
Agricultural modernization should be driven by innovation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The meeting on the simultaneous Development of Agricultural Modernization and New urbanization pointed out that we should give full play to the radiative and driving role of new urbanization on agricultural modernization. To break the urban-rural dual structure and promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, it is necessary to make the elements flow freely between urban and rural areas, and public resources in

Agricultural Modernization should develop synchronously with New urbanization

The meeting pointed out that we should give full play to the radiative and driving role of the new type of urbanization on agricultural modernization. To break the urban-rural dual structure and promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, it is necessary to make the free flow of elements between urban and rural areas and the balanced allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas. From the point of view of the flow of factors, not only the rural labor force flows to the city, but also the modern production factors of the city flow to the countryside. Agricultural modernization should develop synchronously with the new type of urbanization. The new type of urbanization emphasizes people-oriented, especially the solution of the problem of "three 100 million people", which will contribute to the citizenization of migrant farmers, promote the urbanization rate calculated on the basis of registered population, and help to alleviate the contradiction between people and land in rural areas. promote agricultural modernization. The flow of urban modern production factors to agriculture and rural areas, especially technology and management to rural areas, will promote the development of agricultural modernization. Agricultural modernization provides a solid foundation for the development of new urbanization.

New rural construction and new urbanization should also be developed at the same time. Practice has proved that it is not a new type of urbanization that naturally brings a new countryside. In many places, prosperous cities and backward rural areas coexist. Therefore, in the process of attaching importance to new urbanization, we should also pay attention to the construction of new countryside. In the construction of new countryside, some places attach importance to the construction of things, but relatively ignore the construction of people. The 2014 Central Rural work Conference put forward that it is necessary to speed up the improvement of living environment, improve the quality of farmers, and promote the construction of "material new countryside" and "human new countryside" side by side. In order to promote the transformation of rural labor force from human resources to human capital, it is necessary to increase investment in rural human capital. The most important thing is to educate farmers. Agricultural modernization needs a new type of farmers who understand technology and management. With the promotion of citizenization of migrant farmers, the quality of migrant farmers determines the level of industrial workers and the quality of urban population, which also determines China's international competitiveness. In order to continuously improve the quality of farmers and migrant farmers, what the government should do is to train farmers. Technical and other vocational training for farmers has increasingly become an important and urgent task. We will promote the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas, gradually unify the social security system for urban and rural residents, and enable farmers and urban residents to share the fruits of reform and opening up. South Korean new village construction proposes to cultivate the same spirit of farmers' self-reliance and self-improvement, and China's new rural construction should also pay attention to the cultivation of farmers' self-reliance and self-improvement spirit. While promoting new urbanization and new rural construction, China also has an important task of poverty alleviation. Only by constantly improving the living standards of the poor can we achieve the goal of being well-off in an all-round way.

Innovation is the Power Source of Agricultural Modernization

The meeting put forward the general requirements of "stabilizing grain income, improving quality and efficiency, and driving innovation". Since the reform and opening up, the development of agricultural and rural economy comes from the creation of farmers, the rural household contract responsibility system is the creation of farmers, township enterprises and agricultural industrialization are also the creation of farmers. now the moderate scale operation of agriculture is also the creation of farmers. The promotion of agricultural modernization and new urbanization also depends on the creation of farmers. The 2014 Central Rural work Conference stressed that to promote agricultural modernization and a new type of urbanization, we must adhere to people-oriented, stimulate farmers' creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial vitality, and create a vivid situation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

With the economic transformation of our country, innovation has become an important driving force of economic development. The same is true of agricultural and rural economic development. During his research in Fujian in November 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and to seek vitality, motivation, outlet and efficiency from innovation. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to focus on building modern agriculture with characteristics, strive to tap new potential in improving grain production capacity, open up new ways to optimize agricultural structure, seek new breakthroughs in changing the mode of agricultural development, achieve new results in promoting farmers' income, and take new steps in building a new countryside. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the "five new" of agriculture cannot be driven by innovation, for example, the improvement of grain production capacity depends on scientific and technological innovation, the adjustment of agricultural structure also depends on scientific and technological support, and the transformation from production-oriented to consumption-oriented; changing the mode of agricultural development, the development of resource-saving and environment-friendly agriculture needs innovation. In order to increase farmers' income, it is necessary to develop appropriate scale operation, and the exploration of appropriate scale operation of agriculture should give full play to the pioneering spirit of grass-roots and the masses; material new countryside and human new countryside go hand in hand, especially to make farmers become professional farmers and higher-quality urban industrial workers need innovation.

The government should create an environment for innovation. Innovation needs a fair and just market economic environment, and the reform should be comprehensively deepened in accordance with the direction of the socialist market economy. Only through reform can we bring forth the vitality of all labor, knowledge, technology, management and capital, fully flow all sources of social wealth, and make the fruits of development benefit all people more equitably. Governments at all levels should guide, support and guarantee innovation in terms of systems and mechanisms. As pointed out at the rural work conference, the development of appropriate scale operation should be encouraged and supported by the masses of farmers as long as it conforms to the laws and regulations of the state and the direction of reform. Only by creating an atmosphere of innovation can the driving force of innovation be brought into full play.

Rule of Law is the fundamental guarantee of Agricultural Modernization

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to enhance the awareness of reform and innovation and the thinking of the rule of law, improve and implement the responsibility system, earnestly strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations in rural areas, and bring up an excellent contingent of cadres of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers." To promote agricultural modernization, we must govern the country according to law. It is necessary to speed up the improvement of the agricultural and rural legal system and be good at promoting the modernization of agricultural and rural areas with the thinking of the rule of law. Reform should be based on the law and there is a law to follow. The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward the task of deepening agricultural and rural reform, such as giving farmers more property rights, equal exchange of urban and rural elements, and so on. In order to truly implement these reforms, we must first amend the relevant laws and regulations before they can be implemented. In the management of agriculture and rural areas, administrative organs must adhere to their legal duties and cannot do so without authorization by law. It is necessary to cultivate farmers' awareness of the rule of law and promote the management of villages according to law. We will carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law, and guide farmers to consciously abide by the law, find the law in case of trouble, and rely on the law to solve problems.

Rural grass-roots party organizations are the guarantee of rural reform, development and stability. Practice has proved that all well-developed rural areas have a strong rural grass-roots party organization. The promotion of agricultural modernization is also inseparable from the strong rural grass-roots party organizations. The 2014 Central Rural work Conference proposed to continuously enhance the creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of service-oriented party organizations at the grass-roots level in rural areas, so as to provide a strong guarantee for agricultural modernization. It is necessary to give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress in promoting the rule of law, strengthen grass-roots cadres' concept of the legal system, and improve their ability to handle affairs according to law. It is necessary to give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations and villagers' committees in the rural economy and society, build an all-round well-off society, and realize the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.