
Guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture on further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, (Nong Development [2015] No. 2) in order to fully implement the spirit of the Central Economic work Conference, the Central Rural work Conference and the Central No. 1 document, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and speed up the transformation of agricultural development, strive to optimize agriculture

(Nong Fa [2015] No. 2)

In order to fully implement the spirit of the Central Economic work Conference, the Central Rural work Conference and the Central No. 1 document, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and speed up the transformation of agricultural development, strive to open up new ways to optimize agricultural structure, promote agricultural development to tap potential, improve quality, increase efficiency, and create a new situation in agricultural development with Chinese characteristics. This paper puts forward the following suggestions on further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure.

I. earnestly enhance the understanding of further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure

Since 2004, the production of major agricultural products such as grain, cotton, oil, sugar, meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables and tea, aquatic products and other major agricultural products have developed in an all-round way, the supply is abundant, the varieties have been continuously improved, the quality has been continuously improved, and the agricultural region and industrial structure have become more reasonable. Farmers' income continues to grow rapidly. In 2014, grain production achieved a historic "eleven consecutive increase", exceeding 1.1 trillion jin for four consecutive years, and farmers' income increased by "eleven consecutive years", exceeding the growth rate of the country's gross domestic product and the income of urban residents for five consecutive years. Agricultural and rural economic development continues to maintain a good momentum. In the new historical period, further adjustment and optimization of agricultural structure is an active act and active optimization at a high starting point.

(1) further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure is a realistic choice to improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural development. At present, the problems of quantity and quality, total quantity and structure, cost and benefit, production and environment of agricultural development in China are still prominent. The contradiction between the hard constraints of resources and environment and the development of production has become increasingly prominent. The conditions of resources have been very tight for many years, such as the decline of the quality of black land in Northeast China, the over-standard of heavy metals in cultivated land in some areas, the over-exploitation of groundwater, the mismatch between the transportation of grain from the north to the south and the temporal and spatial distribution of water resources. The contradiction between the variety and quality structure of agricultural products and the rapid upgrading of household consumption has become increasingly prominent. The development of high-quality, diversified and specialized agricultural products still lags behind, and there is still a certain gap between the production and consumption demand of high-quality beef and mutton, milk, fruits and vegetables and other agricultural products. The problems of poor combination of planting and breeding and poor circulation have become increasingly prominent. The structure of grain economy and feeding is unreasonable, the matching connection between planting industry and aquaculture is not enough, the decline of soil fertility and the lack of effective utilization of manure in aquaculture co-exist, and the degree of comprehensive utilization of crop straw is low. The problems of insufficient integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, low efficiency of agriculture and weak market competitiveness have become increasingly prominent. The processing level and transformation value-added rate of agricultural products are still low, the ecological, social and cultural functions of agriculture are insufficient, the industrial chain is short, the added value is not high, and the ability to increase farmers' income is weak. These situations show that China's agricultural development has reached an important point of transformation and upgrading, and it is imperative to further adjust and optimize the agricultural structure.

(2) there is a rare historical opportunity to further adjust and optimize the agricultural structure. After years of bumper harvests in agriculture, the supply of major agricultural products is sufficient; the domestic economy has entered a new normal, and the growth of consumption and processing demand for agricultural products may have weakened, providing a favorable opportunity for further adjustment and optimization of the agricultural structure. The full implementation of the new national food security strategy will make the security focus of agricultural production more prominent, and provide a more relaxed policy environment and resource space for further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure. The consumption structure of residents has been accelerated to upgrade, and the demand for high-quality and safe agricultural products has great potential in the future. people not only need to eat well, but also eat safely, nutritionally and healthily, bringing market power to further adjust and optimize the agricultural structure. The supply of international agricultural products market is sufficient, and the stock-to-consumption ratio of major agricultural products is at an all-time high, providing more room for further adjustment and optimization of the agricultural structure. All these show that we are facing a rare opportunity to further adjust and optimize the agricultural structure, and it is the right time to promote the transformation of agricultural development from focusing on quantitative growth to focusing on both quantitative and qualitative benefits.

(3) further readjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure in no way means relaxing grain production. China is a country with a large population, so solving the problem of food is always a top priority. China has made great achievements in grain production in recent years, but with population growth, rapid urbanization, industrial use expansion and consumption structure upgrading, grain demand will continue to grow rigidly in the future, and the task of ensuring national food security is still very arduous. Therefore, further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure does not mean relaxing grain production. We must jump out of the either-or mindset of grain production and agricultural structure adjustment, take the stability of grain production as the premise, and take the increase of grain production capacity as the foundation. Build a solid and reliable national food security system to ensure that the Chinese people's rice bowls are firmly in their hands at all times. Embark on a new road of coordinated development and mutual promotion between the two.

Agricultural departments at all levels should earnestly enhance their understanding of the importance of further readjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure, earnestly unify their thinking and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee and the State Council, and earnestly enhance their sense of urgency, sense of responsibility, and sense of mission. we should seize opportunities, take the initiative, actively and steadily promote the optimization, refinement and deepening of the agricultural structure, and strive to achieve a new level of China's agricultural development at a high starting point.

Second, make clear the general idea of further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure.

(1) guiding ideology

Thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, the third and fourth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, on the premise of ensuring national food security, with equal emphasis on quantity and quality benefits, enhancement of competitiveness and sustainable development as the main direction, focusing on layout optimization, industrial integration, quality improvement and recycling, scientifically determine the self-sufficiency level of major agricultural products and the priority of industrial development. We will pay more attention to market orientation and policy support, deepen reform and science and technology, pay more attention to services and the guarantee of the rule of law, and speed up the construction of a modern agricultural structure featuring the integration of grain, economy and feeding, and the integration of farming, animal husbandry and fishery. We will take the road of modern agricultural development featuring efficient output, product safety, resource conservation and environmentally friendly, so as to lay a solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

(2) basic principles

-- adhere to the bottom line thinking to ensure national food security. Firmly adhere to the bottom line of no decline in grain production and no conversion of arable land to non-agricultural production, stabilize the area of cultivated land at more than 1.8 billion mu, the sown area of grain at more than 1.6 billion mu, and the sown area of grain at more than 1.4 billion mu, ensuring that grain is basically self-sufficient and the self-sufficiency of rations is up to 100%.

-- adhere to conceptual innovation and expand the breadth and depth of agricultural development. Expand horizons, innovative thinking, firmly establish the concept of large ecology, promote sustainable development; set up the concept of big food, develop food resources in all directions and in many ways for the whole territory; set up the concept of big market and make overall use of two markets and two kinds of resources; establish the concept of large agriculture, develop a variety of agricultural functions, establish the concept of large science and technology, and promote the matching of mechanical technology and the coordination of industry, university and research. We should lead agriculture to march in breadth and depth with new concepts, guide farmers to read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", sing "forest and grass dramas", and play "fruit and vegetable cards" well, so as to promote the continuous optimization and upgrading of the agricultural structure.

-- persisting in giving prominence to the key points and doing something and not doing something. Highlight key varieties and key areas according to the level of self-sufficiency and production priority of major agricultural products. In terms of varieties, they mainly protect grains and focus on food rations, as well as the production of marshmallows, vegetables and other agricultural products as a whole. Regionally, we will focus on promoting major grain producing areas to increase production capacity, combine agriculture and animal husbandry, and give consideration to grain production, strive to enhance the self-sufficiency of "vegetable baskets" in large and medium-sized cities, and solve the problems of ecological restoration, pollution control and resource protection in areas with over-utilization of resources and areas with outstanding ecological environment.

-- persist in taking measures in accordance with local conditions and highlight their characteristics. Comprehensively considering the industrial base, location advantages, market conditions, resource endowments and other factors, give priority to the development of industries or products with outstanding comparative advantages, and make them bigger and stronger, better and better, cultivate and strengthen agricultural leading products, pillar industries and characteristic brands with regional characteristics, prevent blindly following the trend, avoid industrial isomorphism and homogeneous competition, and turn comparative advantage into industrial advantage, product advantage and competitive advantage.

-- adhere to market orientation and respect the wishes of farmers. Follow the economic law, take the market demand as the guide, use market information and market methods to guide and guide agricultural production, respect farmers' wishes and operational autonomy, and play a decisive role in market allocation of resources. The focus of the government is to do a good job in planning, guidance and services, sum up and popularize advanced experience, increase policy support and create a good market environment, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all kinds of production and operation entities, and refrain from coercive orders and administrative blind command. No one-size-fits-all and the Great Leap forward.

(3) main objectives

The main goal of further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure is to achieve "two stability, two increases and two mention". "two stability", that is, to stabilize grain output and grain production capacity, to achieve basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute safety of food rations. "two increases", that is, increase agricultural efficiency, increase farmers' income, and achieve the improvement of the overall quality of agriculture and the sustained and rapid growth of farmers' income. The "two proposals" are to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural market and the ability of sustainable development, so as to shift agricultural development from quantity growth to equal emphasis on quantity and quality benefits. from relying on resources and material input to relying on scientific and technological progress and improving the quality of workers.

III. Accurately grasp the key tasks of further adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure

(1) taking "storing grain in the land, technology and people" as the focal point, adjust and optimize the realization path to ensure national food security. With a view to stabilizing the area and improving soil fertility, we should speed up the delineation of permanent basic farmland, build large-scale high-standard farmland with high and stable yields, greatly improve the quality of cultivated land, and implement grain production capacity in farmland plots to achieve "storing grain in the land." We should focus on improving per unit yield and quality, speed up the breeding of new varieties, carry out high-yield creation on a large scale and tackle key problems of green production, integrate and apply comprehensive technologies, and improve the incentive mechanism for agricultural scientific and technological innovation and agricultural technology popularization. strive to make breakthroughs in the seed industry and other key areas to achieve "storing grain in technology". Focus on arousing farmers' enthusiasm for growing and storing grain and improving their quality, perfecting the policy system of supporting and protecting grain production, ensuring farmers' reasonable income from growing grain, improving the grain storage conditions of producers and operators, maintaining and expanding the scale of grain drying and storage of new agricultural operators, and reducing post-natal loss of grain. We should speed up the cultivation of new types of agricultural operators, create a contingent of high-quality professional farmers who adapt to the development of modern agriculture, and realize "storing grain among the people".