
Under the new normal, it is even more necessary to continuously enhance the grain production capacity.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Under the new normal, the most urgent task to promote the development of modern agriculture is to "change the mode and adjust the structure." should we still pay so close attention to grain production at this time? The answer is yes. The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015, recently released, emphasizes the continuous increase of grain production capacity. Special

Under the new normal, the most urgent task to promote the development of modern agriculture is to "change the mode and adjust the structure". At this time, should grain production be so tight? The answer is yes. The recently released 2015 Central Document No.1 emphasizes the continuous enhancement of grain production capacity.

Experts said that changing the mode of agricultural development does not mean relaxing grain production and must not weaken the comprehensive agricultural production capacity. At present, the key is to stabilize output and increase production capacity.

Han Yijun, a professor at the School of Economics and Management of China Agricultural University, said that in the future, attention should be paid to improving the comprehensive grain production capacity. It is impossible to always increase grain production, but if the comprehensive grain production capacity is at a high level, even if there is a reduction in production, even a continuous reduction in production is not terrible.

"The string of food security must not be loosened at any time, otherwise grain production will easily decline greatly." Yan Bo, director of the Department of Policies and Regulations of the State Food Bureau, said that China's agricultural resources endowment is inherently insufficient, cultivated land, fresh water and other resources are in short supply, China's grain harvest after successive years, grain production challenges are greater.

Agriculture Minister Han Changfu said that improving grain production capacity is fundamental. Only with production capacity can we ensure national food security.

How to increase food production capacity? Document No.1 proposes to further improve and implement the food governor responsibility system. Strengthen the policy preference for the main grain-producing provinces and counties, and ensure that the grain-producing counties attach importance to agriculture and grasp grain to benefit and develop. The main grain marketing areas should earnestly assume their own responsibility for grain production.

Recently, the State Council issued "Several Opinions on Establishing and Perfecting the Responsibility System of Provincial Governors for Food Security", which clearly states that the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities must earnestly assume the main responsibility for ensuring food security in their respective regions. We should consolidate and improve grain production capacity, firmly maintain the red line of cultivated land, accelerate the construction of high-standard farmland, improve the scientific and technological level of grain production, establish a new grain production and management system, and enhance sustainable grain production capacity.

"At present, more attention should be paid to improving grain production capacity and tapping new potential for grain production." Han Changfu said that it is necessary to adhere to the principle of "one stability and two guarantees", that is, the grain planting area, especially the grain planting area, is generally stable; increase policy support and investment efforts to protect and mobilize farmers 'enthusiasm for farming and grain cultivation and focusing on agriculture and grain in the main producing areas.

Document No.1 also made it clear that the demarcation of permanent basic farmland should be carried out in an all-round way. Overall implementation of the national high-standard farmland construction master plan. Implementation of cultivated land quality protection and promotion actions. We will comprehensively promote the reuse of soil in the stripped cultivated layer occupied by construction. Explore the establishment of functional areas for grain production, implement ration production capacity to fields, and implement safeguard measures to specific projects.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, one of the key tasks this year is to tackle key problems in green production increase mode and steadily develop grain production. Focusing on major producing areas, major grain-producing counties and functional areas for grain production, we will continue to carry out high-yield construction and promote standardized high-yield, high-efficiency and green environmental protection technology models. We will develop grain production services and focus on supporting large grain growers, family farms and other grain scale business entities.