
Key points of Animal Husbandry work in 2015 to Speed up the Construction of Modern Animal Husbandry

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In 2014, in the face of major challenges such as sluggish consumption of animal products and the impact of human infection with H7N9 on the poultry industry, animal husbandry and veterinary departments at all levels conscientiously implemented the spirit of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee and the No. 1 document of the Ministry of Agriculture, carried out all kinds of work in a down-to-earth manner, and successfully fulfilled the annual targets and tasks. It is expected that the whole year

In 2014, in the face of major challenges such as sluggish consumption of livestock products and impact of human infection H7N9 on poultry industry, animal husbandry and veterinary departments at all levels earnestly implemented the spirit of Document No.1 of the Central Committee and Document No.1 of the Ministry of Agriculture, carried out various tasks in a solid manner, and successfully completed the annual objectives and tasks. It is estimated that the total output of meat, eggs and milk in the whole year will reach 86 million tons, 28.6 million tons and 38.4 million tons respectively, and the total output of industrial feed will reach 195 million tons, which will increase steadily overall. The qualified rate of feed product quality and hygiene index monitoring was 96.2%, the qualified rate of routine monitoring of animal products "clenbuterol" was 99.8%, the qualified rate of melamine detection in fresh milk remained 100% for 5 consecutive years, no major quality safety incidents occurred throughout the year, and the quality and safety level of animal products was stable and good. The annual total output of fresh grass on natural grassland was 1.02 billion tons, and the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grassland was 53.6%, which remained at a relatively high level despite severe summer drought in pastoral areas. The sustained and stable development of animal husbandry has provided strong support for "stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, promoting reform and benefiting people's livelihood".

At present, the agricultural and rural economy is undergoing profound changes. How to lead the new normal, the development of animal husbandry is facing a series of new problems and challenges: the growth power of livestock product consumption is weakened, the profit space of livestock and poultry breeding encounters the double squeeze of price "ceiling" downward and cost "floor" upward; the resource and environmental pressure of animal husbandry development continues to increase, and the traditional production areas with large breeding density greatly reduce the breeding quantity, which brings great pressure to ensure supply; Urban and rural residents have higher and higher requirements for the quality and safety of livestock products. All kinds of emergencies impact production and consumption, and non-traditional risk factors increase obviously. The prices of major livestock products at home and abroad are seriously inverted, and the momentum of increasing imports is difficult to reverse. Facing this series of realistic challenges, animal husbandry and veterinary departments at all levels must strengthen the sense of hardship, work hard, vigorously promote the construction of modern animal husbandry, and improve the competitiveness of animal products.

2015 is a crucial year for agricultural and rural economic development. The development of animal husbandry should closely focus on the goal and task of "two ways, two efforts to ensure and two continuous improvements" of the leading party group of the Ministry of Agriculture, firmly seize the major opportunity of the new round of agricultural restructuring, adhere to the main line of adjusting the structure and changing the mode, stabilizing production, improving quality and increasing efficiency, further enhance the comprehensive production capacity of livestock and poultry, strive to ensure the quality and safety of feed and livestock products, comprehensively strengthen the ecological protection of grasslands, effectively speed up the construction of modern animal husbandry, and strive to realize the goal of "ensuring supply, ensuring safety, The objective of "protecting ecology" is to provide strong support for consolidating and developing the good situation of agricultural and rural economy and maintaining stable economic and social development.

I. Overall planning and speeding up the construction of modern animal husbandry

1. Organize and convene a working conference on modern animal husbandry construction. Summarize and exchange achievements and experiences gained in the construction of modern animal husbandry, deeply analyze the situation and requirements faced by animal husbandry development in the new period, clarify the overall thinking and work priorities for accelerating the construction of modern animal husbandry in the future period, study and deploy the work of promoting the structural adjustment of animal husbandry, improving quality and efficiency, promoting ecological and environmental protection, and improving the support system.

2. Do a good job in animal husbandry "13th Five-Year" planning preparation. Organize and carry out special research, strengthen coordination and connection, and coordinate and promote the preparation of key plans such as the National Pig Industry Development Plan (2016-2025), the National Herbivorous Animal Husbandry "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" Development Plan, and the National Feed Industry "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" Development Plan.

3. Vigorously promote standardized scale breeding of livestock and poultry. Strengthen the implementation of standardized scale breeding projects for pigs, cows and beef sheep, innovate the implementation methods of standardized livestock and poultry breeding projects, and accelerate the development of moderate scale breeding. We will continue to carry out standardized demonstration activities for livestock and poultry breeding, strengthen experience exchange and summary, and further improve the radiation driving effect of demonstration farms.

4. Speed up the construction of modern livestock and poultry forage seed industry. Implement genetic improvement plans for pigs, cows, beef cattle, broilers and laying hens, study and formulate improvement plans for mutton sheep, and enhance independent breeding ability. Strengthen the protection and development of livestock and poultry genetic resources, and formulate the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" for the protection and utilization of livestock and poultry genetic resources nationwide. We will continue to implement projects for improved livestock and poultry breeds, subsidies for improved livestock and poultry breeds, and supervision and inspection projects for the quality and safety of breeding livestock and poultry, so as to improve the supply capacity of improved livestock and poultry breeds. Strengthen the collection, preservation, cultivation and promotion of forage germplasm resources, and improve the coverage rate of fine forage varieties and the market share of self-bred grass seeds. Organize the implementation of agricultural comprehensive development of livestock and poultry breeding and forage seed breeding base projects, and build a number of high-quality and stable production of local characteristic livestock and forage breeding bases.

II. Combination of planting and breeding, accelerating industrial restructuring

5. Stabilize basic livestock production capacity. Combined with the new round of agricultural restructuring, strengthen the investigation and research on the balance of supply and demand of livestock products, comprehensively consider factors such as production, consumption, import and export, temporary reserves, etc., reasonably determine the self-sufficiency level of various major livestock products, and clarify the priority of development. Respect the basic role of the market in resource allocation, cooperate with the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments to carry out market early warning and comprehensive regulation in a timely manner, and promote the stable development of pig production. Comprehensive use of policy means, technical means and information guidance service means to stabilize breeding stock and poultry production, and strive to avoid drastic fluctuations in production caused by violent fluctuations in the market.

6. Vigorously develop grass animal husbandry. Summarize the development model of herbivorous animal husbandry, study and formulate the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Herbivorous Animal Husbandry. In agricultural areas, pastoral areas, reclamation areas, modern agricultural demonstration areas and rural reform experimental areas, modern grass animal husbandry development experiments and demonstrations. Accelerate the implementation of the revitalization of milk alfalfa development action and the southern modern grassland animal husbandry promotion action. Continue to organize the implementation of beef cattle basic dam expansion increment project, improve beef cattle basic production capacity. We will speed up the construction of a modern forage industry system, further tap the potential of straw feed, innovate the straw livestock demonstration model, and promote the pilot of grain-to-feed and breeding combination models. In Hebei, Heilongjiang, Shandong and Henan provinces, the promotion and application demonstration of silage corn shall be carried out on a pilot basis, and the planting of silage corn, alfalfa and other high-quality forage materials shall be expanded. To organize and study the accounting methods and indicators of grass production value, and actively cooperate with and coordinate the grass industry into the national economic accounting system.

7. Guide and optimize the regional layout of animal husbandry. Organize and carry out major strategic research on the regional layout of animal husbandry advantages, scientifically determine the self-sufficiency level of main livestock products, and adjust and optimize the regional layout according to local conditions. Guide the main animal husbandry production areas to formulate the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" for animal husbandry according to the resource endowment and production and marketing conditions of the region, guide and optimize the production layout of livestock products such as pigs, cows, beef cattle and sheep, and gradually promote the matching of livestock product production with resource and environmental carrying capacity and docking with consumer markets. Highlight regional comparative advantages, accelerate the cultivation of leading animal husbandry products and characteristic brands with regional characteristics, and promote the formation of a number of animal husbandry brands with distinctive characteristics, marketable products and strong competitiveness.

8. Promote sustainable development of animal husbandry. Carry out research on land carrying capacity of animal husbandry development in different regions, and explore effective ways to promote the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry. We will implement the Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Pollution from Livestock and Poultry Scale Breeding, strengthen guidance and services in combination with pilot projects for the comprehensive utilization of agricultural and rural wastes such as livestock and poultry manure, and summarize and promote efficient and applicable comprehensive treatment and resource utilization models for manure.

9. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of dairy industry. Guide the development of moderate-scale breeding, accelerate the transformation of dairy farming communities into large-scale farms, explore the ecological circular breeding mode of combining planting and breeding and planting for breeding, and the integrated development path of planting, breeding and adding. Formulate management methods for dairy cow production performance measurement projects, guide the improvement of application rate of production performance measurement results, and support the introduction of high-quality embryos and the breeding of reserve bulls. Organize dairy training to help pastures and dairy farmers improve scientific feeding standards. Timely dispatch the purchase and sale of fresh milk, and promote relevant departments to issue policies to protect the interests of dairy farmers and the basic production capacity of dairy cows.