
The new round of agricultural structure adjustment will not sacrifice grain.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The Ministry of Agriculture recently issued the "guidance on further adjusting and optimizing the Agricultural structure," which is a guiding document for agricultural transformation and restructuring in the new era. The document defines six tasks for adjusting the agricultural structure, that is, adjusting and optimizing the path of national food security.

The Ministry of Agriculture recently issued the "guidance on further adjusting and optimizing the Agricultural structure," which is a guiding document for agricultural transformation and restructuring in the new era. The document defines six tasks for adjusting the agricultural structure, namely, adjusting and optimizing the path of national food security, the layout of regional productive forces, the production structure of grain and economic crops, the structure of planting and breeding, the industrial structure and the product structure. How to treat the relationship between grain production and structural adjustment? The reporter interviewed Ye Zhenqin, director of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Ye Zhenqin said: we must jump out of the either-or mindset of grain production and agricultural restructuring, embark on a new road of coordinated development and mutual promotion, and take the stability of grain production as the premise and the increase of grain production capacity as the fundamental. build a solid and solid national food security system. Based on this, the document puts forward the goal of "ensuring basic self-sufficiency in grains and 100% self-sufficiency in rations". At the same time, the document regards the development of grain production as one of the key tasks of structural adjustment, and puts forward that we should focus on "storing grain in the land, storing grain in technology, and storing grain in the people" to adjust and optimize the realization path to ensure national food security.

Structural adjustment is also a problem-oriented trend. The structural contradictions between quantity and quality, total quantity and structure, cost and benefit, production and environment of agricultural development in China are still serious; the contradiction between hard constraints of resources and environment and production development has become increasingly prominent, and resource conditions have been very tight. The variety and quality structure of agricultural products does not adapt to the rapid upgrading of household consumption, and the development of high-quality, diversified and specialized agricultural products still lags behind; the problems of poor combination of planting and breeding, poor circulation, unreasonable structure of grain economy and feeding, insufficient connection between planting industry and aquaculture industry, decline of soil fertility and lack of effective utilization of manure in aquaculture co-exist. The integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries is insufficient, the comparative efficiency of agriculture is low, and the processing level and transformation value-added rate of agricultural products are still on the low side. These problems have become a breakthrough in structural adjustment.

The document made it clear at the beginning that "further readjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure does not mean relaxing grain production." The document proposes to establish the new concepts of big ecology, big food, big market, big agriculture, and big science and technology, guide farmers to read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", sing well the "forest and grass play", play well the "fruit and vegetable card", and lead agriculture to march in breadth and depth with new ideas. to open up more space for agricultural development. In the future, the space for agricultural development will not only be limited to writing articles on cultivated land, but also "going up to the mountains and going to the sea" and facing the whole territory.

The new round of adjustment also gives more prominence to sustainable development. The first round of structural adjustment is mainly to adapt to the natural conditions of agricultural production; the second round takes into account not only the natural conditions, but also the level of economic development and market demand. The current round of structural optimization is not only based on natural conditions, economic level and market demand, but also highlights the ecological environment and sustainability. For this reason, the document proposes to take the carrying capacity of agricultural resources and environment as the basis and adjust measures to local conditions, such as grain, economy, grass, animal husbandry and fishing, so as to improve the matching degree between agricultural production and resources and environment.

In view of the upgrading of the consumption structure of Chinese residents in recent years and the sharp increase in the consumption of animal products such as beef and mutton, the document comprehensively considered the production of food crops, cash crops and animal husbandry, and made "vigorously developing grass and animal husbandry." the formation of grain and grass, the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, circular development and other arrangements. Ye Zhenqin believes that this takes into account the effective supply of major agricultural products and the protection of resources and environment, and can better meet the needs of the upgrading of China's food consumption structure through the development of herbivorous animal husbandry.