer. Third, for cross-border bosses, one of the major characteristics of agriculture is that the plate is large, and only scale can form benefits. Even if we see opportunities, we must have sufficient funds to pry agriculture. Cross-border bosses, such as Xu Jiayin, Liu Chuanzhi, Wang Jianlin, and so on, have stronger resource advantages and can better grasp the opportunities for agricultural scale.

Hot Frontier of Agriculture: modern Agriculture based on Information

Agricultural informatization promotes agricultural development to a higher stage, which is the frontier focus and hot field of agricultural modernization, and its degree of development is low, which is the strategic opportunity period for enterprises to seize the position.

The content of agricultural informatization has been involved in 12 consecutive "Central No. 1 documents" from 2004 to 2015, and more attention has been paid to agricultural informatization in the past three years. Such as the Internet of things, food safety traceability, precision agriculture and so on.

Now, it is an important time for the development of agricultural informatization.

First of all, the development of technology has reached the time to support the accelerated development of agricultural informatization, in rural areas, the Internet has been fully infiltrated, and the development of remote sensing, big data and other technologies have also laid a solid foundation for the development of agricultural informatization.

Secondly, the current industrial capital began to pour into the field of agriculture, Ali has begun to carry out the layout of agricultural e-commerce, the future industrial capital will lead the accelerated development of agricultural informatization.

In addition, policies such as land transfer will build a platform for the development of agricultural informatization. In order to establish a standardized land transfer market, land transfer management and services will also emerge as the times require, including various forms of land management right transfer market, land transfer service platform, county, township and village level services and management network, land transfer monitoring, information release, policy consultation and so on.

Information technology has opened up new business models and ideas for agriculture, and realized more direct docking between operators or consumers and land. Ali's "gathering Land" makes full use of the Internet platform to efficiently connect the land in the hands of consumers and farmers through the e-commerce platform, farmers transfer the land to e-commerce companies, and e-commerce companies hand over the land to local cooperative production management. Taobao users subscribe for land use rights and obtain actual crop output through online booking. The grain production mode of "Tianhe Agriculture" of CITIC Trust is that CITIC Trust transfers land to Tianhe Agricultural Management through trust products, and Tianhe Agriculture cooperates with cooperatives and large grain growers, and provides full-process management and services.