
Grasp the new normal and promote standardized scale breeding

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council recently issued "Several Opinions on Intensifying Reform and Innovation and Accelerating Agricultural Modernization", which is the No.1 Document of the Central Committee focusing on the "three rural issues" for 12 consecutive years. It is mentioned in the article that the standards for pigs, cows, beef cattle and mutton sheep shall be increased.

The "opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization" issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have recently been issued, which is the first document of the CPC Central Committee to focus on the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers for 12 consecutive years. It is mentioned in the article that we should increase support for the construction of standardized large-scale farms (communities) for pigs, dairy cows, beef cattle and mutton sheep, implement improved breed projects for livestock and poultry, accelerate large-scale, intensive and standardized livestock and poultry breeding, enhance the competitiveness of animal husbandry, and improve policies for the prevention and control of animal diseases.

In the face of the new normal of the development of animal husbandry, how to improve the comprehensive production capacity of animal husbandry, how to speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional animal husbandry to modern animal husbandry, and how to embark on a road of sustainable development with equal emphasis on quantity and quality benefits? it is necessary to promote large-scale, intensive and standardized livestock breeding and enhance the competitiveness of animal husbandry, which is the inevitable choice to maintain the healthy development of animal husbandry economy.

Standing at the starting point of the critical year of comprehensively deepening reform under the new normal, in the face of the new normal, we must not only rely on reform to generate momentum, but also rely on innovation to increase vitality, reflecting the requirements of the times, in order to maintain the sustained and healthy development of animal husbandry.

To increase support for the construction of standardized large-scale farms (communities) for pigs, dairy cows, beef cattle and mutton sheep, and to promote large-scale, intensive and standardized livestock and poultry farming, we not only need the top-level design of the system, but also strengthen the belief that the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources. The government should strengthen the construction of standardized scale breeding farms (communities) as the key work for the development of animal husbandry, from increasing the support for the construction of standardized scale farms (communities) and strengthening planning guidance, promote large-scale, intensive, standardized livestock and poultry farming and policy support, establish a long-term mechanism with market-oriented, enterprise-oriented and active participation of farmers, and protect the ecological environment and the interests of future generations. We will play a better role in many aspects, such as creating a fair and just competitive environment.

It is necessary to improve policies for the prevention and control of animal diseases and conscientiously implement comprehensive measures for the prevention and control of animal diseases focusing on centralized and perennial immunization in the Spring and Autumn period. For standardized scale farms (residential areas), we should pay attention to scientific procedural immunity, and for retail farmers, we should pay attention to exemption as far as possible, and gradually improve the veterinary practice level of standardized scale farms (residential areas). Strengthen the practice of veterinarians in standardized-scale livestock and poultry farms, carry out the implementation of scientific evaluation of immune effects, and promptly discover and solve new situations and problems in the prevention and control of major animal diseases.

In short, guide farming owners in the standardized scale breeding farm (community) construction and management to gradually get rid of the traditional concept, improve the awareness of standardized scale farming, so that.