
Agricultural Modernization: what to do

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to see it: agriculture is the foundation of the state, and agricultural modernization is the foundation and support of national modernization. Due to the great influence of natural conditions and the introduction of modern elements from the outside, agricultural modernization has more restrictive factors and more complex process, which is a slow variable in modernization.

What do you think:

Agriculture is the foundation of the state, and agricultural modernization is the foundation and support of national modernization. Due to the great influence of natural conditions and the introduction of modern elements from the outside, agricultural modernization has more restrictive factors and more complex process, which is not only a "slow variable" in modernization, but also a "key variable". The situation of agricultural modernization determines the process of modernization of the whole country to a great extent.

Looking around the world today, we can see that those economically developed countries have a high level of agricultural modernization, while none of those countries with backward agriculture and poor farmers have really achieved modernization. Although China's agricultural modernization has made great progress in recent years, it still lags behind compared with the rapid industrialization and urbanization, and has become a prominent "deficiency" of modernization. Compared with the international advanced level, there is still a big gap in China's agricultural modernization. The 18th CPC National Congress put forward the development strategy of "simultaneous modernization of the four modernizations". The sooner the "deficiency" of agricultural modernization is made up, the better, otherwise it will be a drag on the whole modernization.

What to do:

Agricultural modernization is the foundation and support of national modernization. At present, it still highlights the "deficiency", and the key and difficult points of building a well-off society in an all-round way are still in rural areas. China's economic development has entered a new normal, and accelerating agricultural modernization is of great significance to stable growth, structural adjustment and the benefit of the people's livelihood. Tapping the consumption potential of the largest group of farmers can give better play to the basic role of consumption; agricultural and rural infrastructure and public services are backward, there is a huge demand for new investment, and making good use of this space can give better play to the key role of investment; expanding and strengthening the agricultural industry can form many new industries, new business type, new models, and cultivate new economic growth points.

Li Keqiang talked about it at the 2014 Central Rural work Conference.

Agricultural and rural work should fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third and fourth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the scientific concept of development as the guidance, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, actively adapt to the new normal of economic development, and continue to deepen rural reform in an all-round way in accordance with the general requirements of stabilizing grain income, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and innovation-driven. We will comprehensively promote the construction of the rule of law in rural areas, promote the simultaneous development of new industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, strive to tap new potential in improving grain production capacity, and open up new ways to optimize the agricultural structure. we will seek new breakthroughs in changing the mode of agricultural development, achieve new results in increasing farmers' income, take new steps in building a new countryside, and provide strong support for sustained and healthy economic and social development.

-- extracted from "some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization"

What do you think:

There are two "ceilings": at present, the prices of major domestic agricultural products are already higher than the import prices, and they will encounter a "ceiling" if they continue to raise prices; some of the agricultural subsidies belong to the "yellow box" policy category and are restricted by WTO rules. some subsidies continue to increase and also encounter "ceilings".

Two "hoop spells": the ecological environment is seriously damaged, the carrying capacity is getting closer and closer to the limit; the intensity of resource development and utilization is too strong, and the strings are getting tighter and tighter.

To realize the sustainable and stable development of agriculture, there is no other way but to accelerate agricultural modernization and promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, from relying on the extensive management of resource consumption, agricultural material input and ecological environment, to intensive management that pays attention to improving quality and efficiency as soon as possible.

What to do:

Improve the effectiveness of agricultural subsidy policies. To increase farmers' income, we must improve the national support and protection system for agriculture. We will maintain the continuity and stability of agricultural subsidy policies, gradually expand the scale and scope of the "green box" support policy, adjust and improve the "yellow box" support policy, and give full play to the effect of the policy on increasing farmers' income. We will continue to implement policies such as direct subsidies for grain farmers, subsidies for improved varieties, subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials. Some localities will be selected to carry out pilot reforms to improve the orientation and effectiveness of subsidies. We will improve the policy of subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, tilt towards the main producing areas and new types of agricultural operators, and expand the scope of subsidies for the purchase of water-saving irrigation equipment. We will implement the policy of subsidies for the popularization of major technical measures in agricultural production. We will implement financial incentives and subsidies in major grain and oil production counties, grain crop seed production counties, pig production counties, and cattle and sheep breeding counties. We will expand the scope of awards and subsidies for modern agricultural demonstration zones. We will improve the system of interest compensation, cultivated land protection compensation and ecological compensation in major grain producing areas.

We will improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products. To increase farmers' income, we must maintain a reasonable level of prices of agricultural products. We will continue to implement the policy of minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat and improve the policy of temporary procurement and storage of important agricultural products. Summarize the pilot experience of soybean target price reform in Xinjiang, Northeast and Inner Mongolia, improve subsidy methods, reduce operating costs, and ensure that subsidy funds are cashed in full and timely to farmers. We will actively carry out pilot projects for the price insurance of agricultural products. We will rationally determine the reserve scale of important agricultural products such as grain, cotton, sugar and meat. We will improve the adjustment mechanism for the handling of national grain reserves and strengthen the supervision of grain reserves. We will implement the plan to increase the scale of local grain reserves, establish a storage system for important commodity trading enterprises, and improve the storage system for sugar-making enterprises. Use modern information technology to improve the statistical survey of planting area and output, and improve the methods of cost and price monitoring.

Strengthen agro-ecological governance. We will implement the overall plan for the treatment of outstanding problems in the agricultural environment and the plan for sustainable development of agriculture. We will strengthen the control of agricultural non-point source pollution, carry out in-depth soil testing and formula fertilization, vigorously promote bio-organic fertilizers, low-toxic and low-residual pesticides, and carry out regional demonstrations on the resource utilization of straw, livestock and poultry manure and the recovery of residual film in farmland. enjoy the relevant fiscal and taxation policies in accordance with the regulations. We will implement the environmental impact assessment system for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding and vigorously promote the development of agricultural circular economy. We will continue to implement the subsidy and incentive policy for grassland ecological protection, and carry out pilot projects for the sustainable development of agriculture and animal husbandry in arid areas of northwest China, the management of reclaimed grasslands in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry, and the protection of black land in Northeast China. Increase the proliferation and protection of aquatic biological resources. We will establish and improve the water resources demonstration system for planning and construction projects and the national water resources supervision system. We will vigorously promote water-saving technologies and comprehensively implement regional large-scale, efficient and water-saving irrigation actions. We will strengthen the prevention and control of water pollution and the protection of water ecology. We will implement a new round of projects of returning farmland to forests and grasslands.

-- extracted from "some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization"

What do you think:

At present, the average household management land in China is only more than 7 mu, which belongs to ultra-small scale in the world. With the change of environmental conditions, small-scale operation is becoming more and more limited. in order to develop agriculture, we must break through the limitation of small scale of operation. Moderate scale operation is not only the conscious choice of farmers, but also the only way of agricultural modernization. Land circulation is an important way of moderate scale operation of agriculture. The opinions issued by the central government on guiding the orderly transfer of rural land management rights to develop appropriate scale operation of agriculture clearly put forward that farmers should be encouraged to transfer contracted land in various ways in accordance with the law, and local governments should be encouraged to implement support policies for land transfer. All localities should correctly understand and implement the spirit of the central authorities, actively guide and provide good services, refrain from coercion and orders, and refrain from making decisions for farmers, so that farmers can become conscious participants and real beneficiaries of land circulation and moderate scale operation.

Promoting the moderate scale operation of agriculture can not be simply understood as the expansion of the scale of land management, let alone equated with land merger. On this issue, as long as it is in line with state laws and policies and the direction of reform, the peasant masses welcome it, and we should encourage and support it in any form. It should also be noted that for quite a long time to come, small-scale farmers will still account for the majority, and attention should be paid to helping them solve the practical difficulties they are facing.

What to do:

For large-scale operators such as family farms, we should strengthen guidance and standardization in the direction of management, give priority to grain and agriculture, do not engage in "non-grain", and resolutely prohibit the "non-agricultural" of cultivated land, so as to make land circulation become a powerful weapon to improve the comprehensive production capacity of grain and agriculture, and better ensure the country's food security.

A variety of ways can be adopted to develop moderate scale operation of agriculture. In many places, moderate scale operation has been achieved without the transfer of land. For example, some have expanded the area of production and operation by means of land share cooperation and association or land trusteeship. Some through leading enterprises to sign orders with farmers or cooperatives to carry out production in accordance with standards and requirements, achieving economies of scale. Some have achieved the effect of regional scale operation by developing large agricultural machinery households, agricultural machinery cooperatives, circulation cooperatives, and other forms of agricultural socialized services, implementing "several unification" of seed and fertilizer supply, agricultural machinery operation, production management, and product sales.

Li Keqiang talked about it at the 2014 Central Rural work Conference.

We will speed up the construction of a new agricultural management system. Adhere to and improve the basic management system in rural areas, adhere to the dominant position of farmers' families, guide the standardized and orderly circulation of land management rights, innovate the mode of land circulation and scale operation, and actively develop various forms of moderate scale operation. Improve the degree of organization of farmers. We will encourage the development of household farms of moderate scale and improve the support and service system for the main bodies of large-scale operation of grain production. We will guide farmers' specialized cooperatives to expand their service areas, promote standardized development, implement the annual report publicity system, and further promote the establishment of demonstration cooperatives. We will promote the construction of demonstration bases for agricultural industrialization and the transformation and upgrading of leading enterprises. Guide farmers to buy shares in cooperatives and leading enterprises with the right of land management. Industrial and commercial capital is encouraged to develop modern farming, processing and circulation of agricultural products and socialized agricultural services suitable for enterprise operation. The transfer of land management rights should respect the wishes of farmers and should not be rigidly set targets or forced to promote. Measures for access and supervision of industrial and commercial capital leasing of agricultural land shall be formulated as soon as possible, and unauthorized change of agricultural use is strictly prohibited.

-- extracted from "some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization"

What do you think:

China is one of the countries with the highest degree of agricultural openness in the world, and agriculture is deeply integrated into the international market. This not only has rare opportunities and favorable conditions for agricultural modernization, but also has various risks and challenges. If you do a good job, there will be wind coming from all directions, or it may be an ambush on all sides. We must judge the hour and size up the situation, plan scientifically, and maximize advantages and avoid disadvantages. It is necessary to increase the introduction of foreign key technologies, management experience, germplasm resources, and high-level scientific research personnel. We should properly regulate the scale and pace of the import and export of agricultural products to prevent impact on the domestic market and agricultural production. It is necessary to promote agriculture to "go out" and cultivate a number of internationally competitive grain merchants and agricultural enterprises.

What to do:

Improve the ability to make overall use of two kinds of resources in both international and domestic markets. We will strengthen the regulation and control of the import and export of agricultural products, actively support the export of superior agricultural products, and grasp the scale and rhythm of the import of agricultural products. We will improve the management of import and export and tariff quotas of important agricultural products such as grain, cotton and sugar, and strictly implement the policy of sliding quasi-tax on cotton. Severely crack down on the smuggling of agricultural products. We will improve the trade policy of the border mutual market. We will support stronger trade in agricultural products and speed up the cultivation of internationally competitive agricultural enterprise groups. We will improve the system of inter-ministerial joint meetings on agricultural foreign cooperation and step up efforts to formulate plans for agricultural foreign cooperation. We will innovate the model of agricultural cooperation with foreign countries, focus on strengthening cooperation in the processing, storage and transportation of agricultural products, and trade, support the development of overseas agricultural cooperation, promote the construction of science and technology demonstration parks, and provide services such as technical training, demonstration of scientific research achievements, and brand promotion. We will improve policies on investment, finance and taxation, finance, insurance, trade, customs clearance, inspection and quarantine that support agricultural cooperation with foreign countries, and implement policies to support the exit of agricultural equipment and agricultural inputs needed for agricultural production abroad. Give full play to the role of information services, legal consultation and dispute arbitration organized by various chambers of commerce.

-- extracted from "some opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization"