
Food Security: there is an urgent need to reconstruct a New supply pattern

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Food is the foundation of the national economy, food security is related to the overall stability of the country, and the key to ensuring food security lies in food production. With the trend of part-time and non-food becoming more and more obvious, the problem of food security has become the future development of our country.

Food is the foundation of the national economy, food security is related to the overall stability of the country, and the key to ensuring food security lies in food production. With the trend of "part-time" and "non-grain" becoming more and more obvious, food security has become an important issue in the future development of our country. During the summer vacation in 2013, the research group of China Rural Research Institute of Central China normal University randomly sampled more than 3000 farmers in more than 200 villages in 31 provinces across the country, and conducted a special survey on "New Agricultural operators and Food Security" to form a relevant special report.

"who is growing Grain": the present situation of Grain supply of New Business main body

(1) the grain supply pattern of the new business main body has not yet been constructed. The survey found that, first, the household management dominated by small households is still the main body of grain growers. Among the 3993 valid samples in the country, the new agricultural operators only account for 3.66%. Second, the grain supply pattern of the new business main body has not yet been formed. Among them, the proportion of large farmers is 63.01%, the proportion of members of agricultural specialized cooperatives is 25.34%, and the proportion of family farms and agricultural enterprises is 8.90% and 2.74%, respectively. To sum up, the new agricultural management subject pattern based on family management has a certain foundation, but the development of various subjects is not balanced, and the new management subject pattern has not yet been constructed.

(2) the development of grain supply of the new business main body is insufficient. The main body of the new type of agricultural management tends to be "non-grain". Among the new agricultural operators, the proportion of mainly growing food crops is 31.39%, while the proportion of mainly growing cash crops is slightly higher than that of food crops, accounting for 32.85%. Further analysis of the main crops of different new types of agricultural operators found that only 1/4 of agricultural enterprises are mainly engaged in grain cultivation. It can be seen that the main body of the new business has not yet condensed into the mainstream of growing grain.

(3) the development of grain supply of the new business main body is out of balance. While the food supply is insufficient, the new business main body also shows the imbalance of supply. On the one hand, the grain growing scale of large growers is higher than that of other new business entities. The grain planting area of large farmers is 84.43 mu, and that of members of family farms and farmers' professional cooperatives is 12.33 mu and 35.01 mu respectively; on the other hand, the per capita grain output of large farmers is much higher than that of other new business entities. The total grain output per household of family farms is 9953.79 jin, and the members of farmers' professional cooperatives are 7155.95 jin, while the total grain output per household of large growers is much higher than that of other types of operators, with an average output of 24170.09 jin.

Why not grow Grain: an obstacle to the Construction of a New pattern of Grain supply

(1) Land constraints are becoming more and more serious. From the perspective of the scale of land transfer, 66.90% of the sample farmers participated in land transfer, and the average transfer area of new business entities was 43.49 mu, accounting for 81.2% of the cultivated land area; from the perspective of land transfer concentration, there are 73 households with land scale operation of less than 10 mu, accounting for 51.41% of the effective sample. It can be seen that the scale of land transfer is not high, and the scale income will be very limited.

(2) the benefit of policy subsidy is insufficient. The amount of agricultural subsidies per household of the main body of the new agricultural operation is 2555.58 yuan, while the investment of production funds per household is 31285.98 yuan, and agricultural subsidies account for only 8.17% of the production funds.

(3) the cost of purchasing and selling grain is high. The survey found that in the process of production and operation of the new type of agricultural operators, the difficulties faced by more than 40% of farmers are mainly "high purchase and sales expenses."

(4) the income from growing grain is low. In 2012, the average household income of new agricultural operators was 28841.64 yuan, and the per capita income of cash crops was 98340.72 yuan. Further analysis shows that the per capita grain income of the new business main household accounts for 24.33% of the agricultural income, and the proportion of household income is 14.35%.

How to grow Grain: focus on Building a New pattern of Grain supply

(1) to explore the diversified development of moderate management by taking the difference in scale as a breakthrough. Scale based on different food crops. In the survey, the planting scale of rice, corn and wheat is 53.72 mu, 41.16 mu and 24.25 mu respectively. The scale with different subjects as the standard. The grain planting scale of large farmers is 84.43 mu, that of members of farmers' professional cooperatives is 35.01 mu, and that of family farms is 12.33 mu. Scale based on economic benefits. From the survey data, we can see that the new grain supplier planting 7.66 mu of grain crops can bring the income of 1 mu of cash crops, that is to say, if we want to guide the new operators to grow grain through income balance, the land input is at least 7.66 times that of cash crops.

(2) adhere to the basic position of family management on the premise of farmers' wishes. For farmers who are willing to stay in agriculture, guide farmers to adopt a variety of large-scale operation methods, while the government provides perfect hardware facilities and software services to achieve high efficiency of modern agriculture. Protect the nature of land use and protect the rights and interests of farmers. Especially when capital enters agriculture, it is necessary to protect the nature of the use of agricultural land and the rights and interests of farmers.

(3) taking the promotion of land transfer as the key to promote the intensive use of factors of production. Clarify farmers' land rights and interests, improve the benefit distribution mechanism, stabilize the relationship of land transfer, protect the legitimate rights and interests of both sides, and strengthen the service and management of land transfer.

(4) to enhance the risk-proof ability of agricultural production on the basis of rural financial reform. We will speed up the development of small and medium-sized financial systems in rural areas. We will innovate rural credit guarantee methods and support large-scale operators to participate in agricultural insurance. We will increase the proportion of premium subsidies for new business entities to purchase agricultural insurance, and speed up the pilot work of facility agricultural insurance.

(5) to increase support for new business entities with policy support as the guarantee. The first is to establish a priority system for agricultural projects in land transfer. Combine agriculture-related projects such as rural land consolidation, standard farmland construction and comprehensive agricultural development with the scale operation of land circulation, and give priority and focus on project funds. The second is to increase direct subsidies to new business entities. On the basis of the existing types of subsidies, the new subsidies are tilted to large-scale operation, directly subsidizing large farmers and other new subjects. The third is to strengthen the national minimum grain purchase price policy and grain purchase quality standards. On the one hand, strengthen information services to guide farmers to establish reasonable price expectations; on the other hand, strengthen supervision, continue to play the role of multi-channel acquisition, and invigorate grain circulation.

(6) take more measures at the same time, and strengthen the construction of a new type of business main body talent team. The first is to strengthen the training of employees in rural areas. Mainly for the first generation of returning migrant workers and farmers, family farmers, directors of farmers' professional cooperatives and other capable people in rural areas; develop agricultural vocational education and organize various forms of agro-technical training. Second, the introduction of external talents. Formulate preferential policies to attract college and secondary school graduates, professional and technical personnel to take root in rural areas and join agriculture.