
Yu Xinrong: based on the fight against disasters, win a bumper harvest and resolutely win spring ploughing and production.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At the national spring track management and spring ploughing preparation video conference, Yu Xinrong stressed that based on the fight against disasters and winning a bumper harvest, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national spring field management and spring ploughing preparation videoconference on February 5. Make arrangements for spring as soon as possible

Yu Xinrong stressed at the national video conference on spring track and field management and spring ploughing and preparation.

Firmly win the battle of spring ploughing and production based on fighting the disaster and winning a bumper harvest

余欣荣:立足抗灾夺丰收 坚决打赢春耕生产攻坚战

February 5, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national spring track and field management and spring ploughing preparation work video conference, early deployment of spring field management and spring ploughing preparation work. Yu Xinrong, vice minister of agriculture, stressed that continuing to maintain the good momentum of grain and agricultural development at the high starting point of the "11th consecutive increase" of grain is the need of the overall situation of reform and development. Agricultural departments at all levels should, with a high degree of self-consciousness and firm confidence, closely revolve around the main line of "stabilizing grain income, adjusting structure, improving quality and increasing efficiency," and firmly establish the idea of resisting disasters and winning a bumper harvest. We should extensively mobilize and mobilize, rely on scientific and technological progress, strengthen the implementation of measures, quickly set off an upsurge of spring ploughing production, and win the initiative for seizing summer grain and a bumper harvest for the whole year.

Yu Xinrong pointed out that increasing grain production year after year and continuing to protect the market at a high level to ensure a bumper harvest is a test of the will and character of agricultural departments at all levels. Actively adapt to the new normal of economic development, the task of ensuring supply is heavier, the pressure to enhance international competitiveness is greater, and innovative ideas are needed to seek development. Unremittingly promote agricultural modernization, the task of developing production and ensuring supply has not changed, the top priority of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has not changed, and it is necessary to always tighten the string of food security. To unswervingly promote the "transformation of the mode and structure" of agriculture, the focus is on increasing production capacity, and the key lies in promoting agricultural scientific and technological innovation, which requires a solid foundation for stabilizing grain income.

Yu Xinrong stressed that this year's summer grain production has a good foundation, but we still have to go through many hurdles, such as drought, late spring cold, dry and hot wind, diseases and insect pests. All localities should be based on the fight against disasters and win bumper harvests, extensively mobilize, step up efforts, and do a good job in the implementation of key measures. It is necessary to strengthen classified guidance, promote weakness and control prosperity, and prevent both drought and cold; earnestly strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and pests, with emphasis on the early prevention and control of stripe rust, scab and aphids, and timely prevention and control of "two diseases and one pest"; earnestly grasp the guidance service, ensure that the technical plan is in place and the key technology is in place. We should earnestly do a good job in demonstration drive, further promote the establishment of high grain production and tackling key problems of green production, integrate a set of technical models that are high-yield and efficient, resource-saving, environment-friendly and replicable, and create a number of demonstration areas that increase production and increase efficiency, and the production ecology is coordinated and sustainable.

Yu Xinrong demanded that while doing a good job in spring field management, we should make overall efforts to do a good job in spring ploughing and preparation, so as to lay a solid foundation for a bumper grain harvest for the whole year. It is necessary to do a good job of "one turn and four guarantees": pay close attention to innovation-driven transformation, focus on promoting the innovation of agricultural socialized service mechanism and agricultural science and technology, implement measures to save fertilizer, medicine, and water, and promote the coordinated development of production and ecology. We should pay close attention to the implementation of policies to protect the area, do a good job in implementing various support policies, encourage and guide farmers to grow more and better grain, and strive to stabilize the sown area of grain at last year's level. We should pay close attention to ensuring the progress of agricultural machinery operations, do a good job in the dispatching of machinery and tools, promote social services, and accomplish spring ploughing and spring sowing tasks with high standards and high quality. We will pay close attention to the supervision and supply of agricultural materials, carry out in-depth special actions to combat counterfeiting, continue to promote assured agricultural materials to the countryside, and guide farmers to choose and purchase agricultural materials scientifically. We should pay close attention to disaster prevention and reduction to ensure safety, take the initiative to avoid disasters, fight disasters scientifically, and actively provide disaster relief, so as to ensure the smooth development of spring ploughing production.

The meeting also made arrangements and arrangements for the production of "vegetable baskets" products, the quality and safety of agricultural products, and the prevention and control of major animal diseases in spring.

The meeting was presided over by Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, and branch venues were set up in 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and 1020 cities (counties), with more than 23000 participants.

余欣荣:立足抗灾夺丰收 坚决打赢春耕生产攻坚战2