
Rural demand: the Great Power of Economic Transformation and Development

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Overcapacity is a prominent problem in the new normal of China's economic development. At present, there are varying degrees of overcapacity in the energy industry, processing manufacturing industry, or building materials industry. Overcapacity creates a large backlog of excess products. Digested

Overcapacity is a prominent problem in the new normal of China's economic development. At present, there are varying degrees of overcapacity in the energy industry, processing manufacturing industry, or building materials industry. Overcapacity creates a large backlog of excess products. Digesting excess capacity and providing consumer demand space for surplus products is an important task for the transformation and upgrading of industries and enterprises. At present and for some time to come, to expand consumer demand, we should focus on expanding rural demand.

I. Rural demand is an important driving force for economic transformation and development.

To digest excess capacity, it is necessary to combine the elimination of excess capacity with the consumption of excess products. On the one hand, we should reduce or eliminate excess capacity by adjusting the economic structure; on the other hand, we should tap social consumer demand, consume or digest excess products. There is a huge consumption demand in the rural areas of our country. If we can expand the consumer demand in the rural market, we can promote the digestion of excess capacity or products, and create market space for transformation and upgrading for industries and enterprises to digest the burden and travel light. Therefore, expanding rural demand is not only a major measure to promote modern agricultural construction, narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, and promote the integration of urban and rural development, but also an urgent need to deal with the new normal and new challenges of economic development, digest excess capacity and products, and promote transformation and upgrading.

Expanding rural demand has great potential and realistic possibility. China's agriculture and rural areas are still the deficiency of the simultaneous development of the "four modernizations". Deficiency is not only the gap, but also the driving force of demand and development. In recent years, China has implemented the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting rich farmers, implementing the policy of overall urban and rural development, implementing industry to feed agriculture and cities to drive rural areas, which has effectively promoted the process of urban-rural integration and accumulated and expanded the scale of demand for agricultural and rural development. Under the new normal of economic development, we should not only insist on industry feeding agriculture and cities driving rural areas, but also implement agriculture to digest excess capacity and provide space for transformation and upgrading in rural areas.

The rural demand at the present stage is accumulated and formed by the rural reform and development of our country for a long time. We should see not only the "eleventh consecutive increase" in grain production and the "eleventh consecutive increase" in farmers' income, but also the "eleventh consecutive expansion" of consumer demand in rural areas. Since the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, China has implemented the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting rich farmers, which has not only effectively supported the development of agriculture and rural areas, but also cultivated the huge consumption demand in rural areas. Now it seems that the process of implementing the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting rich farmers and cultivating, accumulating and forming rural demand coincides with the arrival of the new normal of China's economic development. The policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers and rich farmers not only promotes the development of agriculture and rural areas, but also accumulates and provides demand power for economic development under the new normal. Now, it is time to tap and give full play to the "11 consecutive expansion" of rural demand, so as to drive the digestion of excess capacity and products, promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and stimulate sustained economic growth.

The golden period of China's agricultural and rural reform and development is the best and key period to expand rural demand and release consumption potential. It should be noted that there is a huge demand for industrial products and daily necessities in rural areas, and some surplus products are precisely adapted to the needs of rural areas at the present stage. If some excess capacity or products are transported to agriculture and rural areas on the basis of the market, guided by demand and linked by policies, we can benefit from surplus and old, turn waste into treasure, and save resources. This is not only an important measure for industry to feed agriculture and cities to drive rural areas under the new normal, but also a new measure for agriculture to digest excess capacity and rural areas to provide space for transformation. It is necessary to use the available excess capacity or products as a valuable social wealth to feed agriculture and promote rural areas, and to make the best use of things; at the same time, the potential huge consumption demand in rural areas should be used to digest excess capacity and promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, making it an important force in promoting economic growth.

II. Innovate the concept of expanding rural consumption demand

In the context of the new normal of China's economic development, to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, we should first re-examine and treat the consumption demand in rural areas with a broader field of vision. At this stage, rural consumer demand shows more distinct characteristics than ever before, and plays a more important role than before. It can be said that rural demand is a treasure that can be brought into full play.

Rural demand is an important potential economic resource in China, which is phased, potential, sustainable and pluralistic. The potential and driving force of rural demand are huge and inestimable. The formation and change of rural demand depends on the orientation of agricultural and rural policies and the level of agricultural and rural economic development. It is precisely because of the success of China's agricultural and rural policies and effective macro-control that the potential of rural consumption demand has been cultivated, accumulated and formed. The rural demand of our country has a solid foundation, a wide range of fields, a wide variety and a huge scale. Whether it is modern agricultural construction, rural housing construction, agricultural and rural infrastructure construction, or rural ecological environment construction, agricultural product circulation system construction, and the development of rural social undertakings, there is a huge potential for consumption demand. We should develop the precious resource of rural consumer demand in the course of cultivation, utilize it in protection, expand it in utilization, and give full play to its role as a basic driving force for economic development under the new normal.

At present, China's rural consumer demand has undergone profound changes in both "quantity" and "quality". With the steady progress of the integration of urban and rural development, the accelerated pace of modern agricultural construction, the continuous improvement of farmers' income level, and the simultaneous improvement of the consumption level and quality of rural demand, the composition of rural consumption demand is more diversified and diversified than traditional consumption demand. the field of consumption is broadening day by day, the variety of consumption is increasing, and the level of consumption is obviously improved. In the aspect of modern agricultural consumption, the application of traditional technology and equipment is changing to modern material technology and equipment, agricultural technology is changing from individual application to assembly and integration, from low-level living security to high-level nutrition and health, from civil structure to brick structure and reinforced concrete structure, from scattered living to centralized rural community. In terms of consumption in village construction, it has changed from simple rural road construction to public service facilities construction, to beautification and greening, and pollution control. These profound changes in the quality and quantity of rural demand show that the total amount of rural demand is constantly expanding, and the pulling force of demand on the economy is gradually increasing. The rural areas release the consumption demand of economic transformation and upgrading, which is precisely the space and market for the transformation and upgrading of China's industries and enterprises. If we seize the changes in consumer demand in rural areas, we can create new driving forces and opportunities under the new normal of economic development.

The huge consumption demand in rural areas is an economic advantage unique to our country and incomparable to some countries. Our country is large, in which the agricultural and rural areas are large, and the demand for agricultural and rural areas is large. China's rural areas have a vast territory, a large population and a strong momentum of diversification of living consumption; the field of agriculture in China is broad and profound, and traditional agriculture is accelerating the transformation to modern agriculture, which releases a larger and more lasting consumption demand than traditional agriculture; the overall development of urban and rural areas in China is accelerated, new urbanization and new rural construction are organically combined, and there is a huge demand for rural infrastructure construction and ecological environment construction. With the continuous deepening of rural reform, the cultivation of new agricultural operators and management systems, such as family farms, farmers' cooperatives, industrial leading enterprises, and joint-stock cooperative economic organizations, and the gradual establishment of a new management system of intensification, scale, specialization and standardization, it is bound to release new consumer demand. All these will constitute the rural consumption demand with Chinese characteristics at the present stage. This is an extremely favorable condition for some industries and enterprises to cope with the challenges of international competition, overcome the market, resource and environmental pressures they are facing, and obtain transformation and upgrading, and revitalize development.

Third, use policies to link overcapacity with rural demand.

Policy is the guarantee to tap and release rural demand. At present, on the one hand, China's excess capacity and products urgently need to find a way out, on the other hand, the huge demand for agriculture and rural areas can not be met. To solve the gap between the way out and demand, the key is to formulate a series of policies and measures to release the potential of rural demand and effectively link excess capacity with consumer demand. Through effective policies and measures to expand demand, rural demand should be transformed into measures and forces to deal with the international economic downturn and insufficient demand, and rural demand should be transformed into the engine of economic transformation and upgrading, and rural demand should be transformed into a new growth point of the new normal economic development.

It is necessary to innovate policies and measures to expand consumption demand in rural areas. At present, China's economic development and agricultural and rural development are facing new opportunities and challenges. It is important to formulate policies and measures to tap and expand rural consumer demand. In recent years, in response to the global economic crisis and insufficient domestic demand, a number of policies have been formulated to expand domestic demand. However, it should be noted that the policies and measures to tap and expand rural demand are not enough, and some policies and measures do not fully meet the current needs of expanding rural demand. We should proceed from the actual needs of the current economic development, formulate and introduce some policies and measures to expand rural demand according to the structural changes and characteristics of rural demand.

The policy of expanding rural consumer demand should be regarded as an important part of the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers and rich farmers. With the economic development entering the new normal, the agricultural and rural development has also entered the new normal, with more restrictions such as the "price ceiling" of agricultural products, the "cost floor" of agricultural production, the capping of the "yellow box policy" of agricultural subsidies, and the "red light" of agricultural resources and ecology. the policy space in these areas is already very limited. Under such circumstances, it is suggested to study and formulate new policies and measures to expand rural consumer demand, which is an important choice to expand the space for rural policy development. First, to study and formulate policies and measures to support the reconstruction and construction of housing for rural residents. We will support rural residents to improve their living conditions and environment, and guide farmers to build new houses, plan rationally, save resources, occupy less arable land, and save energy and emissions. The second is to study and formulate supporting policies for rural highway and field road construction. The problem of the "last kilometer" of the highway construction from the rural township to the village and the rural field road construction has not yet been solved, and special input and support should be given as the focus of the national traffic project and rural infrastructure construction. The third is to study and formulate investment policies for high-standard farmland construction. We will strengthen the construction of high-standard farmland for drought and waterlogging, increase the investment in irrigation technology and equipment and water-saving facilities, and speed up the construction of high-standard farmland. The fourth is to study and formulate supporting policies for the construction of facility agriculture. Take facility agriculture as the focus of modern agricultural construction, support the development of facility vegetables and facility horticulture, and increase investment in the construction of modern agricultural demonstration areas and facility bases. Fifth, to study and formulate supporting policies for the construction of modern agricultural product circulation system. The construction of agricultural product circulation system in China lags behind. At present, the production capacity of agricultural products has increased significantly, and the circulation capacity has increased slowly, seriously restricting the level of integration of production, processing and marketing. We should formulate policies and measures to support the circulation system of modern agricultural products, promote the effective docking of production and marketing, and realize the balanced listing of agricultural products. The sixth is to study and formulate policies to support the development of new agricultural operators. The policy of supporting agricultural development is skewed towards the new type of agricultural operators, and we will increase support for new types of agricultural operators, such as large grain growers, family farms, farmers' cooperatives, leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, and joint-stock economic cooperation organizations. Seventh, to study and formulate policies and measures to support the construction of agricultural informatization. Agricultural informatization is an important part of modern agricultural construction. China's agricultural production, processing, management, circulation and other links of information and Internet of things application demand is huge. It is necessary to strengthen information construction, improve the decision-making ability of agricultural production, operation, and management, improve agricultural labor productivity and resource utilization, and enhance agricultural competitiveness. Eighth, to study and formulate policies for the protection and construction of the rural ecological environment. We will support the development of green agriculture, encourage the application of organic fertilizers and biological pesticides, and protect and compensate cultivated land and fresh water resources. Use policies to guide the disposal of garbage and pollution in rural areas, and support the "four reforms" in rural areas (improving water, stoves, toilets and circles). Guide the comprehensive processing and utilization of crop straw and vigorously develop agricultural biomass energy.