
The Development of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry should actively adapt to the New normal

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Actively understanding, adapting and leading the new normal of economic development is the overall requirement of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the Qinghai provincial party committee and the provincial government to do a good job in economic work at present and for a period of time in the future, and it is also an important requirement for doing a good job in agriculture and animal husbandry under the new situation. We will continue to be strong.

Actively understanding, adapting and leading the new normal of economic development is the overall requirement of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the Qinghai provincial party committee and the provincial government to do a good job in economic work at present and for a period of time in the future, and it is also an important requirement for doing a good job in agriculture and animal husbandry under the new situation. We will continue to maintain steady growth, adjust the structure and change the way, take the initiative, conform to the trend, tap new driving forces, create new bright spots, and make great efforts to promote the quality, efficiency and upgrading of agriculture and animal husbandry economy.

Adhere to the bottom line thinking and make new progress in the stable and sustainable economic situation of agriculture and animal husbandry

Adhere to the ecological red line, guide the overall development of agriculture and animal husbandry with the concept of ecological protection first, continue to improve the subsidy mechanism for grassland ecological protection and measures to ban animal husbandry and reduce livestock, speed up the restoration of grassland ecological environment, adhere to the red line of basic farmland and basic vegetable fields, steadily develop grain and vegetable production, ensure that the output of grain and other major agricultural and livestock products does not decline, and the comprehensive production capacity does not decline. Adhere to the bottom line of increasing the income of farmers and herdsmen, speed up the development of agricultural and livestock product processing industry and leisure agriculture, guide the labor force in agricultural and pastoral areas to go out for employment, and strive to create "six industries" with the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, so as to ensure the stable growth of farmers and herdsmen's income. we should pay attention to the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural and livestock products, and ensure that major incidents of the quality and safety of agricultural and livestock products do not occur. We should do a good job in the prevention and control of major animal diseases to ensure that major regional animal diseases do not occur.

Persist in making progress in the midst of stability and tap new potential in cultivating new economic growth points

Relying on the synchronization of the "four modernizations" and the integration of urban and rural areas, stabilize the stock, expand the increment, and benefit the guiding variables, optimize and adjust the planting and breeding structure, product structure and regional structure, do a good job of the "addition, subtraction, multiplication and division" of structural adjustment, develop new business type, cultivate new industries, and guide the cultivation of the brand and industrial upgrading of the breeding industry, which resonates with the economic and social development of the province. Agriculture starts with modern agricultural demonstration areas, pays attention to adjusting structure, attacking per unit yield, improving efficiency, strengthening scientific and technological innovation and popularization of agriculture and animal husbandry, promoting agricultural informatization, mechanization and seed industry modernization, and promoting the formation of leading industries in demonstration areas. demonstration leads the development of modern agriculture in the surrounding areas. Animal husbandry takes the national grassland ecological animal husbandry experimental area as the carrier, insists on putting grass first, attaching importance to scale, and protecting ecology, and comprehensively starts the construction of standardized grassland ecological pastures, efficient breeding of yaks and Tibetan sheep, and "out-of-door" construction of dairy cows. we will speed up the construction of standardized large-scale breeding farms for beef cattle and sheep, and promote the pilot project of grass-livestock linkage and the development of organic animal husbandry in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry. The fishery will focus on the cold water aquaculture industry belt along the Yellow River, strengthen facilities, build bases, create brands, and strongly promote the construction of a comprehensive standardized demonstration zone for national salmon and trout cage culture.

Adhere to the problem orientation and seek new breakthroughs in speeding up the transformation of the mode of development

Centering on the bottleneck factors restricting the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, we should put the concept of green development through the whole process, and promote the development of agriculture and animal husbandry from quantitative growth to equal emphasis on quantity and quality benefits. from relying on resources and material input to relying on scientific and technological progress and improving the quality of workers. First, we should implement the innovation-driven development strategy, promote the agronomic integration of agricultural machinery, and integrate and promote high-yield, high-efficiency and green environmental protection technology models such as full-film double-ridge cultivation, soil testing and formula fertilization, and the creation of high yield of grain and oil, so as to store grain in the ground and technology. Second, taking the pilot project of sustainable development of herbivorous animal husbandry in northwest arid areas as an opportunity, on the basis of forage industry, expanding the cultivation of forage corn, silage corn and high-quality forage grass, carrying out rotational grazing and semi-house feeding, vigorously developing herbivorous animal husbandry and circular agriculture and animal husbandry, and building a new planting and breeding structure with consideration of grain and feed, combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and circular development. Third, take the development of productive services as the starting point, strengthen the construction of grass-roots agricultural technology service system, speed up the cultivation of agricultural and animal husbandry social service organizations, and strive to build a government-led, market-supplemented, socialized agricultural and animal husbandry service system. Fourth, we should focus on the construction of a new type of agricultural and animal husbandry management system, thoroughly implement the project of cultivating new professional farmers, and speed up the cultivation of new business entities such as large farmers, family farms, cooperatives and leading enterprises. we will promote the common development of family management, collective management, cooperative management, enterprise management and other modes of operation, advocate moderate scale operation, and pursue economies of scale.

Persist in reform and innovation to add new impetus to stimulate the vitality of agriculture and animal husbandry economy

We will persist in combining overall promotion with key breakthroughs, overall planning and seeking progress in the midst of stability, and deepen the reform of agriculture and animal husbandry with land reform as the core. First, we will further improve the policy on the transfer of rural land management rights, implement pilot projects to standardize land transfer, speed up the registration and certification of land contractual management rights, and support facility agriculture and large-scale grain development land. The second is to strengthen financial services for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, promote the innovation of financial and insurance systems in agricultural and pastoral areas, deepen the construction of rural credit systems and pilot financial guarantee platforms for agriculture and animal husbandry at the county level, expand the variety of policy-oriented agriculture and animal husbandry insurance, and expand the insurance coverage of farming and animal husbandry. The third is to promote the pilot reform of the rural collective property rights system, explore the establishment of a system for the registration and filing of members of collective economic organizations and the accounting system of collective assets, develop the rural property rights transfer transaction market, and strengthen the collective economic strength. The fourth is to formulate and issue guidance on the performance management of the provincial grassland ecological compensation mechanism, expand the pilot scope of performance assessment management, and explore effective forms to achieve grass-livestock balance. Fifth, we will steadily promote the pilot reform of land reclamation, promote the demutualization of land reclamation enterprises, and develop the economy of mixed ownership.

Adhere to the concept of the rule of law and take new steps in managing agriculture, protecting agriculture and strengthening agriculture according to law

Deepen the reform of the law enforcement system of agriculture and animal husbandry, integrate and improve the law enforcement system of agriculture and animal husbandry, strive to improve the comprehensive law enforcement capacity of agriculture, strengthen the supervision of inputs in agriculture and animal husbandry, and concentrate on the construction of standardized production bases and traceability pilot projects for the quality of agricultural and livestock products. establish a standardized market supervision mechanism and quality and safety traceability system, carry out agricultural and livestock products quality and safety county establishment activities, and strive to improve the quality and safety level of agricultural and livestock products. We will strengthen law enforcement cooperation and information sharing, strengthen administrative law enforcement of agriculture and animal husbandry such as grassland supervision, deepen special rectification of agricultural materials, and focus on investigating and dealing with fake and shoddy products and destroying the resources and environment of agriculture and animal husbandry in accordance with the law, so as to promote the healthy development of agriculture and animal husbandry.