
The No. 1 document of the Central Committee defines seven agricultural reforms.

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015, "several opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization", was recently issued. The document points out that this year's agricultural and rural work should be deepened in an all-round way in accordance with the general requirements of stabilizing grain income, improving quality and efficiency, and driving innovation.

The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015, "several opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization", was recently issued. The document points out that this year's agricultural and rural work should continue to deepen rural reform in an all-round way in accordance with the general requirements of stabilizing grain income, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and driven by innovation. The document puts forward seven reform tasks: speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system, promoting the reform of the rural collective property rights system, steadily promoting the pilot reform of the rural land system, promoting the reform of the rural financial system, deepening the reform of water conservancy and forestry, accelerating the reform and development of supply and marketing cooperatives and land reclamation, and innovating and improving the rural governance mechanism.

According to expert analysis, the reason why the Central No. 1 document makes improving production efficiency a top priority is that the problems such as internal and external price differences and subsidy constraints are already very serious. In order to achieve the goal of promoting agricultural modernization, accomplishing the seven reform tasks put forward in the first document, and implementing the 10 major plans previously formulated, including the "three plots of land reform," will be the most important task this year.

An authoritative person responsible for compiling document No. 1 told the Economic Information Daily that in recent years, the continuous increase in agricultural production, the gradual strengthening of the market prices of agricultural products, and the gradual increase in the minimum purchase price and temporary purchase and storage prices have all played a key role, arousing farmers' enthusiasm for production. However, this year, China's agricultural development has come to a time when we have to make every effort to improve quality and efficiency and reduce cost and consumption, because the contradiction between "two ceilings" and "one floor" has become irreconcilable.

The "two ceilings" respectively refer to the "ceiling" in which the prices of major domestic agricultural products have exceeded the import prices, the continued price increases have encountered the "ceiling", and the production subsidies have encountered the "ceiling" due to the restrictions of WTO rules. It is understood that at present, many agricultural production subsidies in China fall within the scope of the "yellow box" in the WTO rules, with upper limits: according to the WTO commitments, the comprehensive support for the "yellow box" shall not exceed 8.5% of the total agricultural output value, and the amount of support for specific agricultural products shall not exceed 8.5% of the output value of the agricultural products. However, at present, the state's production subsidy support for wheat, corn and other major agricultural products is close to the upper limit of commitment.

The "one floor" problem refers to the rising cost of agricultural production. Therefore, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of production and ensure food supply under the situation of no mention of prices and no increase in subsidies, we can only rely on every work to promote agricultural modernization and deepen the reform of the rural system. The above-mentioned authoritative person responsible for compiling document No. 1 told Economic Information Daily that in order to accomplish the seven reform tasks proposed in document No. 1, the main work of China's agricultural and rural areas in 2015 is to meticulously organize and implement a series of reform programs and pilot programs that have been issued and immediately issued.

The above authority said that in addition to the pilot reform of land registration and certification and the reform of the target price system for agricultural products, the government has also invested a lot of energy in formulating ten major reform programs and pilot programs. Including the reform of rural land expropriation, the entry of collective construction land into the market, the pilot reform of the homestead system, the opinions on steadily promoting the reform of the rural collective property rights system, the development of farmers' share cooperation to give the collective assets shareholding rights reform pilot, the rural property rights transfer market guidance, the reform plan and reform guidance for the forest areas of the state-owned forest farms, the pilot scheme for the registration and confirmation of water rights, the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, Land reclamation reform and so on.

"if the focus of agricultural work in 2014 is for the central government to improve the top-level design and make great efforts to issue a series of reform documents, then the first priority of China's agricultural work in 2015 is to implement these documents." An official from the Ministry of Agriculture told reporters that the government has a general idea for implementing these reform plans, that is, to sum up experience in a timely manner while conducting a pilot project to see if the results of these reforms can be replicated and popularized. In other words, regulators still take a wait-and-see attitude as to how much effect this series of reforms can have on the development of agricultural modernization, but now they must try first.

Among the ten rural reform programs to be implemented in 2015, three land system reforms involving rural land expropriation, commercial construction land and homestead are the most eye-catching. In addition to the opinions on Rural Land expropriation, the entry of Collective Construction Land into the Market, and the pilot work of Homestead system Reform jointly issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Office, article 23 of the Central Committee document No. 1 also makes unified arrangements for the reform of the "three plots of land": to formulate ways to narrow the scope of land expropriation; to endow the transfer, leasing and shareholding of rural collective construction land in line with planning and use control. Protect the rights and interests of farmers' homestead in accordance with the law, reform the way of obtaining farmers' residential land, and explore a new mechanism for farmers' housing security. According to Jiang Daming, minister of land and resources, this reform adheres to small-scale pilot projects, mainly in the new urbanization comprehensive pilot and rural reform pilot areas, selecting a number of counties or county-level cities with foundations and conditions, and operating in a closed manner. to ensure that the risk can be controlled, and the pilot work will be completed by the end of 2017.

With regard to the reform of rural property rights, in addition to the guidance on the rural property rights transfer market recently issued by the State Office, the pilot scheme for steadily promoting the reform of the rural collective property rights system and the development of giving farmers the shareholding rights reform of collective assets will also be launched in the near future. According to Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, the important purpose of this reform is to develop farmers' stock cooperation. The core task is to give farmers the six rights of possession, income, paid withdrawal, mortgage, guarantee and inheritance of collective assets, so as to solve the problems caused by unclear ownership and lax management of collective assets in the past.

In addition, four reform plans will also be introduced, including the reform of forest areas in state-owned forest farms, the pilot project of water rights registration, the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, and the reform of land reclamation. Among them, the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives and land reclamation system is written into the No. 1 document of the Central Committee for the first time in history. The reporter learned that around these work, the Central Committee will also revise and revise a series of laws and regulations to clear theoretical obstacles to reform, such as the revision of the "Forest Law" and the "seed Law" in view of forestry reform.